Robando a los amantes Yandere del protagonista

Chapter 10 Gaining Void Emperor’s Inheritance

Soon I packed my bag and along with Aushima started our journey to the location marked on the map.

It was a 2-day journey and we decided to move on foot.

Soon the city was left behind and we entered the dangerous forest route, we deliberately avoided main trade routes as there was a possibility of a bandit attack there. While we were travelling I looked at this blue-haired girl walking along with me and decided it was time to start training.

"So Aushima tell me about your family and future dream".

"Why should I tell an outsider like you these things", she spoke calmly.

"Didn't you agree to be obedient and cooperate in girlfriend training, seems you don't need help, I guess I'll just shut up", I spoke with a carefree expression.

"Don't .....sorry! I was caught off guard, I must become the best girlfriend so I .. I can't miss training so I will tell you about it."

Earlier the conversations between them were short and she rarely spoke but soon as hours passed on in journey and with Elandor's talking skills she started opening up and started telling how she always lived a stressed life, always on guard against Eve and Jasmine, soon she was like a chatter box speaking on her own and after repeated insistence from him she kept telling him about things she liked, how her parents did not love her, how everyone mistreated her and her daily struggles in life.

Soon it was late at night so I decided it was time to make a camp to sleep. I tilted my face to the side to meet hers, "So, do you feel relieved and your anger is down?"

She was taken back and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Didn't you notice the change in your expression and tone you are now speaking to me?"

.she took a deep breath " Well it's a little different but in no way you should think I like you".

I took the chance to put my hand on her head to ruffle her hair and spoke, "stupid! can't you see the smile on your face now, now that all the frustrated emotions in your heart are out, see how deadly smile you are giving with that jade-like face."

"Youuuuu. you are hitting on me ?", she hurriedly stepped back.

"No, it's part of girlfriend training, just trust me, I'm your ally, only I know your situation and only I can help you."

She tried to look away and spoke, " seems kinda weird but yeah, I don't feel stressed out anymore, I guess it was right to follow your girlfriend training after all."

Soon both slept in their tent and woke early in the morning.

I saw her still sleeping when I woke up so I quickly washed my face and prepared tea, then I sprinkled some water on her face and finally, her eyes trembled open.

"Heyy why you did do that?"

I just extended the cup of tea to her, she looked at me then finally took it and started drinking.

"Hey aren't you forgetting something?, say thank you", I spoke to her.

She looked at me a little shyly then spoke in a low voice "thank you!"

"It won't work like this Aushima how can you be a good girlfriend like this I have decided the quickest way to make you a great girlfriend", I spoke to her while looking into her deep sapphire eyes.

She was just looking at me waiting for me to speak more.

"Treat me as if I'm your boyfriend, only by real-life experience can you learn fast."

"No I can't do that I don't like you", she denied instantly with her head moving from side to side.

Seeing her tone I knew she can be pushed around.

"It's ok we are just practising so that you can be good for David, there's no way to feel guilty as long as there's David in your heart, it will be our secret and Eve and Jasmine will be surprised to see your change and David will love it, just trust me".

She took some moments before she finally nodded her head after repeated explanations, "Yes you are right, this is just practice to become the best girlfriend, I agree I will treat you as boyfriend during this trip to get more experience so what should I do now?"

"First of all remember the golden rule the easiest way to man's heart is through the way of maid, you must be as attentive as a maid so that your man doesn't need anything, you must get early before me and make tea and meals for me.

I will tell you about things I like to do, things I like to eat, things I hate and you must remember everything by heart and most important of all you should be obedient, Nothing's best than an obedient loving maid, just trust me."

Inwardly Elandor was thinking how could he forgot bringing a maid dress for her. Oof lost such a chance!

She once again nodded her head, "Yes I will try my best to do and learn all things you tell me and I will be an obedient and loving maid."

Elandor was taken back by her cute and shy character and knew he hit the jackpot in getting one of the best girls in one go and he was never gonna let her go.

Soon they prepared a meal which was cooked by Aushima, they again started their remaining journey of more than a day and a half.

This time it was Elandor's turn to talk and Aushima's turn to listen, she memorised all his favourite food and hobbies, all his likes as well as dislikes.

Time passed by happily and this time under the strict guidance of Elandor's anime-rich maid experience she served him as a true maid.

She did not know that her character was secretly being broken down and changing under his commands.

She made meals, carefully added his favourite spices to them, made tea for him from time to time, gave him a massage and finally after much hard work she finally allowed him to put his head on her lap.

"This is so heavenly, the feeling of her soft legs is too relaxing for my body and her body's lavender-like aroma is drifting to me while being so close", he muttered to himself while enjoying the lap pillow in the evening.

Finally, another night passed and soon they arrived at the secret cave in the morning as marked on the map.

I was surprised to find that the cave was at such a hidden location that no one could find it without the map as its entrance was covered by big rocks and overgrown tree branches.

After clearing the entrance, I told Aushima to guard outside while I went in and surprisingly there were many corridors, I lit a wooden stick with a cloth to make a torch and soon came to the destined location in the deepest area of the cave, there was a chest with deep puzzle-like seal.

Thankfully I had the map which told me that this was a secret anti-theft puzzle and only those with map instructions can open it, I quickly followed the pattern to unlock the puzzle seal and finally a loud click sound was heard.

The chest slowly opened

There was a letter along with three things, I first took out the letter to read what was written on it, it was a big 2-page letter,

"To the fated person who opens this chest, these are the lifelong achievement of mine, The great emperor of the void, all my life I spent in the search for absolute strength and immortality until I finally succeeded and to cut off my karma with the mortal world I decided to leave behind the things which helped me on my way to the immortal path, only by cutting off my karma can I be free from mortal debts I owe to others.

The first thing is a storage ring unlike others this has a much larger storage space, I was lucky to find it in an ancient ruin where a God was known to be fallen, it has a very large space enough to store countless royal palaces in it.

It also nourishes the soul of the owner thus helping in soul cultivation, the practice of soul cultivation is already stored in it, just drip your blood to let it recognise you as its master and it will never leave your side until you die.

The second item is one of the greatest encounters I had and I never wanted to leave it behind if it was not for my immortal path, this is the luck devouring divine lotus I found it in the most secret realm which I once managed to go by chance, it's a special type of lotus that once after recognising you as master after dripping blood will move inside your soul and stay within it, it's both an offensive and defensive weapon, the greatest problem faced by people in this world is the lack of ability to control elements other than what their physique allows, but this lotus can allow one s body to absorb various elemental energies allowing the person to change his body constitution and allowing him to be able to use all elements, there are various elements like fire, lightning, earth, wind, water, secret powers of space and time along with Edith laws of life and death, but you don't have to worry I have already gathered all these elements in this room where this chest is kept.

As long as you absorb this lotus here a new method related to luck to help you get stronger will appear in your mind and you will finally be able to absorb all these elements present in the air in this room.

The third and last item is for us, to achieve greater strength and uphold our dignity as men, this is a vial with twenty drops of pure dragon blood essence enough to change your bloodline and allow you to increase your lifespan to cultivate easily, but the biggest advantage of it is, it will increase your libido and strength in bed, as men how can we lose to a woman in bed and not enjoy the feeling of the harem but to enjoy harem one must have strong sexual endurance and greatest libido.

As you know hard girls can only be tamed in bed that's why this is the most important thing and as long as you have intercourse with people who are loyal to you, you can share your dragon bloodline with them after all the immortal path is lonely without woman's company hahaha!

Remember this dragon blood essence is of the noblest and strongest dragon, so you must remember to find me and say thanks to me after you leave this world hahaha!"

Finally, he read the entire letter and saw a shining lotus, a ring and a vial with dark red blood essence lying in the chest.

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