
Chapter 57: Goodbyes – Part 3

Chapter 57: Goodbyes – Part 3

Today is the 2nd.

I pat Aoi's head, who happily woke me up. I look to one side and give Alissa her good morning kiss, then I look to the other and give one to Klein, whose lips are already wet with Hana's saliva.

My small summoned bird is still with Osaria, who slept while hugging it and now lets it nestle itself between her breasts.

I summon a Shad and a Holly and order the latter to become visible.

"Klein, I'll give these two summons to you," I say and present the Holly to her.

"W-what?" She receives the one-eyed little bat, feeling very confused.

"To keep you safe, and so that I can take a look at you once in a while," I say and smile, then I cup her cheek and give her a peck on the nose. "I'll give you full control over them so that you can feel safer when you walk around."

"Won't they use your mana?"

"They can survive on MP potions, so with this much, you should be able to feed them for a few months." I pull out a handful of gold coins and hand them to her.

She frowns and her monkey ears fall flat as she looks down. "I can't really accept this."

"It'd make us more comfortable if you did. Caravan work isn't completely safe, even if you take the safest routes," Hana says.

Klein holds the coins close to her heart and stares at me with pained eyes. "You do so much for me…" She whispers.

Aside from fucking you silly and giving you a necklace I haven't really done that much, though.

"Well, I just like to dote on people," I say and shrug.

Her tail wraps around my neck and pulls me closer to give me a kiss. Then she pounces on Hana and gives her one too, then Alissa sneaks up behind her and steals one for herself.

"Tell your parents that it's a special summon that I developed and to keep it a secret. Don't tell them that it's a monster," I say.

She shyly nods a few times and stores the coins in her [Item Box].

Then we go down to have our breakfast.

I check the girls' statuses. I'd skipped it yesterday because of the Turn of the Wheel.

Alissa increased her "Charisma" by 1 (now 14). Hana increased her [Illusion Magic] by 1 (now 5). Lina increased her [Earth Magic] by 1 (now 4+6). Roxanne increased her [Alchemy] by 1 (now 4). And because of yesterday, my [Soul Manipulation] increased by 1 (now 3).

The sun isn't even out yet, so we wait for a few minutes while breakfast is being prepared. There are only two other people around: a dragonkin with a sword at his waist and an Angel demon race putting on mage robes. Both of them are also likely to be in the guard business since they are leaving for work before first light.

After we get our bellies filled, our troupe flies through the foggy streets as the town slowly awakens.

We pay for a ferry to take us across the river since flying in and out of town is forbidden no matter which direction you choose.

When we reach the other side, the first rays of light start coming out and the fog of the morning begins to dissipate, so we fly faster towards the western gate.

Klein keeps fiddling with her necklace for the whole trip while she wistfully gazes at the buildings below us.

We land near the gate and easily find Este's caravan waiting in line to leave. The first caravans at the gate are already moving out.

We greet the guards, and I look at the elven sisters with a little bit of disappointment. I've had a lot of fun with the loli sisters, but I got nowhere with the elven pair.

I see a few new faces among the guards; it seems that Rande has beefed up security and is increasing the overall number of employees. Then I see Laertes and he gives me a small nod when our eyes meet.

Klein meets with her parents and we waste some time chit-chatting while the line moves. Lina enters the carriage and returns the books she borrowed from Oura. Osaria then comes out of the carriage with my little bird nestled between her breasts.

"Can I keep it?" The curvy milf asks with a smirk. "It's so cute and quite 'interesting' to have around."

Anton immediately facepalms.

"I think that's possible. It uses so little mana that I won't miss it. Just remember to feed it often since it can die if it runs out of mana," I say.

"I'll certainly remember to do that," Osaria says. She gushes a little with happiness and her droopy eyes become upturned for a moment, then they become a little serious and sad. "It'll also tell me that you're still coming back…" She whispers, softly.

I frown a little and give her a pained smile. Sometimes I wish that my destiny was different so that I wouldn't have to make her worry anymore, but this is only the first time, there will be many more to come…

We talk about their coming trip through Glorampina. The grasslands over there are absolutely beautiful and idyllic. The temperature may be a little hot, but the winds make sure that everything is always fresh.

That's Osaria's homeland, so you can bet that it's filled with milfy dark elves with red eyes just like hers. Maybe not exactly like that, but, yeah, a beautiful place.

I see one of Este's new mages summon a few birds and an earth elemental. The elemental is smaller than mine, obviously, but it looks sturdy enough.

Osaria notices where I'm looking and smiles. Then, she says, "Rande was convinced of the usefulness of elementals and [Summoning Magic]. We made quite a lot of profit on this run, so we decided to invest in it."

"A solid choice; you won't regret it," Ciel says with a nod.

"Summons can be used for all sorts of small and menial tasks. It's hard to even think about living without them now," Lina says.

"Small and menial tasks were supposed to be a slave's job, but I can see that Wolfy has a different mindset," Osaria says and sends me a mischievous glance. Lina blushes slightly and fiddles with her thumbs.

"The happier everybody is, the more united we are," I say and shrug.

"Well, it certainly makes us all very happy that nobody has to stay up for the night watch," Roxanne says and they all agree.

Then Este's caravan reaches the gate and prepares to pass through customs. The time for them to leave has finally come.

Osaria gives me a deep kiss and enters her carriage, giving only a casual goodbye to the others. Oura gives a hug to Lina, shocking my little girl for a moment, then she returns to her carriage. Nito shyly waves and his stare at me gives me a small shiver, then he returns to his position among the horses.

Well, there is one guy that I have to say goodbye to.

I approach my former beast of a horse and talk to it with [Animal Tongue], "Thanks for carrying me all this way, big guy."

The horse neighs softly, a mere nod of acknowledgment.

"You're a good worker. I'll miss you, a little."

The horse huffs, agreeing with my compliment as if it's saying "of course!" Then his head turns to me and lowers a little, letting me pet its mane.

"Alright. Goodbye, friend."

It neighs once, solemnly.

Nito smiles softly at me and I blush slightly while I return to the girls. He's way too much like a girl for me to even see him as a man.

The usual guards have better equipment now and a number of them, including the joker and Julien, get on our former horses. Julien and the others give us one last wave before guiding their horses towards the gate.

Then Rande comes to give us all a goodbye.

He gives me a strong handshake and a dimpled smirk. Then the smirk disappears and he turns serious. "Let's work again one day. If not that, then at least come visit my mother, she seems to have taken quite a liking to you. I won't ask you to marry her, but do take responsibility and don't disappoint her."

"If I could, we wouldn't leave her alone," I say and smile.

He chuckles and then goes over to Hana. He stops mid handshake and stares deeply into her eyes. "I'll miss seeing you every day. My heart will miss your fiery soul serving as my second sun," he says, dramatically.

"I'll miss rejecting your advances," Hana says with a fearsome smile.

He releases her hand and laughs out loud. "Ha! You're all horrible sadists. I feel like I am the innocent doe among orcs."

"You might actually be right!" Osaria shouts from the inside of the carriage.

The other girls receive a simple handshake and even Aoi gets one. She wraps her small claws around his thick finger and puffs smoke out of her nose, feeling satisfied.

Now Anton and Krysta come over to say goodbye.

Anton loosely covers my hand with his sausage-fingers and then frowns a little harder. "I must say, it's annoying living near you, Ryders, but you're all good people. Don't change. And remember to come back and pick up Klein again; you're going to have to take responsibility and be her not-husband for the rest of your life," he says and finishes with a grunt.

"We will, don't worry," Hana says and Anton grunts again.

"I'm sure that Helios will one day meet No Defeat again," I say with a smirk.

"BAHAHAHA!" Anton laughs heartily while Klein and Krysta groan softly. "What?! It's funny!" He says and chuckles.

"I agree. A name like that fits you guys really well," Hana says while smiling.

Anton grunts again with a smile softening his rugged face and says to Hana, "Well, at least you always had a good sense of humor." Then he turns to Ciel. "You seem to be the sanest one among them, so make sure that they don't get too warped by the time you come back for Klein."

Ciel's smile becomes stiff and we all smirk at her from behind Anton's back. "Y-yes, I will," she responds.

Krysta comes up to me and gives me a small hug. She smells of cinnamon and her body is more frail and soft than Klein's. Her breasts feel a little smaller, too.

Bad! I shouldn't be thinking such things about her mother!

"I'll be waiting to hear about your exploits. So come back with some happy stories, please?" She asks and breaks the hug.

I nod, a little embarrassed, and then she gives a hug to everyone else.

Klein finally comes over and gives Hana a deep kiss first, then me, then Alissa. I feel a little jealous that Hana was chosen first, just a little.

"I love you all," she says shyly while looking down, almost tearing up.

Hana pulls her into a bear hug and lifts her off the ground. "I love you too~!" She yells.

A few moments before killing her, Hana releases the monkey paste and Ciel discreetly casts a [Heal] on her.

"We'll be back in a blink," I say and steal one last kiss.

Klein gathers her breath and nods. Then she turns around and runs to catch up with the caravan.

The first time we saw her she came running, and now we see her run as she leaves, too.

I drop onto the bed and sigh.

"I feel depressed," I say.

Hana drops face-down beside me on the bed and groans. Alissa crawls on the bed on my other side and hugs my arm. Lina climbs onto Ciel's lap and grabs her hand, then drops it on top of her own head. Ciel and Roxanne smile wryly while Aoi and the golems give us curious looks.

"What is sadness?" Suzy asks.

"What do my memories tell you about it?" I ask, not feeling very philosophical right now.

"Things that you didn't want to, happen, happened," Ted answers.

"It's more complicated than that."

"Yes. Not all of those events, are sad," Suzy says.

I grab the golems and "update" their vocal cords to Aoi's current version, then I say, "There is a 'level' of 'desire' to the things that I didn't want to happen. The greater this 'desire' is for something to not happen, the sadder it makes me when it does happen."

"But we cannot predict this level of inverted, desire," Ted says.

"That depends on your interpretation of how I think. And there's also how my subconscious works, which means there are certain things that I can't influence and are just part of what makes me a humanoid. Like, being left naked would certainly make me sad, but there are moments where I'm happy to be naked."

"It's very complex…" Suzy says and tilts her head cutely.

"I don't have a simple answer for that. Just continue to observe us," I finish and turn around to face Alissa. I look into her beautiful large orange eyes and the hint of sadness in them only seems to amplify my own.

I decide to close my eyes and take a nap. I might feel better after some relaxation. "Wake me up when September ends," I whisper to her.

"That was a reference," Ted says.

Did I hear a hint of smugness or excitement? Whatever…

I touch foreheads with Alissa and we take a nap together.

We wake up at the same time and my pocket watch tells me that it's 11 AM. I look to the side and Hana is still in the exact same position as before: looking like a plank, face down on the bed.

"How's she not dead?" I ask.

"How do you know she isn't?" Roxanne asks.

I chuckle and nudge Hana awake through [Bind].

She suddenly raises her head and inhales a mouthful of air.

"What?" She asks, confused at our laughing.

"Nothing, nothing," I say and crawl towards her.

She frowns but then smiles softly when I gently grab her head and nestle her red mane on my lap.

There's no need for words; I just continue to comfort her as her feelings flow back into me through her [Bind] in a self-reinforcing cycle.

We leave the room for lunch even though we aren't very hungry. For the first time in a while, our meal is rather quiet. But even then, we aren't allowed to stay sad as the waitresses seem to be scrambling to please us.

Alissa overhears some juicy rumors being spread about us and shares what she heard. Alissa seems to be a pseudo-artist who wants to see me fuck the most perfect women in existence; Hana is a sadistic beast that breaks women's minds and creates a hierarchy of blood-slaves below her; Roxanne is a seductress in search of the most depraved pleasure known to humanoid-kind; Ciel is a pedo; Lina is a greedy pimp who sells her time with her master in exchange for coin; Aoi is my child with a breeder-type dragon queen; Gify is Aoi's husband.

And of course, I'm the Penis Monster, Widow's Companion, Cock Hands, Ravager of Virgins, Insatiable Beast, Enemy of Women, Lover of Women, Worshiper of Women, Magic Dick, Semen Demon, and Lord of Sex. I haven't gained a new title yet, but that's only because there are so many different nicknames for me that nobody can decide on a single one.

This improves our moods a little and we start to return to normal.

I decide to show off my black horns and tail in public and make them slowly grow out of my body. The entire restaurant seems to stop to observe it. In this large hall that was full of casual conversation, murmuring, and the tinkling of cutlery, the sudden silence feels odd.

"Shapeshifter," the observers start to murmur.

"Oh, I'd like that title," I say.

"Told you that flaunting it would be good," Roxanne says.

We return to our room and I store two of the beds so that I can practice my [Soul Manipulation]-combat with Hana. It isn't a good idea to flaunt that in public since we want to ensure that people don't know what exactly I can do. We have enough enemies that it's better to keep most of my abilities a secret.

We put on our armor and I start to spar with Hana, but soon we notice a flaw in my skill: I can only protrude my soul from my bare skin, I can't make it form over armor. I mean, I can, but I can't hold it in place. If I manifest a floating scale, then it immediately falls to the ground. I can only control my solidified soul if it's directly connected to me through something that can actually move it, like a tail or a muscle.

Making scales directly on my skin works because there is some slight fusion of my skin with the solidified soul, it's just not as perfect as the base of Roxanne's tail, so it feels "odd."

I can still use the succubus tail as a whip or to hold a dagger, so offensively, it's okay, but defensively, it's limited.

I tie daggers along my forearms and calves for surprise tail strikes, then I put armor on top of it. With a little wiggling, I can pull them out with a tail and strike.

"Okay, the calf daggers are the most dangerous if you manage to cut someone's Penthos Tendon," Hana says.

"What tendon?" I ask.

She lifts her foot and shows me her Achilles Tendon.

"Oh, that. Right."

I practice it a few times with a wooden dagger and it's still very clunky. I'm getting better results than when I sparred with Klein, so the skill increases do help, but it doesn't seem that significant.

"It won't do much against an armored foe, unless you manage to poke their eyes out," Hana says.

Hana waves her helmet around while I create a small and thin tail and try to strike it at the visor.

Fast and simple movements are much easier since they work on a more instinctual level. The slicing motion with the tail holding a dagger is harder because of how complex it is. I can also use the dagger-tail as a blade itself but then it costs more effort to make it sharp.

Using it to wrap around someone's limb and then pull seems like a viable move, too. I just have to be stronger than the enemy or wrap it around a vulnerable spot, like their legs.

"We're going to have to beat these new tools into you so you can level up your style, otherwise they're just going to be in the way if you try to use them before you're fully accustomed to them," Hana says with a sadistic grin.

I groan internally as she channels her inner Toga.

She beat me up and I could feel Alissa's pained heart through [Bind]. All she wants is to have me lay my head on her lap while she sings a soothing song, but she knows that I need this pain to grow.

Now that Klein is gone and our escort job is complete, we are all getting into our training mindset again.

Ciel and Lina leave to have a date, uh, I mean, to buy some rubbery gloves for Roxanne's workbench. Alissa continues practicing [Mesmerizing Butterflies]. Roxanne works on controlling her [Water Spirit]. Aoi can now glide indefinitely and slowly gain a bit of height. The golems are casting [Regeneration] on themselves and gradually gaining weight, but they can compensate for that with [Telekinesis].

During my tea break, where I receive a brief respite from being physically abused, I update the golem's mana organ to be the same as Roxanne's. Though she may have a lot of mana, the golems use quite a lot of it just to fight and move, so it drains very quickly.

"Shouldn't we consider Aoi as having finally learned how to fly?" Alissa asks.

"She can fly, but she hasn't mastered it yet, so I think that she can still learn quite a lot more," Hana says.

"Kweh! I'm almost there, then!" She exclaims quite happily and lands in Hana's arms.

"Yeah, you've grown so fast that it's a little frightening, really." Hana taps her snout lovingly.

"I am awesome and ferocious! Rawr!" She fakes a cute roar in her chipmunk voice.

"Yes, you are! Yes, you are!" Hana rubs her nose against Aoi's and receives a few licks and kisses.

Lina and Ciel come back a few hours later with arm-length rubbery gloves. Both of them look quite happy and affectionate with each other.

"How was your date?" Alissa asks with a smirk.

"Very good," Lina calmly answers while Ciel smiles a little guiltily.

I fall to the ground with a thud and Hana immediately mounts me. I try to pull her off, but all of my muscles are too tired and I don't have enough mental energy to guide my [Soul Manipulation] to create anything useful.

Her legs straddle my waist and she pulls down my pants. Mana rushes downstairs and my member immediately bulges.

"Oh no~… I've lost…! Now I'll be 'punished' by Hana!" I exclaim dramatically.

"He's ours tonight, so be gentle," Ciel says.

"Meh, fine," Hana says, not very pleased.

Lina easily welds together Roxanne's workshop and starts testing the air-tightness of it by filling it with water. It's okay so far, but now it needs an enchantment that pumps out the air.

Soon after that, we go to the bath and Hana carries me there like a princess. We don't call the maids, to give my body just a small amount of rest, but that doesn't mean that I ignore Ciel and Lina.

I can easily fill three of their holes simultaneously, so the possibilities are endless. My focus this time is on making sure that all of their nipples are well-sucked.

After having sold their time with me during the marathon, they grew a little thirsty, so I'm left with a hole in my mana when we finally leave the bath.

Osaria takes a bath alone with the bird and plays with it gently. Her soft touch and delicious body make me miss her already. My milfy seductress needs her man!

Klein also plays with her Holly, though she looks very sad.

"Hey, Wolfy, I hope that you are listening. I love you, I love Hana, I love Alissa, I love Lina, I love Roxanne, I love Ciel, and I love Aoi…

"Oh whoops! I love Gify, too!"


I chuckle at Gify's indignation at being almost forgotten. It makes my heart ache just a little less.

During dinner, I start talking about something serious.

"So far, my Hollys haven't found anyone suspicious or related to my vision, not even the brown eyes that I saw. The Shads also didn't smell anything related to illusion magic aside from the time we went to that shop or the street performers. But still, should we leave tomorrow morning? There's nothing keeping us in this town anymore."

"I'd like to seduce Rudita, but that's… kind of not that important," Alissa says with a wry smile.

"We should see Confiel. We kind of played a little too much," Roxanne says and smirks.

"Oof, if you are saying that, then yeah, we slacked off a little," Hana says.

"After all that stalking the elves did, the Darean business, the monsters and escort, even with all the breaks we had, everything was all so very stressful. I don't think we could have avoided indulging ourselves for a little while," Ciel says and shrugs.

"I thought it was fun fighting Darean," Aoi says.

"Don't take joy in killing, Aoi, it's not good for a humanoid," Ciel says.

"Oh, right… sorry…" She gives us a toothy smile.

"No need to apologize. Anyway, we could wait a day longer to make Alissa happy," Ciel adds with a wry smile.

"Awn… thanks," Alissa says and reaches over to give Ciel's hand a squeeze.

"Can you do it in just one day?" Lina asks and raises an eyebrow.

"We could try…" Alissa says and shrugs.

"We could ask Daiana if she could set it up between us," I say.

"Right. That might work. Who knows? We don't lose anything by trying." Alissa shrugs again.

"Except for our place to sleep," Lina says with a frown.

"We can always open a [Gate] to the outside of the town and sleep in Wolfy's tent," Alissa says and shrugs once again.

"Hm." Lina looks at Alissa a little disapprovingly.

I interrupt, "Anyway, so we all agree to stay for one more day? None of us feel like we're in any danger?"

They all nod, even Gify.


Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Oracle Maximillian Hübner.

Prince PreownedFIN.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Hope.

Lord Samuel Lim.

Lord Bill.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord DJ.

Lord Cidant.

Lord Ashadun.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Joxsan Herrera.

Lord Enrique Peña Gomez.

Lord Vampmire.

Lord Braidborn.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Kalsted.

Lord Yeeteris Dedmeem.

Noble Salty Panda.

Nobleman Lassiter.

Noble Evil.

Noble Yamibomb112.

Noble Maurice.

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