Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 161: The powerful trio

Chapter 161: The powerful trio

"Every five years, the Enarin Kingdom will organize this gathering but because of the appearance of the ancient dungeon, we chose to hold the event ahead of the five year time" Queen Cassia paused for a moment and went on

"And let us welcome the kings who came to the gathering respecting our long tradition, King Mattia of Monivelle"

He stood from his throne and waved at the crowd as the crowd shouted his name with enthusiasm.

"King Noa of Ishikara"

Like Mattia, Noa stood up and sent a flying kiss towards the people and received roaring cheers from the crowd

"King Enrico of Mairis"

Since he couldn't stand up like the others, King Enrico nodded with a smile towards the crowd as the crowd somewhat cheered for him but it was a lot less than Noa or Mattia as Queen Cassia quickly moved on

"King Edward of Sigalla"

The people seemed to love King Edward's smile as they happily cheered for him.

"Prince Timothy Mayer and Princess Olivia in the place of King Leonard of Vreston"

The red-haired girl and the youth who King Edward met before stood before and it seemed that the mere sight of a princess made the people go crazy as they shouted and cheered for the both of them as loud as they could. The red-haired girl laughed and sent a flying kiss to the crowd just like Noa.

"King Harold of Korrinth, unfortunately, couldn't attend the gathering for some personal issues but he sends his regards to everyone"

The people and the nobles started to gawk at Don while he lazily sat on his throne with his one hand supporting his head.

"King Don of Emir and Agoria"

The people murmured more than cheering or shouting as Don didn't even stand to put up a show like the others, he was still sitting on his throne in the same position.

"You can make some noise if you at least stand up, darling"

King Noa giggled looking at the crowd's low enthusiasm of cheering for him. Lord Clemo felt embarrassed when the other nobles looked at him with disdain in their eyes and he couldn't wait for Don to show his cultivation and throw dirt on their faces.

After a few moments of pausing, Queen Cassia continued to talk

"Now, the moment you're probably waiting for, the three people who represent Enarin and enter the ancient dungeon in our behalf"

The crowd roared when they heard Queen Cassis and that moment

a carriage entered the arena galloping, there was a hurricane of flames around its body. And a girl was standing on the back of the carriage. She was wearing a fiery red set of robes that matched her carriage and made her look like she was an extremely wealthy noble. Her magnificent posture at that moment would have made anyone unable to utter a single word against her. She was like a queen who was looking down at the lowly masses with disdain.

"Miss Rosaline" the people murmured her name with awe and wonder. 

Stepping down from the carriage, she did glance sideways and immediately made her way towards the center of the arena. When she reached the center, two other girls joined her as Don recognized the two, Chase and the silver-haired girl. Arrora was burning in rage seeing the three of them but she didn't react like before.

"Miss Rosaline really doesn't look the same as before. She is much more beautiful than I remember her from the last gathering and she also looks even more elegant. I heard that Miss Rosaline reached grandmaster level a long time ago and she has no equal within these parts of the lands." said one of the nobles as he watched her standing in the center.

"Of course, she has broken through to the Grandmaster level. She is extremely strong and beautiful and Miss Rosaline has not even crossed her twenties. I think she will be the elder of the Cold Moon Palace in the future. Her friends also look extremely powerful. They must be one of the elite core groups of the sect." said another noble. 

Chase hadn't forgotten the promise she had made to Arrora. She glanced at Arrora with killing intent in her eyes, her gaze was as sharp as a sword.

"You will pay for what you did to Kate," Chase said while glaring at Arrora with a ruthless smile.

"The three promising youths are the ones going to enter the dungeon, people of Enarin. Miss Rosaline, the disciple of the best fire mage, Mage Sears"

Many nobles had a cold sweat on their faces when they heard the name because he was one of the heavenly level mages in the entire empire and a powerful one at that.

"Miss Chase, one of the core disciples of the Lansor, the school of Archery"

No one needed an introduction to the Lansor as everybody knew that it's the best and most prestigious school for archers and has produced many skilled archers, even a heavenly level archer.

"And Miss Aster, the core disciple of Gepria, Institute of Medicine and alchemy"

Just like Lansor that specializes in archery, Gepria was a school for healers and alchemists, one of the best the empire could offer. The demand for healers and alchemists was far higher than a battlemage, just like the runemasters.

The people were head over heels when they realized that the best is going to represent them and enter the dungeon for them. The stronger the people enter the dungeon, the more chance they could get their hands on the ancient artifacts and items in the dungeon. And these items could make a kingdom rise up in the ranks and if they brought a powerful artifact or an item, they could even simply reach a higher place in the rankings. The higher the rank of the kingdom, the better the life of the people, that was why they are too excited to see this trio because they could make their life better in a few days and they never imagined that Queen Cassia would bring three best of the best to represent them.

"Bring the beast"

The moment Queen Cassia said, the arena gate that opposite of which Rosaline entered slowly opened.

Everyone was staring at the gate as twenty or so soldiers came dragging a box covered in cloth. The people stopped shouting and looked at the box without even batting an eye in breathless silence.


But the silence was broken by a thunderous roar as the soldiers quickly removed the cloth covering the box to reveal a huge sabretooth rattling the cage.

"How dare you put me in a cage?"

The sabretooth furiously punched the cage with its paw as most of the commoners were so close to wet their pants, including the nobles.


"Let me go and I will show you mercy"

"Shut your mouth, you filthy animal"

King Virgo shouted from his seat as the sabretooth showed his teeth at him in anger

"This sabretooth attacked our villages, killed the innocents for fun, ate our children, so tell me, my dear people, what should we do with it?"

"Kill the beast"




The people chorused for the sabretooth's death as Cassia smiled at the beast

"Miss Rosaline, Miss Chase, Miss Aster, are you ready?"

Rosaline nodded at Queen Cassia as Chase took out the bow from her back and an arrow from her quiver while Aster stepped back

"Release the beast"

The soldiers sent a bolt to the cage lock and ran away from the cage as fast as they could.

"I'm going to eat you two first"

The sabretooth said, looking at Rosaline and Chase as he stepped out of the cage.

 "and then I'll eat the scrawny one for dessert"

It looked Aster and licked its lips with a grin

The sabretooth seemed a little dumb to him since it was approaching the trio without even confirming their cultivation level first.

"Aster, give me vine thorns"

Aster raised her hands and cast the spell as a green light radiated from her hand and shot toward the sabretooth

"Kiss of thorns"

Before the sabretooth could react, the green light turned into vines with thorns and coiled around its limbs and prevented it from moving

"Peak great master"

The people mumbled looking at the magical fluctuations of Aster but they soon changed their gaze away to Rosaline as they saw her casting a spell

"Mid-level grandmaster"

The nobles were staring at Rosaline with awe and shock.

"Get off"

The sabretooth struggled with the vines as it became harder for Aster to hold him still

"Rosaline, any time now"

Rosaline's magical fluctuations were skyrocketing and seeing this, the sabretooth put all its strength to escape the vines as it realized that she's going for a killing spell.


Aster was sweating as the sabretooth shouted at Rosaline. Chase was waiting for Rosaline's order to attack but Rosaline had not given an order to attack yet.

"Infernal Fury"

As she said, Rosaline aimed her hands at the sabretooth as a stream of dark red fire shot towards the sabretooth. The nobles and kings sitting closer to the battleground were able to feel the scorching heat from the flame. Most of them started to sweat and couldn't stand the heat radiating from the fire stream.


The scream of the sabretooth echoed through the arena but Rosaline's fire stream did not stop as it continued to roast the sabretooth.

Aster finally let go of the spell and breathed heavily. When the stream of fire paled and disappeared, only the sabretooth's skeleton remained at the spot and even some of the bones were turned black due to the fire.

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