Seven Sins System

Chapter 327: Red Haired Vampire

Chapter 327: Red Haired Vampire

Seven Sins System Chapter 327. Red Haired Vampire 

??? and Puriel's PoV

'Wait… He's seriously giving me food?' she thought, her eyebrows knitting together in disbelief. She had expected secrets, danger, and hidden agendas when it came to Azrael, not a simple sandwich. The whole situation was as bizarre as a three-headed demonic serpent dancing in the light realm palace's hall.

Puriel closed the top of the toast, sandwiching the strawberry jam filling between the slices of bread. With the sandwich held close to her nose, she took a cautious sniff, her instincts on high alert. She wasn't about to let her guard down, not with Azrael and his penchant for the unexpected.

Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, and she inhaled deeply. No strange smell, nothing unusual. It just smelled like a regular, fresh sandwich. It didn't carry the scent of danger or any vile concoction that could wreak havoc on her senses.

But Puriel wasn't quite done with her inspection. She examined the toasted bread, turning it over to check for any hidden signs of tampering. There was nothing to be found. It was fresh, far from expired, and looked as innocent as any ordinary sandwich.

Puriel's gaze remained fixed on the sandwich before her, her doubts and skepticism lingering. It was as if the sandwich held the answer to a riddle she couldn't quite decipher.

She took another reluctant bite, her teeth sinking into the toasted bread and the sweet, familiar taste of strawberry jam filling her mouth. She chewed the food with meticulous care, savoring every texture, every taste. The jam was as sweet as summer, and the toast was delightfully crispy. It was, by all accounts, just a pair of toasts with strawberry jam. Nothing more, nothing less.

Puriel sighed and took another bite of the sandwich, munching on it as she considered the less-than-stellar taste. It wasn't exactly a culinary masterpiece, not even close to delicious. She was well aware that her tight budget had dictated her menu for the day. With meager supplies in the refrigerator and pantry, she couldn't afford gourmet feasts or lavish dining.

The toasts were plain, the jam simple, but they filled her stomach. It was functional, practical, and served its purpose in keeping her hunger at bay. She even planned to skip her breakfast, a way to save a few bucks until lunch or dinner.

Bite after bite, she savored the irony of it all. This was the first time she'd ever received food from the likes of a devil, her nemesis, the prince of the shadow realm, from... him.

'I feel ironic and pathetic,' she thought, her inner voice a whisper of self-deprecating honesty. 

It was absurd, really. Here she was, sharing a quiet moment with the very being she had battled against for centuries. It was a strange twist of fate.

But amidst the irony and self-reflection, there was something else. A glimmer of joy, like a tiny flame in her heart that refused to be extinguished. It was a reminder that, beneath the layers of conflict and time, there was still a trace of the El she had known in Azrael.

A boy who had befriended her during her loneliest of times, a boy who had shared secrets and smiles. Indeed, Puriel couldn't forget the atrocities Azrael had committed during the war three hundred years ago, nor could she erase the scars left by his actions. But in the simplest of gestures, like offering a sandwich, she found a glimpse of the past, a hint that perhaps not all hope was lost.

Puriel finished the last bite of her strawberry jam sandwich, her fingers delicately brushing away the crumbs from her lips. As she sat there, she gazed at her wrist, the very spot where the invisible thread of fate coiled and intertwined with her destiny.

Her heart ached with a mix of emotions. She contemplated the complex relationship she had with Azrael.

She couldn't help but wonder, 'But a goddess and a devil… Light and shadow… Can we be together?' Her thoughts echoed.

Unbeknownst to Puriel, a red-haired vampire moved with a stealthy grace down a nearby corridor. Her steps were swift and silent. She had the beauty of a vampire, ageless and captivating.

Her wealth had afforded her luxuries most vampires could only dream of, and she used it to maintain her beauty and power. 

This vampire had an insatiable appetite for real human blood, which she viewed as the elixir of life, and she had the means to indulge her cravings. It wasn't just any human blood she sought, but a particular variety, one with certain rare and mysterious contents that granted her unique advantages among her kind.

The red-haired vampire turned a corner and caught sight of a figure seated in the corner of the cafeteria, with her back to her. Her sharp vampire senses couldn't help but notice the golden hair. 

The golden hair reminded her of angels and goddesses. But in the mortal realm, such beings were said to be nothing more than tales told in the dark.

Was it possible? Could she have stumbled upon a goddess in the midst of mortals? It seemed implausible, if not downright impossible. After the war, she had never encountered one.

The red-haired vampire decided to continue her journey toward the principal's office. Her daughters were waiting for her, and they had matters of their own that required her attention.

Little did the red-haired vampire or Puriel know, their paths were destined to cross once more.

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