Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 243: The King is no more

Chapter 243: The King is no more

She walked forward with shaking steps before finally arriving in front of Don. Seeing him in this status, a deep feeling of sorrow filled her entire soul as her heart ached like it was being pierced by thousands of needles.

"DON!" she cried out sorrowfully. She wanted to cry his heart out as her eyes turned blood red and tears welled up in her eyes, slowly flowing down her face. With her current strength, she could feel that he was already dead. Even with all the healing potions in the world, she could not bring him back.

"We failed, we failed to protect him." Arwen arrived beside Don with his shaking body. His face was pale and filled with self-blame and sadness.

Every one of them was crying as Stodemar stuck to his chest and never let go of his body. Even Reghys who was a dragon shedding tears and cleaning the blood on his body with Ken and Riya.


Another loud cry echoed through the room and they turned to see Amaryll falling on the ground. Arwen quickly dashed at her instinctively and grabbed his sister.

Arrora did not say or look back at Amaryll as her gaze was fixed on Don's body. She stared lifelessly at his body while the tears of blood constantly flowed from her eyes. 


A while later, Arrora's shout filled with bound energy sent everyone flying away as her scream echoed through the entire kingdom and shook the very castle they were standing in. She then turned her gaze towards Reghys who was the only one sitting on the bed after her shout, "what happened? Who did this?" her voice was not loud as before, but it was icy-cold and even the surrounding temperature abruptly plummeted with what he said, becoming cold due to the immense killing intent she was radiating.

The surrounding people in the room immediately felt a cold intent envelop their bodies, causing them to shiver without any control. At that current moment, she was like a death god to the surrounding people, unbelievably terrifying.

"We don't know who did this, he was ambushed on his way to Agoria, someone or something attacked the Jewel with the Legendary level spell"

Reghys said as her voice broke due to sorrow and grief.

The moment Reghys said this, Arrora's figure disappeared as she dashed towards the teleportation room to leave Everlight and search for the murderers.


Within the Everlight castle, in a large room, it was currently full of people. Basically, all the people of Everlight had gathered there. In Front of everyone was a luxurious bed, where Don currently lay, the three tiger cubs rested their heads on his chest and mourned the loss.

Arrora sat blankly beside the bed. She spent the entire day searching for the culprits but she failed to locate the ones who attacked him except the battle sight. It took Reghys to subdue and bring her back to the castle because when Knight steps out of the apex room, it would take all of them to stop him from doing something rash.

At the moment, Arrora's dull eyes stared at his body and she seemed to be petrified, unable to move at all.

Behind Arrora, the pale faces of Arwen and the dwarves were covered with tears. They stood there silently and sorrowfully, while Amaryll had already cried to the point where her eyes had become red and swollen.

On the side, Nicolas sat in a wheelchair, staring at Don on the bed. The emotions in his eyes varied constantly; sometimes stricken with grief, sometimes sorrowful, sometimes lost, sometimes self blame. Vivian had to wipe the tears away from his face often as she too couldn't help but shed tears.

Even though the large and luxurious room was filled with people, it was unusually silent. The atmosphere was extremely heavy.

"I will wake him up!"

Suddenly Amaryll stood up and ran towards his body while tears flowed out of her eyes.

"Don wake up! Don't scare us! Please wake up!"

She seemed like a crazy person as she kept shaking his body.

"Stop it, Amaryll"

Gray wrapped her hand around Amaryll and pulled her back. No one in the room was able to ask Amaryll to stop crying because every one of them was crying inside. Nanbu took Elrond away from the castle lying to him that they were going to train because they didn't want the little kid to see Don's body.

Kayako left all her works on hold and brought them something to eat considering none of them in the room had eaten anything from yesterday.

But all her effort was in vain when they still refused to eat anything, how could they eat? How could they feel hunger?


"Where am I?"

At the moment, Knight was floating in a place where everything seemed nothing but white.

The last thing he remembered was breaking into the Sun realm destroying the black energy in his body in the process. He realized that he was in a state of ethereal form and tried to move around the place.


Just as he tried to move, a golden light appeared before him and transformed into a man with golden robes and hair. His face was calm but his eyes had a tinge of sadness as he radiated a divine aura that made even Knight bow his head and respect the man before him.

"Who are you?"

The man before him just smiled as he waved his hand. Slowly a black hole appeared in front of him and the blackness faded away to reveal what seemed to be a battlefield.


Knight could recognize Don anywhere no matter how he looked but this time, Knight's heart felt heavy as Don lied on the ground without moving. His whole body was covered in blood and bones sticking out of his body.

Knight's entire body froze up as his face suddenly turned pale to a terrifying degree as his eyes grew extremely red and a killing intent skyrocketed.


Knight roared looking at the scene and circulated his battle energy in full force but nothing happened. The next moment, the screen changed again and he saw Don was lying on a bed surrounded by Arrora, Amaryll, and all the important people in Everlight.

All of them had pale faces and tears welled up in their eyes looking at Don.

Knight felt immense sadness and grief in his heart as tears escaped his eyes and wetted his face.

"Who?! Who did this?!"

Knight roared looking at the scene and wanted to go on a killing rampage on who did this. With his new Sun realm power, he could see that Don's heartbeat had stopped beating, and from the state of his body, there was no chance to heal him.


Knight roared again and jumped at the person before him because he couldn't stand and watch this anymore. But the man before him disappeared and appeared behind him in a flash.

Seeing Don's lifeless body, his eyes began to dilate in fury and bloodlust. His entire soul began to tremble more violently, feeling as if it was going to explode at any moment.

"Go to the Skull Island tomb and retrieve the shard of life to revive Don"

The man calmly said to Knight and then, the scene before him became twisted in a sudden as if the world was being reversed. Knight quickly bounced up and gasped for air twice. The familiar hall reappeared in his eyes.

The white stone wall, fancy velvet curtains, and the shining triangular device as Knight stood up and his eyes radiated with blood lust, and a large amount of killing intent radiated from his body.

"I won't let anything happen to you, Don"

He dashed towards the room where they were keeping Don. With his current level, it only took him a second or two before he arrived at the room where everyone was standing around the bed.

By this point, he had already arrived at Don's side as everyone was aghast looking at Knight's sudden appearance. With great sorrow and tears, Knight put his hand on Don's chest as his tears fell down onto Don's face. It was with great pain that looked at the lifeless body of Don.

"Don!" Knight called out in grief once more. There was no way he would accept that Don had died, he simply couldn't believe it. Even though Knight did not act like Reghys was expecting, the cold aura he was radiating made everyone in the room gasp for air, even she couldn't breathe easily.

More than the bloodlust and anger in his eyes, there was an immense amount of sadness. Without even him realizing, his body was trembling and shaking looking at Don's body as Gray put her hand on his body reassuringly.

This was the first time they had seen Knight crying and the bond between a magical beast and a human melted everyone's heart.

"His ring?"

Arrora placed Don's blood-stained ring on Don's body and looked at Knight with everyone else to see what they were going to do next.

After Don, Knight had the most authority in the kingdom and power but under everyone's gaze. Knight touched Don's ring as a bright light enveloped the room.

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