Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 189: The Tigress

Chapter 189: The Tigress

"That's my line"

Knight calmly said as the tiger took another step towards Knight showing its canines.

"You're asking for it, you dumb pet, did you hit your head when you were little?"

Knight still looked calm with a smile on his face as the tiger couldn't see any fear in the wolf's eyes or in the eyes of the human beside him, they looked extremely calm for a situation like this.

The tiger would have made its move if it saw the cubs in danger but looking at the human who was holding the cubs, it couldn't see any ill intention towards the cubs in his eyes plus it understood the cubs' mindset and knew that they didn't want her to hurt the humans except the wolf.

"I'm challenging you to a duel, would you accept it, grandmaster? Or are you too afraid to fight a pet like me?"


The tiger was taken back in surprise and looked at Knight with a tilted head.

"If you lose, you and the three cubs are coming with us to the outside world"


The tiger burst into laughter when he heard Knight 

"Alright, I'll play with you, what if you lose? which you're obviously going to"

"What do you want?"

The tiger pondered about it for moments before deciding what to ask from them.

"You don't have anything I want except one thing"

An evil grin appeared on the tiger's face

"If you lose you, you three must stay in this realm and be my pets and servants, thinking about it, having two humans as my pets do sound cool, I'm sick tired of cleaning after them running around my backyard and shit all over it"

Arrora was surprised to hear the tiger as no caring mother would say something like this. The cubs playfully growled at the tiger.


Knight didn't even look at Don and Arrora as the tiger was yet again surprised by the wolf.

"You two should step back and you"

Knight turned his gaze towards Arrora

"Close their eyes, they shouldn't look at their father gets his butt kicked"

Don and Arrora nodded and stepped back as the cubs snickered looking at Knight. The cubs seemed like they wanted the tiger to beat Knight since he kept teasing them.

"I'm a tigress, you moron"

The tiger leaped at Knight but she was pushed back by a sudden blast of energy.


The tiger saw the wolf transform into a white-furred lion with majestic wings.

"And I'm the king of the jungle"

The device on Knight's chest started working and let out a mid-level grandmaster magical fluctuations as Knight could be compared to one.

The tiger was completely stunned but she raised her paw and leaped at Knight while her body let out a golden light.

However, the ground beneath her suddenly transformed into hands and clutched her four legs.

"What kind of spell is this?"

She never saw him utter a word or any changes in his magical fluctuations.

The tiger cubs started to shiver when they saw the tigress struggling against the hands to get herself free. Although Knight seemed calm, he put his total strength to keep her from destroying the hands as he slowly stepped forward towards her.

"Do you submit?"


The tigress roared as the hands clutching her legs exploded into pieces.

Knight was surprised by her strength and even more surprised when he saw her speed. She ran so fast in a circle and created a small tornado around Knight. He could see the after image of her inside the tornado and also landed a few punches on his face.


Arrora was amazed by the tigress as she never expected that she would land a few hits on Knight.

"You're good"

Knight recognized her strength and skills.

While she was running around, Knight stepped forward and spread his wings.

Knight flapped his two wings and sent a powerful wave into the tornado as the tornado disappeared with a thud sound.

Arrora looked at the direction where the thud sound came to see the tigress lying on the ground. Nevertheless, she quickly shook her head and stood up in her four legs, yet, Knight sent the steel-like blades from his wings and pinned her onto the tree behind.

She struggled again but Knight sent more blades grazing her body and finally sent two blades aiming at her eyeballs.


The tigress closed her eyes as Arrora shouted but the blades were floating still just an inch away from the tigress.

"Do you submit?"

The tigress understood that she's beaten and reluctantly nodded her head.

She slowly released herself from the blades as the cubs quickly jumped out from Arrora's hands and ran at her.

The cubs purred and licked the tigress as Knight transformed back into a wolf.

"What are you?"

The tigress asked Knight with a bewildered face as the three of them were startled to hear her sweet feminine voice.

"You sound different"

Arrora asked.

"This is my real voice, why are you looking surprised? Do you think I can intimidate my foes with this voice?"

If someone didn't know the tigress, they would think that the voice belongs to a young girl as her voice sounded so sweet and gentle.

"Do you need time to get your affairs in order before we go?"

Knight asked as the tigress rolled her eyes

"Do you really want me and these little beggars to come with you?"

"Yes, don't back out on your word, we beasts don't do that"

"Whatever, I'm sick of this place anyway, I can't even find prey to hunt anymore"

She started to make up her mind by reminding the things that she hates about this place so she wouldn't have a hard time leaving.

"Then we can go to your place this morning and get your things"

"Morning? The light won't return for another eighteen hours"


The three of them couldn't believe what they had just heard 

"Time flows differently here, weirdos, in here, we get six hours of light and eighteen hours of the night and at night, not a single soul would roam around, in your case, no places would open or appear at nights, you have to for the day"

"Those mud heads didn't say a word about this"

Arrora cursed the committee who oversee the dungeon

"If no soul would roam around at night, what are you doing and why weren't they at home?"

"They didn't leave the home, but you're at our home, this area belongs to me, and speaking of which, why did you three come here rather than sleeping in your caves"

The tigress turned her gaze towards the cubs as they pointed at Don's hand.


Don had already finished his piece as Knight retrieved another chunk of meat from his space ring.

"Since no one had their fills because of these three, I will make another one"

"Oh meat"

The tigress's eyes shined when she saw the juicy meat but she quickly hid her excitement but the cubs started to bounce around.

"Wow, these three have a quite an appetite"

Arrora said while Knight started to marinate the meat again.

"Aren't rich humans have servants to do that? Or are you three poor?"

The tigress as she looked Knight pouring out various spices onto the meat.

"We aren't rich, just me and my brother here is just kings of three kingdoms"

The tigress was really confused when she heard Knight

"Wait brothers, I don't get it, how can you be his brother, I thought you're his pet and kings? Aren't you a little too young to be a king or did you mean prince?"

Tigress asked Don as Arrora answered

"They have a strong brotherly bond since they grew up together, and you should address him as your majesty"

Hearing Arrora, the tigress laughed

"Him? You wish, I won't address him like that, how can I, a grandmaster bow my heads towards a kid like him? If you ask me to respect him, I can do that since he defeated me and stronger than me, but him no way "

Even though the tigress grew in this realm, it had the same rule as the outside world, the strong eat the weak. So she could respect Knight because he defeated her but she was too proud to bow her head towards a young kid like Don.

"Didn't you learn by now that you can't underestimate your opponent? He's just as powerful as I am and at the moment, he's ahead of me in cultivation"

The tigress frowned 

"I don't know what black magic you used to hide your cultivation to come here, but no humans can enter the portal without being suppressed by the portal"

Hearing the tigress Don put his water glass aside

"Are you sure about that? "

Don released his battle aura as the device on his chest created a peak level grandmaster magical fluctuations around him, and not just a peak level but a level that just an inch away from reaching the heavenly level.

The battle energy aura made breathing hard for the tigress as she felt like she was being crushed by an immense amount of force.

"You scared them"

The three cubs shivered and started to pee feeling the pressure as Don withdrew the battle aura.

"How was this possible? Who are you, people?"

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