Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 250: Unexpected turn of events II

Chapter 250: Unexpected turn of events II

"Kayako, stay behind "

Vivian told her while Kayako nodded and stayed away from the house.

Vivian and Nanbu took the lead as the black armored soldiers completely surrounded the house. The villagers were looking at the scene perplexed but none of them had the courage to question them.

"Why are they surrounding the old man Ferugus's home? "

"Shhh, I don't know, who knows what that creepy old man did?"

The villagers started to murmur among themselves. Reaching the door, Vivian knocked on the door

"Open up citizen!"

Her voice was calm and loud. The black-armored men near the windows nodded their heads and signaled that the old man is still inside.

Since the house was old and only had a single door as well as a couple of windows, there was no way for the old man to escape.


Just when she was about to knock again, a creaking sound appeared from the house followed by slow footsteps.

Nanbu instinctively kept his one hand on his sword while Vivian took a step back carefully. Slowly the door opened to reveal an old man.

The old man had a fringe of grey-white hair around his balding, mottled scalp. He was leaning on a walking cane as he had a shuffling gait and gnarled hands. His back was slightly hunched and with each movement, there was the creak of old bones. 

The old man was the definition of nothing but skin and bones. He was extremely thin and the wrinkles on his face indicated he was at least a hundred years old.

"Who are you?"


Nanbu thought to himself when he saw the yellow teeth as it creeped him out.

"Viv, the old man reeks of blood"

Grey said through the Khal and warned Vivian. As a magical beast with an enhanced sense of smell, she was able to smell the strong scent of blood emitting from the old man.

"Old man, you need to come with us, we have some questions to ask you"

"Can't you just leave an old man alone? What answers can I have for you?"

The old man said in a frustrated tone.

"It won't take too long old man, come with us"

There was something about this old man that irked her in the wrong way.

"Leave me alone!"

The old man raised his voice but Vivian was not going to back off as she stood firm.

"Don't make this hard, Old man, come with us willingly or we will take you with us forcefully"

"Forcefully? Hahahaha"

Surprisingly the old man started to laugh like a maniac as Vivian sensed a cold murderous aura radiating from him.


Nanbu shouted as a long needle appeared out of the old man's hand. Vivian quickly dodged the needle which was the old man's crane a moment ago.

In a split second, a long golden spear appeared in Vivian's hand.

"You shouldn't have done that"

Vivian snorted and thrust the spear aiming at the old man's shoulder in lighting fast speed.


It was too quick for the old man to react as the spear pierced through his shoulder.


The old man roared this word in agony as a powerful burst of black mist blasted Vivian and Nanbu away. 


Grey shouted and leaped in front to attack the old man but unexpectedly the old man leaped into the air which couldn't have been possible for an old man like him.

The needle on his hand transformed back to the crane as the old man put it under his feet in mid-air and started to fly away.

The villagers were gasping for air when they witnessed this and the black-armored guards ran towards Vivian and Nanbu to make sure they are okay.

"No, you don't!"

Vivian quickly jumped back on her feet and threw the spear aiming at the flying old man. The golden spear vibrated and soared towards the old man like a bolt of lightning.


The old man quickly moved aside to evade the spear and let out a squealing sound as the spear grazed his shoulder before falling down.

"You missed it bitch!"

This was the last thing they heard before the old man disappeared from their sight.

"Did I?"

A cold smile appeared on Vivian's face and vanished from her face quickly.


"How the fuck did they find me?!"

At the moment, a figure was soaring through the sky at high-speed while bleeding.

The figure was the old man and he only slowed down for a moment when he crossed the border of Agoria and entered the forests of Ishikara.

"Shit, I should have eaten more livers"

The old man cursed and looked down at the wounds on his shoulder. 

However, the moment he looked up, a golden light appeared before him and struck him down from his crane.


The old man screamed and tried to grasp onto something but there was nothing but air to hold on to. His crane was nowhere to be found as he hit several branches and trees on his way to the ground.

And just when he was about to hit the ground, a blue bubble appeared out of nowhere and caged the old man inside.

"Who is there?! Show yourself!"

The old man screamed and struck the bubble with his fist to break it. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't even make a dent in the bubble.


The old man shouted as the black mist appeared again and collided against the bubble. 

"Don't waste your energy old man"

The old man was startled as he looked everywhere to find the source of the voice.

As he was searching for the person who just spoke, he saw a woman with a golden spear in her hands walking towards him.


The old man instantly recognized her as the woman who came to his house an hour ago.

"A great master hiding as a normal villager, I'm surprised"

Several more figures appeared in the dark forest and surrounded the old man.

"Did you really think you can escape us?"

Vivian snorted and flicked her wrist as the bubble slowly flew towards her.


The old man's eyes turned blood red as he screamed at Vivian and kept punching and kicking the bubble. He had no idea how they were able to find him this quickly.

"This is for calling me bitch, bitch"

The old man stared at her fist and felt a sharp pain in his face before everything turned dark.

"Lady Vivian, what do we do now?"

Nanbu was really impressed by her tracking skills and even after being in a coma for years, her combat skills didn't even deteriorate a bit.

"Let's take him to Everlight, I have a bad feeling about this creep"

"Yes, Lady Vivian"

The black-armored men quickly surrounded the old man and tied him up using metal chains and balls before they teleported back to Everlight.


At the moment, in an empty room, the old man was tied to a chair. In front of him, Vivian, Reghys, and Nanbu were standing and waiting for the old man to wake up.

"(cough) (cough)"

The old man coughed and slowly opened his eyes to see three people staring at him and when he realized that he was captured, he struggled but he couldn't move a muscle in his body.

"Wakey wakey, old man"


Vivian said and slapped him with enough force for the old man to see a flash appear in his mind.

"Now tell me creep, where is the girl who worked in Luther and Granner?"

Nanbu saw his eyes suddenly starting to glow 

"I don't know "

The old man looked expressionless as Reghys nodded at Vivian

"Ask her by the name"

"Let's me ask again, where is the demihuman girl called Rachel? And why did your house reek of blood?"

The glow in his eyes became brighter and brighter. It took a couple of seconds to open his mouth again

"We sold her to Noa and its the blood of humans we spilled before we ate them "

The moment these words escaped the old man's mouth, Nanbu's and Vivian's eyes widened in shock, and felt a cold chill running through their spines and even Reghys was shocked.

"Guardian Reghys?"

Vivian's face was full of disbelief as she looked at Reghys

"He's telling the truth"

Reghys was sure of it because he was under the control of her spell and a great master like him could not resist the effects as he had to answer truthfully to all the questions.

"Are you talking about King Noa of Ishikara?"

Nanbu questioned the old man


"And did you really eat humans? What kind of sick bastard are you?"

Vivian's face turned green and felt like she was going to vomit thinking about what just the old man said.

"Yes we ate humans and we are called SI..."


Reghys suddenly shouted in pain and clutched her head as the glow on his eyes became dimmer.

"Something is interrupting the spell"

Reghys gritted her teeth and put all of her power into the spell. The glow on his eyes slowly started to become brighter as Vivian asked the question again.

"Who are you? What is your group called? How many of you are there?"

He was now in full control of Reghys and there was no interruption this time.

"I'm fifteen, We are called Sinners, we are many"

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