
Chapter 201 Lila

Looking at the sudden string of the word 'Simp', Christian chuckled and spoke "It's impossible for an animal to be tamed by force alone, you need to give it love just like a human, believe it or not, they are very intelligent."

"And your tiger?"

"He ate it"

"He better eat me"


Rolling his eyes, Christian looked up and shouted "Kitty, are you around?"


"Meow~" Rushing over to Christian, Kitty jumped onto his lap and purred as she rubbed her head against his chest.

"Here's my cute Kitty" Stroking the tiger's ears, Christian looked at the camera and smiled "You know Kitty is good friends with Lilith? I usually see them playing together, in fact, Lilith makes sure the birds don't eat little Kitty."

"Friendship between a tiger and a snake?"

"Who names a tiger after Kitty?"

"Millionaires, you wouldn't understand them."

Slowly lowering herself down to Christian's shoulder, Lilith stared at the tiger rubbing against Christian, then brought her head close and tapped him lightly "Hisss~"

"Meow~?" Turning her head, Kitty stared at Lilith, then raised her little paw and swatted Lilith's head "Meow!"

"..." Watching the little scuffle with a soft smile, Christian simply petted his two girls.

"Shit, they really are friends!"

"How much has he tortured those two animals..."

"Who the fuck is this heavy woman and why is she called PeacefulFish?"

"I don't know, but I'm reporting her for hateful content."

"Great idea."

"What desperate women."


Watching as the comments quickly scroll down and at the same time fight amongst themselves, Christian blinks for a few seconds and speaks "I'll go, I have to go torture more animals and lead my supremacist movement, long live the flesh"

Cutting off the transmission, Christian looks at the cell phone and mutters "What a strange experience."

"*Sigh* I feel sick already" Looking down at his shaking hands, Christian gets up from the couch and walks through the house, then reaches Eva's work room and walks towards her.

Looking at the quietly working woman with a serious face, Christian bit his lips and walked towards her, then stood behind her and crouched down to her level.

"Mommy~" Whispering sensuously in her ear, Christian began to move his hands down Eva's stomach, then slipping them under her pants and gently touching his mother's fleshy lower lips "I'm hungry~"

Pulling off her glasses while biting her lips, Eva moans lightly and whispers hotly "Let's go to the bedroom"

"As you wish~"


4 days later.

Killeen, Texas.

Stepping off the helicopter, Christian nodded towards the pilot and looked at the luxurious Roll Royce in front of him, then adjusted his suit and walked towards her.

"It's nice to see you again, Christian Grey, or should I call you Lucifer?"

"Lucifer is nicer" Looking at the voluptuous woman in front of him, Christian smiled and continued "I didn't know I would have the country's advisor accompanying me today."

"We can't just let any person handle a person as important as you" Smiling meekly, Lila opened the vehicle door and bowed "Please, come in"

Looking at the large breasts showing through Lila's tight dress, Christian smiled beautifully and spoke "You are a very polite woman, thank you very much~"

Climbing in after Christian, Lila sat down next to him and crossed her legs elegantly, then turned to Christian and spoke "It was a long trip, do you want to stop by for a rest first or a bite to eat?"

Looking at his watch, Christian nodded "I think so, it's already 8pm, how about we go get something to eat?"

"You took my words away" Smiling, Lila speaks towards the driver "We drive towards the mansion."

Raising his eyebrows as the vehicle began its movement, Christian looked at the woman with interest and asked "Mansion?"

"This town doesn't have restaurants that are up to your standards, so I prepared a Chef at a mansion I have nearby, I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all, I appreciate the consideration" Looking in the rear view mirror out of the corner of his eye, Christian casually commented "Looks like it will be a safe trip."

Increasing her smile a little more, Lila looked out the rear window of the vehicle, finding 4 dots in the sky following them from a distance, apart from 3 vehicles coming with quite a few meters of distance.

"It's for our safety, keep in mind that I have responsibilities in the country, this protection is mandatory."

"You don't need to give me explanations, it was just an innocent comment."

Chatting irrelevant topics for 35 minutes, Christian finally arrived at a beautifully lit 2-story house next to a river.

[Photo Here]

Getting out of the vehicle, Lila stretched her hand towards Christian and smiled "If I may?"

"Thank you~" Smiling, Christian takes Lila's slender and soft hand, then getting out of the vehicle and looking around the place "It's a nice house"

"I usually come here to calm my mind, we don't have neighbors and we have a lot of nature nearby to appreciate" Letting go of Christian's hand, Lila looks at the man and speaks "Let's go?"

"Sure" Walking along with Lila, Christian stealthily looked around and smiled seeing no security nearby, as the vehicle that brought them suddenly drove off.

Opening the door to the house, Lila speaks "Welcome to my humble home."

Stepping into the house, Christian analyzes the whole place and nods with satisfaction "You have a comfortable environment, it's a good house to relax in"

"Thank you" Nodding slightly, Lila closes the door and starts walking, being instantly followed by Christian.

Arriving in the living room, Christian looks at the door connecting to the patio and sees a small candlelit table facing the river, while a woman dressed in white was cooking elegantly in front of the table.

Following Lila silently, Christian passes around the large pool and arrives at the small table.

Pulling out the chair, Lila bowed slightly and spoke "Please have a seat."

"Thank you~" Smiling sweetly, Christian sat up straight and adjusted his posture to give a more refined look 'I never thought I'd use this knowledge so quickly.'

Sitting down across from Christian, Lila crossed her legs and looked at Chef, then nodded towards her.

Wiping the sweat from her brow with a cloth, a woman of about 39 years old walks towards Christian and sets a plate in front of him "At Madame Lila's request, we have as dinner Italian white truffle accompanied with sautéed mushrooms topped with White Stilton Gold cheese"

Opening a silver tray in front of Christian, the woman continued "For a change we have Ecuadorian shrimp sautéed with a pinch of pepper, while next to it you see the famous seafood from Asia, the Avalon."

Opening another tray, the woman continued "To taste we also have Caviar Almas accompanied with a white sauce, my specialty."

Looking at the small table with such elegant food, Christian thought 'All this food should cost at least 8000 dollars... Lila really took this little gathering seriously'.

"It all looks very exquisite" Leaving his thoughts, Christian smiles cheerfully and nods towards the woman "Thank you for your efforts"

"That would be all, thank you for your time" Looking towards the woman, Lila spoke with a slight smile, clearly indicating to leave.

Bowing slightly, the woman left the place silently, leaving Christian and Lila completely alone.

Picking up an elegant looking bottle of wine, Lila removed the cork with ease and asked "Wine?"

"You know I'm underage, don't you?"

"Does that matter?"

"Not at all" Taking his glass, Christian stretched it towards Lila and spoke "Please~"

Smiling slightly, Lila slowly pours wine into Christian's glass, then pours herself and sets the bottle down on the table.

Taking a small sip of wine, Christian narrowed his eyes in satisfaction and spoke "I must say this elegant meal took me by surprise, more so seeing 2 of my favorite foods on this table, shrimp and mushroom, as for the others, I never tasted it."

"A pleasant surprise?" taking a small sip of wine, Lila raised an eyebrow and asked.

"You could say, first we have to see how the dinner will end to give you a rating."

"Fair enough."

Looking at the food in front of him, Christian begins to ladle a little bit of everything onto his plate, then eating as he casually chatted with Lila about unimportant topics.

After about 30 minutes and 4 glasses of wine, Christian's cheeks were already a little flushed and he spoke "Will you tell me at some point what this meal means?"

"It's just a way of expressing my goodwill, do you dislike it?"

"Not at all, I find you quite agreeable" Skewering a shrimp, Christian popped it into his mouth and smiled with satisfaction "This is exquisite, especially the white truffles, I think I'll have to buy a few kilos."

"I have some in my stash, I can give you a few kilos if you want them."

"You are a very sweet woman, aren't you?"

"That's the first time I've ever been told that" Having a more relaxed smile, Lila rested her arm on the table and sipped quietly from her wine.

"Lila, was this a welcome planned by your mother-in-law?"

"Not at all, in fact I haven't told anyone about this."

"You're very bold."

"They tell me every day."

Gently swirling his wine glass, Christian looked at the river beside him calmly, then looked up at the moon above him and smiled "I noticed you're not wearing your wedding ring, Everything okay with your husband?"

Looking at her finger, Lila sighed and looked up at the moon "We are going through a difficult situation, you could say we are staying together now because of our children."

"How old are they?"

"The boy is the oldest, 8 years old, while the girl is already 6 years old."

"Is it difficult to raise them?"

"Not at all, but to be honest I don't spend a lot of time at home, usually they are taken care of by the staff or my husband."

"How long have you been married?"

"9 years."

"May I know your age?"

"I turn 33 in two months"

Raising an eyebrow, Christian smiles playfully "You look pretty good to be over 30, I thought you were about 28"

"It's thanks to the sport I guess"

"They say it helps" Taking another sip of wine, Christian continues "9 years married, that's quite a long time"

"Seems like I just got married yesterday"

"You got married at a pretty young age."

"You haven't thought about getting married? Usually you find your partner during this age."

"I don't plan on getting married, I don't plan on starting a 'serious' relationship during this time either, I have many goals and it would just be a distraction."

"I understand your thinking, but sometimes one just needs to have some way to relax, meet new people or maybe find someone to be yourself with"

Raising an eyebrow slightly, Christian just smiled silently and glanced sideways at the woman next to him 'The whole dinner had an ambiguous atmosphere and she's already carrying several suggestive comments, what a funny woman.'

"But you have your husband to be yourself, how bad is the relationship between you two?"

"It's supposed to be a secret, but I have no problem telling you... the truth is that we don't even share a bed anymore, today we each do our own thing and that's it."

"It's a shame, haven't you thought about divorce? I'm sure your children will understand."

"I've been thinking about it, but we'll see in the future, you understand the political and business environment, it's not a wise decision to separate at this time."

Glancing at his watch for a moment, Christian smiled and pulled a card out of his pocket, then stretched it out to Lila and smiled "For you"

Raising her eyebrows, Lila looked at the card with interest.

"It's my personal number, you can contact me anytime."

"I'm flattered" Pocketing the card with a smile, Lila replied.

"You should, only a handful of people have my private number" Gently wiping his mouth, Christian slowly stands up and comments "I feel tired, could you direct me where to sleep?"

"Gladly" Wiping her mouth, Lila stands up and speaks "Come with me."

Following the woman silently, Christian couldn't help but walk a little slower to look at the beautiful ass in front of him secretly.

After walking for a few minutes, Christian reached the second floor and they finally stopped in front of a door "This is the guest room, it's fully equipped with everything you might need, although I don't have any men's clothes."

"That's okay, I have my clothes stored in the helicopter" Looking at the room, Christian nods and walks in, then turns to Lila and speaks "It was a nice dinner, see you tomorrow"

"I'll be in the next room if you need anything, feel free to come in"

"I'll keep that in mind" Smiling slightly, Christian stares into the woman's eyes and slowly closes the door, then turns and whispers "It's tempting, but let's make it more fun."




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