Rise of Humanity

Chapter 81 Melody In The Forest

Chapter 81 Melody In The Forest

The scarlet Coral Tree is indeed a soul weapon that is truly not bad!

Zhong Yue took shelter in the monastery of the Falcon Ridge for a few days. He carefully cogitate on the Coral Tree and praised in his heart as although this Coral Tree may not be as strong as his Fang Blade, it was more flexible than the Fang Blade.

If he triggered the Coral Tree, eighteen extremely sharp Sword Qis would shoot out and dance in the air like willow tree branches.

After a few days of cogitation, Zhong Yue was able to understand the secrets behind this Coral Tree. With that, he could handle the Coral Tree as easily as waving his hands.

He wielded the coral tree and eighteen Sword Qis immediately flew up and danced in the air. Although they were moving swiftly and erratically like a chaotic whirlwind,, their synergized coordination was apparent in how they didn’t clash with one another.

Zhong Yue then flicked his fingers and launched the Xiang Dragon Sword Qi. The Xiang Dragon Sword Qi flew horizontally and clashed with the eighteen Sword Qi of the Coral Tree. As they collided, loud noises could be heard and the eighteen Coral Tree Sword Qis were shattered apart by the Xiang Dragon Sword Qi!

“The quality of the Coral Tree Sword Qi is not as high as expected, they are not as good as the Xiang Dragon Sword Qi and the wood elemental sword energy that I cultivated. However, they are slightly superior in terms of quantity. These eighteen Sword Qi must have been cultivated by Sun Xiao? Return!”

Zhong Yue continued triggering the Coral Tree and the shattered Sword Qi began to return back into the Coral Tree.

Xin Huo sat on his shoulder and voiced out his opinion, “This could only be sufficient to deal with average Qi Practitioners. If you use this to fight against the stronger Qi Practitioners, the result will definitely be very ugly.”

Zhong Yue nodded and replied, “If I could merge my Xiang Dragon Sword Qi and Wood Sword Qi into the coral tree, then the power of this Coral Tree could be increased!”

However, as he had just became a Qi Practitioner recently, he knew nothing of the processes of soul weapon crafting, thus, forcing him to temporarily give up the thought.

As of now, there is still a glaring deficiency in my capabilities. I have no defensive skills with all of my skills being offensive in nature, making me egregiously unbalanced in combat - like a warrior with the sharpest yet most brittle sword. . If I were to be encountered with a really strong opponent, I might end up in an ugly situation.

Zhong Yue frowned since he could only be described as sorely lacking when compared to a proper Qi Practitioner due to his scant repertoire of techniques. . As a Qi Practitioner, he precisely lacked the requisite variety in his skill set that would afford him the vital versatility in combat that could potentially spell the boundary between life and death.

Moreover, as a result of cultivating 【Sui Sovereign Flame Order Palace Visualization Art】, the supreme speed of advancement he experienced had costed him the crucial solidity in his foundation. As a result, if he were to face against attacks launched by soul weapons like the Coral Tree, he would be killed if he did not escape as he had zero measures against them.

Up to this point, he had never gone through any systematic training, resulting in such glaring weaknesses in his cultivation and strength. Thus, he could only fight against average Qi Practitioners but would die if he go against the more competent ones.

Moreover, he knew nothing about making any totem pillars or soul weapons, leaving him vulnerable in this respect.

Other than that, he had yet learn any techniques and arts that allow Qi Practitioners to maneuver in the air. He could only maneuver in the air through the form of Xiang Dragon and that would cost him a great deal of energy.

My moves are still very plain and simple. Next time, I would have to pick up some other moves when I get back to Swords Gate.

Not long later, Hu Wensheng, Bai Xiushi and the others came to visit him. They laughed and said, “Brother Long Yue, we thought you were killed during that chaotic battle and we never thought that you survived! There were some Qi Practitioners that were trying to plot against your territory but we managed to stop them.”

Zhong Yue thanked them and said, “My family clan has summoned me, asking me to go back to manifest a spirit to advanced Qi Practitioner, so I wasn’t able to finish watching the entire battle in the volcano. Chun’er and Xia’er, go and prepare some food and drinks, I will have a meal with my dear senior martial brothers.”

Hu Wensheng and the others’ expressions became bitter and they quickly replied, “It’s fine, we already filled up our stomach before visiting. Brother Long Yue, so you are now a Qi Practitioner?”

Zhong Yue nodded while the few monster Qi Practitioner did not show any signs of surprise as in their view, Zhong Yue came from the dragon race and the dragon race has always been among the wealthier of the monster race. The sort of resources the dragon race had at their discretion lead to the mindset that the dragon race would easily be able to raise one of its disciples to become a Qi Practitioner.

“Brother Long Yue, apparently, you have escaped misfortune by leaving slightly earlier. Those who stayed behind were stuck in an unfavourable situation.”

Bai Xiushi lamented and then he recounted what happened after the series of events that occured in the volcano. Turns out Gu Hongzi and the others lost quite a few strong Qi Practitioners and when they got out of the volcano and headed back to Gu Xia City, they had another fierce fight with the four aces of Swords Gate. They fought fiercely and they lost another few men to the four aces of Swords Gate.

Each of them suffered minor to major injuries and as Gu Hongzi saw no hopes of killing the four aces, he immediately triggered the beast god statues on the city walls of Gu Xia City. The power released by the statues was very strong and so the two sides were stuck in a stalemate. When Fang Jiange and the others could not definitively win, they immediately retreated.

Gu Hongzi led the monster Qi Practitioners and pursued the four aces into the Savanna Wasteland. The story stopped here as Gu Hongzi and the others had yet to return and with that, they had no idea about situation of the battle.

They continued their conversation for another brief moment before Zhong Yue sent Hu Wensheng and the others out. He then saluted them and said, “Senior martial brothers, I have to go home for a period of time to learn some better techniques and arts. Please help me to take care of my territory during my absence. Thank you.”

Hu Wensheng, Bai Xiushi and the other monster Qi Practitioners quickly greeted back and said, “Rest assured, Brother Long Yue. Whoever that has ill designs on your territory will have to pass through us first!”

With that, Zhong Yue felt relieved.

Chun’er and the other three girls were very busy planting spirit herbs all over the temple in a serenity they had never had the opportunity to experience during their previous master’s tenure. Their days were devoid of that heavy sense of crisis that had always lingered over their heads like a sword, allowing them to live happily and without worry.

I would not be able stay here for a long time as I have to return to the Swords Gate someday. If the other monsters invaded my territory during my absence, many humans in my territory would be eaten.

Upon thinking of this, he thought, If I could leave behind a that totem belongs to me, then Xia’er and the others would be able to protect themselves with it in the event that the monsters invade. Thus, preventing heavy losses. I have to return to the Swords Gate as soon as possible and learn how to craft totem pillars and soul weapons or I would not be able to protect them!

He did not have many visualization arts in his reserves, not to mention that the ones he did have could not be taught to outsiders. If he taught them the arts and techniques from the Swords Gate, the monsters would definitely detect the origin of these arts and techniques. With that, Zhong Yue’s cover would be blown.

This time, his purpose of returning to the Swords Gate was to refine himself and remove the flaws in his abilities by learning a greater range of arts and techniques that would include the that of crafting soul weapons and totem pillars.

“Dong’er, Chun’er, I have to leave this place for a period of time. If there are any monsters that want to invade and eat you, immediately go to Master Hu, Master Bai and the others to seek help. They would definitely protect all of you.”

Zhong Yue gave the four girls some instructions and he immediately rushed to the Great Wilderness.

Two rounds of dragon roars could be heard and two thirty feets long Jiao Dragon appeared under his feets. As soon as they were formed, they rushed forward with a speed that was an order of magnitude greater than a galloping horse!

If it was during the previous times, Zhong Yue wouldn’t dare to travel at such cost. However, since his psyche increased dramatically; his previous psyche was merely water, but the psyche in his psyche ocean now was the aureate liquid. With that, he could finally support the massive expense with his highly concentrated psyche.

Other than that, as his previously voluminous but dilute psyche lake was completely depleted, with each visualization of the Sui Sovereign, the newly regenerated psyche would be the concentrated aureate liquid, allowing for the perpetually massive improvement of his psyche base!

This was the advantage of him completing the evolution process in one shot as soon as he sensed the spirits and became a Qi Practitioner. With that, the strength of his pure psyche had already achieved a level far beyond those on the same tier as him!

However, although the quality of his psyche has increased, the quantity of his psyche left one wanting.

For now, the golden liquid in his psyche ocean was only a hundred acres big as compared to the formerly few thousand mus massive ocean.

Fortunately, although his psyche ocean had become smaller, his psyche had become incredibly strong by merit of the incredible condensation of power. Even though he had not gotten his hands on the true ultimate variant of the Jiao Dragon Totem, the Jiao Dragons he visualized were already on a completely different level in terms of speed and strength!

With this speed, it would only take four or five days to pass the entire Savanna Wasteland!

Zhong Yue then thought, Gu Hongzi and the others are pursuing the four aces of Swords Gate so there should be dozens of monster Qi Practitioners all around the Savanna Wasteland. I should maintain this current appearance and only change into my original one when I get back to the Great Wilderness.

On his way to his destination, he saw the numerous interweaving tracks wrought about by the battles. It must have been left behind when the monster Qi Practitioners were chasing after the four Swords Gate aces. He also encountered a few Qi Practitioners that were looking for something all around. They, however, did not approach or bother with him as they saw his face from a distance.

After three more days, Zhong Yue stood on his Jiao Dragon and passed through a forest. In these three days, he had rushed for a thousand miles and he finally got closer to the Great Wilderness.

I should be able to enter the Great Wilderness within a day.

Zhong Yue couldn’t help but feel relieved as he moved even faster. Suddenly, he had an ominous feeling and he immediately stopped his advance. With a vivid tearing sound like a knife cutting through naked flesh, the huge heads of the two Jiao Dragons under his feet were rendered apart as if they were cut by something.

Next, as a guqin melody was heard, Zhong Yue’s hair stood on end and he immediately backflipped while he moved backwards for a few ten miles. A Sword Qi then could be seen flying over an inch above his chest, slicing everything in its path.

As he landed, Zhong Yue looked behind and saw the trees behind him were all cut down by that Sword Qi!

“Jun Sixie?”

Zhong Yue was shocked as he immediately recognized the one who launched this Sword Qi.

He once saw the attack of this Jun Sixie in the volcano. She used her guqin as a sword and her attacks were all very nimble and ferocious. She even managed to withstand and fight against the joint attack of the two female disciples under the Lord of Xian Kong City.

Zhong Yue looked towards the direction from where the guqin sword energy flew out and saw a girl dressed in green sitting down under a tree. Blood stains splattered all over her body that was littered with injuries while a guqin was placed atop her knees.

The girl was barely breathing and when she saw Zhong Yue had evaded her attack, she showed a determined expression as she was preparing to take her own life.

At that moment, a black ray flew out from the forest and pierced a bloody hole in the girl’s scapular, nailing her onto the tree.

“We have finally caught Jun Sixie, one of the four successors of Swords Gate!”

An arrogant peal of laughter was heard echoing from deeper within the forestand when Zhong Yue looked towards the direction, he saw two monster Qi Practitioners walking out from the forest with a lackadaisical expression. When they saw Zhong Yue, their expressions changed slightly but then turned in relief when they saw his monster appearance.

Jun Sixie gritted her teeth and tried her best to get up, but to no avail as her injuries were too serious and she was immobilized by the black ray. The black ray was actually a short trident that was about two feet long - seeming like a soul weapon. The short trident appeared to be jet black colored and it was incredibly poisonous as black smoke could be seen faintly gushing into her neck.

Zhong Yue blinked his eyes and he suddenly walked closer to Jun Sixie while he said, “Human Qi Practitioners are extremely valuable, not to mention a human female Qi Practitioner, especially the Jun Sixie of the four aces! Dear senior martial brothers, she is my trophy and what do the both of you want by intercepting?”

The two monster Qi Practitioners looked like a dhole and a wolf. One of them had the head of a dhole and body of a human while the other had the head of a wolf and body of a human. In their hands were a little steel fork and a spike rod respectively. Upon hearing Zhong Yue’s words, they looked at Zhong Yue angrily.

The dhole Qi Practitioner licked his lips and smirked, “Dragon? I heard Gu Xia City came a new dragon brat that is not a Qi Practitioner called Long Yue. I assume that you are that Long Yue?”

“The blade on your back, is that made from god’s fang?”

The wolf Qi Practitioner looked at the Fang Blade carried behind the back of Zhong Yue and he laughed while saying greedily, “Seems like the heaven has shined upon us, granting us two precious things at once. Hey, the brat from the dragon race, consider yourself unlucky, obediently handover the god fang to us and we will let you leave here alive!”

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