Seoul Station Druid

Chapter 26: Transformations

Chapter 26: Transformations

The Premier Care Team.

There are currently three most important Awakeners watching.

Applause is the number one if you place importance among them.

It is because of the possibility that the gateway to an unknown world that has never been connected may be the only one open in Korea.

That's why Choi Swim, the most specialized Awakener for dimensional energy detection, stood up to dedicate him.

In addition to her, only thirty-one people in the management team work to monitor and protect the applause.

One of the monitoring agents looked for the data a few times, but eventually paged Team Leader Kim Mi Soo.

"Boss, this is weird. "


"Team Leader Choi, didn't you go to Park Soo-ho? "

It's a story I know.

That's how I got the call from Choi.

It was Kim Mi Mi Mi who gave me the location.

"Why is that? "

"There are two different cell phone signals. "


I grew the map.

The location of the Guardian's signal is the address Kim Mi Soo just sent.

One star. This is where the Level 1 Dungeon is located.

"Why did she go there? "

The question is, is the signal of the best swimming.

"I haven't moved in 30 minutes. "

"Did you find out what's out there? "

"Yes, this is the last 5-Star Dungeon. "


What are you doing swimming alone in a Level 5 dungeon?

I tried calling her right away, but she wouldn't pick up.

"What about the rest of the Protection Clan? "

"We're still stuck in one place. "

" .... "

"Shall we put in some manpower? "

"Send them both. Where's Dungeon Management? "

"This is the DGB Guild."

"Retrieve the Dungeon Access Record. "


Kim Mi-soo called Choi Swim again.

'No way.'

A Level 5 dungeon.

A dungeon with an attack base based on Class A Awakening.

'Where are you doing? '

Kim smiling darkened his face on the phone.


'Ha, fuck! '

The swimmer swallowed the insult and chose to breathe.


You barely stopped a sword wielded by an Orc Warlord.

Spear! Boom!


You roll the floor to avoid a surprise incoming kick.

The Orc Captain walks freely.


Orcs surround you, though you can't win if you run to death.

This is not the end of a fight. You have to think about health distribution.

The problem is that this fight is not a main event.

Is that an advantage or a disadvantage? '

The Orc chieftain and guardian have been working very hard.



The swimmer attacked the oncoming Orc Great Warrior with his sword.

I couldn't care less about the fight for protection.

The Guardian returned to Earth and met the enemy for the first time.

Boom! Boom! Bam!

The club hits the ground, kicks, and tangles around the floor.

A sharp fang is an excuse to snap at a critical point, and a man's urgency is unhesitant.


An opportunistic guardian stabs the dagger into the orc's neck.


It was the perfect opportunity, but he twisted it and avoided the fatal wound.

Amazing reflexes.

The blade marks on the neck are pale.

How thick the skin is, the blood drains away.

'Not now. '

In this single blow, the defender admitted it.

You can't battle an Orc Chief if you don't get along. Rather, his stamina seems to be higher over there, so it would be better for him to lie on the ground if he dragged his time.

Only twenty Orcs surrounding the area. Winning is dangerous if you run out of health.

Not enough stamina left.



As the defender who was fighting well suddenly came toward him, Choi Swim opened his eyes.


The Orc chieftains and the Orcs who were waiting to watch the warrior duel were furious at the sudden departure of protection.

I insulted the fierceness and cowardice of the Guard, but I couldn't understand because of the Orcs.


The guard and swimming pool, one by one of the Orcs standing in front of you, brings down the forest.

"It's everywhere. Where are you going? "

Swimming senses are extremely sensitive in times of crisis.

She is no different from the human radar now.

You only need to fly through the forest with your tails to make more enemies.

You're supposed to take out the guerrillas one by one, and suddenly you're on the run.

"He was stronger than me. "

"Oh, fuck Gao, he's fucking killing me! "

Level 4.

A four-star dungeon boss mob can't be too weak.

"Do you have a plan? "

I wanted the Guardian to have a plan in mind.

"You said you get stronger every time you rank up. "

"That's right."

"Rank up is coming up. Then we fight. "

"No, you're stretching your limits! "

Have you seen this fool?

Rank up is not a power-up. Seems unlimited.

Are you going to get stronger or stronger now that you've reached your limit?

I'm just getting more growth potential.

Growth must accompany training.

"The training was premature. "

"No, fuck! "

I couldn't help but wonder if that was logically possible.


Four Orc Warriors have appeared in front of you.

"I got it. "

You are now at level 10. EXP needed to be exclusive.

I quickly pulled out four hand axes from my inventory.


Three Orcs have escaped, and one of them dodged an axe and hit his head with the fist of the defender.

"They're tough. "

If it were a Goblin, the Orc would faint from a single blow to the head. I miss the power I lost in this situation.

"Is this the last of them? "


As I slit his throat with the dagger, the dimensional energy absorbed and the alarm sounded.

Level Up!


The shimmering light of the shield shimmers with temporarily expanding body changes.


Strength 240 Agility 210 HP 290Intelligence 140 Recovery 145 Heal 150

Harmony 120 Wildlife 180

I've consistently improved my stats with every level up.

Rank up made it wider than before.

Upper wall compared to level 1.

Strength only doubled then, and the lowest harmonic stats rose 15 times.

"Nearly 15% above level compared to level 9. '

Can we defeat the Orc Chief that's chasing us like this?

Can they handle everything but 1: 1 this time?

Should we hunt some more? '

This dungeon itself is the realm of Orcs.

There's nowhere to run, and I'm just fighting, but I'm not sure yet.

Did he know the heart of the Guardian?

Skill unlocked.

It was when I opened the Achievement Shop as if I was attracted.

"Ha, surrounded. "

Choi Swim chewed his lower lip.

It's her habit every time she's in a hurry.

"Don't worry. I just learned a new skill. "

"Did you really rank up? "

Each time the Awakening Rank rose, the limit of abilities expanded, and there were often Awakened Awakenings who obtained specialized stats such as Awakening Skills.

"Something like that."

I didn't wake up, I bought it.

Beast Transformation

I borrow the power of a tamed beast.

Additional stats vary according to currency.

"What skills are you using? "



The Guardian used the Beast Transformation skill directly with it.


A dazzling flock of light embraces the body of the Guardian and becomes fur.

One head was even bigger, almost two meters tall.


A werewolf with an ever-changing look of protection.

Awakening skills are an implementation. How does the next skill come out like that?

No. Does it matter?

I hope that Defender's skill is great even for the return of the Blader.

I hope it's very powerful among Irregular people for ignoring ratings.

The swimming eyes were full of anticipation.

The guard raises his hands.

Thick hands, sharp claws. A natural barrier covered in white fur.

I wonder if Kuro felt the same way. '

This is what it feels like to be a predator from birth.

I can feel the rushing power.

You roar, staring at the Orc chieftain from afar.


I quickly got out of my expectations from Choi's face.

"Could it be a dog? "

" .... "

"That's right. It's a dog. "

Swimming barely swallowed the insult.

What happened to breeding, mating, talking like a bitch, and becoming a real dog?

"Don't insult me. "

"Phew, people talk even when you're transformed. What do we do now?"

Nearly forty orcs surrounded the forest, along with those who were chasing. There are five more orchids, so it doesn't seem easy to escape.

"Do something about it. "

"Leave it to me."

The guard moves forward confidently.


The Orc chieftain roars as if he had already won.

The guard frowns because I don't like it.

Long-grown claws grip the ground. The elasticity of his broad thighs makes him an ant missile.


I got tangled up with the Orc chieftain in a rowdy body thrashing.

Phew! Phew!

Every time the wide soles of the feet are swung, the Orc's head twists and twists.


The Orc chieftain tries to strike back, but seems to be embarrassed because he's pushed from his strength.

"Behind you! "

With the warning of the swimming, the head of the guard turns back.


The flying axe rolls to the ground, aiming for its back.

It was instinctively swinging the tail of the guard that stopped the axe.

It's worth it. '

It's amazing and exciting because I've never had a tail before.

You shake your tail as if you were responding.


The surrounding Orcs show signs of rushing in.

Swimming was already at war among the Orc warriors.

First things first.


The long nostrils are awkward, but perfectly shaped to bite the neck of an enemy.


A sharp tooth grabs the orc by the neck.

The collar twitches and tightens its chin.

I can feel his pulse.

Fear spreads through the tremor.


The Orc chief leans back, his neck hanging open.

The neck of the fallen Orc chieftain is torn in half.

I've tried covering the fountain with my hands, but I can't stop the flames of life from extinguishing.


The broad legs of the Guardian stepped on his chest.

I can feel my breath breathing. I pressed with all my might.

The grumbling man was slammed and heard a definite death sentence.

Level Up!


The guard glances around while standing over the Orc Chief.

In the meantime, more than 50 Orcs gathered and watched for protection. The sight of Choi Swim who had survived was also full of hope.

Demoralizes and demoralizes allies.

It is time for the shout of victory.


" .... "

Bullshit spreads to announce the beginning of the hunt.


Office of the Protection Clan.

My dad and uncles left for the dungeon in the morning.

Lee Sook-ja's grandmother was lying on the TV, and Gunhu was now almost a pair of white fowls and a training tripod.

"Baek-gu, sit down. "


"Wake up, white boy. "

"Woof, woof! "

"Well done."

When I gave him a snack, he got excited and shook his tail.

"Shall we fetch the ball now? "


Whatever you do, it's your favorite white bag.

I took out a tennis ball and threw it.

"Woof! "

The white-gold jumps in excitement and bites the ball back.

"Go further this time! "

The ball powerfully thrown by Gunhu rolls to the statue on one side.

"Woof! "

It was when the white-gold jumped over the candlestick and bit the ball.


His body disappears into a white light.


"Worm Hawk."

When the white goose disappeared without a trace, Gunhu and his roommate opened their mouths.

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