Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 401 Ferocious

"I will not leave you!" Han Zixin said as he ran after her. She screamed and ran to the master bedroom. Since he was running very fast, it was difficult for her to save herself from him. While entering the bed, she forgot to lock it. As he entered behind her, she got on the bed and held a pillow in her hand as if it was her armor against the man who was running behind her. It was stupid and she knew it but it was useful to some extent. She did not know why she felt this way but she did and it all mattered to her. 

"Hey, Zixin! Let's finalize a truce, "An Xiulan said like a good lawyer that she was. "I will not blame you for starting this game. I will forgive you!"

"How kind of you, Attorney An Xiulan, "Han Zixin said sarcastically. Seriously, did she think that he was a child born yesterday? She had half the role in starting this. And there was no way he would let her go like this. She bit his neck. He had to mark her too. How could she do it and he could not? She never let him do this to her! 

An Xiulan flipped her hair in a dramatic manner and said, "I know I am kind. Let's agree on a truce quickly and act like adults."

See how kind, she was being even to a mean. God must have been very satisfied when he created her, right? Or else how could someone be this good? 

Han Zixin knew too well what she must be thinking in her mind and said, "Oh too bad, I want to act like a child. The adult in me died when I met you this evening."

"You stay away from me!" She said as he grinned like a devil and got up on the bed. She threw a pillow at him but he effortlessly grabbed it and threw it behind him. She got another pillow and threw it at him again. This happened until there was the last pillow left on the bed. He gave the same treatment to all the pillows and cushions thrown at her. No discrimination with anyone at all! 

Suddenly, he had pinned her against the bedpost and was staring at her. Her big doe eyes were staring back at him with no fear in it. Of course, he knew when she was doing drama and when she was seriously scared. 

"You marked my neck. Now it is your time, "Han Zixin announced. 

"Don't be ridiculous, "She whispered. 

"Try me, baby, "Han Zixin whispered back. He dipped her head but before his lips could touch her neck, she pushed him on the bed and pressed her lips against him. He did not struggle against her actions and pulled her over him. His hands were locking her waist against him as he kissed her back. 

The kiss came all ferociously. There was nothing gentle about the kiss. It was unlike the first kiss they had in the kitchen. He was trying to take control and she was not giving him a chance to dominate her. It was a war of tongues. From clumsy kisses to passionate makeout, they had come a long way. 

The kiss came all ferociously. There was nothing gentle about the kiss. It was unlike the first kiss they had in the kitchen. He was trying to take control and she was not giving him a chance to dominate her. It was a war of tongues. From clumsy kisses to passionate makeout, they had come a long way. 

Her hands were holding his shirt tightly. She was trying to feel more of his skin. Their teeth clashed as nobody was ready to let go of control. Her bosoms were pressed against his hard chest as she moved a little, he felt something soft moving against him and he froze for a moment. She took advantage of the moment to take control of the kiss and then it was her leading the kiss as he was busy feeling something else that felt velvety and soft against him. 

When the kiss ended, they gasped for breath. As they had a mouthful of air, she felt his stubble against his neck and she squirmed against him. The feeling of his stubble against her neck was delicious as well as ticklish but the feeling of deliciousness won in the end. As he realized the effect that he was having on her, he nuzzled his nose against her nose and she lightly moaned. Soon, his tongue was licking the spot behind her ear. It was her sensitive spot and her body was responding in favor. As he knew her sensitive point now, his tongue trailed from her ear to her neck, she was lost in another paradise. Soon, the licks changed into small kisses. He was showering small kisses all over her throat and neck. She was responding fully at this time. 

She let out a big moan when he sucked on her neck. Her eyes widened and she felt her body feeling something so sensitive that she could not describe it in words. Her legs weakened in a delicious way as he sucked her neck and collarbone.

While An Xiulan was lost in pleasure, she had no idea about the map he was creating on her neck and collarbone. She had no idea that the hickeys were not created by bites but by these delicious sucking on the skin. 

"Baby, "Han Zixin whispered in her ear as she moaney. She tried to open her dazed eyes to look at him. When she opened her eyes, she found his beautiful brown eyes staring at her tenderly. 

She locked her arms around his neck and rolled on the bed, making him above her this time. She closed her eyes once again and initiated another kiss. He responded equally. Unlike the previous kiss, this one was softer in comparison. He was giving her sweet time to kiss him. When the kiss broke this time, he scooped up in his arms and laid her on the other side of the bed. 

"Huh?" An Xiulan looked at him as she did not understand what happened. He went down the bed and got all the pillows and made her head fall on one before jumping to the other side of the bed. He pulled her closer to him. Her back was touching her chest and his arm was on her waist. 

"Goodnight, baby, "Han Zixin whispered in her ear. She wanted to turn back to look at him but he did not let her turn back. 

Soon An Xiulan stopped resisting. She closed her eyes and did not realize when she fell asleep. The only thing she knew was that when she woke up, it was already daylight. She was entangled around him like a vine. The curtains were closed but her morning alarm woke her up. She quickly stopped her alarm as she didn't want him to wake up this soon with her. 

She had this dying urge to keep kissing his face until he woke up but she was confused too as she did not want him to wake up and keep staring at his sleeping face. His sleeping face was the most gorgeous thing she had seen. He was so peaceful in sleep. When god made her man, He poured so much beauty in him that he was not just internally but externally beautiful too. 

She inwardly sighed. She could not stop staring at him. Thankfully, it was the weekend and she did not have to worry about running to work. She could spend time with him without any worries. She felt him tightening his arms around her and she wrapped her arms around his waist too. 

"Good morning, "Han Zixin whispered in her ear. 

She looked at him as he opened his beautiful sleepy honey eyes and she smiled widely at the scene, "Good morning."

He leaned ahead and kissed her forehead. "It is so good to see your face first thing in the morning."

An Xiulan smiled. "You look at my face everyday."

"How?" Han Zixin asked her. "Whenever you wake up, you check your phone and I am your wallpaper. How can you not see me?"

Han Zixin laughed. She waa right. He really looked at her face every morning. His days started and ended with her. 

"But your picture can't come close to this, "Han Zixin said. 

"Mr Han, are you saying I am not beautiful in pictures? I am always beautiful, "An Xiulan said, rolling her eyes. 

Han Zixin laughed and kissed her mouth, "You are. But I can't do this with pictures."

An Xiulan blushed and hid her face in his chest. "You are annoying."

"I love you, "Han Zixin said. He did not usually say these three words. Most of the time, he would be showing his feelings to her with his actions but sometimes he just wished to tell her that he was helplessly and hopelessly in love with her and there was no control over it. 

An Xiulan smiled tenderly and replied, "I love you more."

Her reply actually made her chuckle and she didn't even know why he laughed. 

"Why are you laughing?" An Xiulan asked him. 

"Because it is a beautiful morning?" He suggested. 

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