Shincon’s One Coin Clear

Chapter 108

Episode 108. Dragonic lab (8)

Taeyang and his team have already experienced the power of PX-4889 through two sessions.

In particular, three out of five members of the Iron Wolf Clan died during a strength-testing session, unable to cope with the power of PX-4889.

Taeyang’s power during the muscle strength measurement session and the brilliance’s power during the horsepower measurement session. And based on the durability of the steel covering the skin, I predicted PX-4889’s power.

“Hunting will be impossible, but a battle will be established.”

It is a chimera based on a 5th level old dragon.

Of course, Taeyang and his party couldn’t fight with a winning spirit all the time.

But it will be at a distance.

Everyone agreed with Taeyang’s opinion.

Considering that he actually avoided the breath during the horsepower measurement session, Taeyang’s opinion seemed reasonable.

And it was wrong.

The muscular warrior with a crippled leg was crushed to death by PX-4889’s forepaws, unable to respond like that.


During the horsepower measurement session test, there was no time for the sun to help, just like when the breath struck.

“Malli profit!”

The target time for the PX-4889 combat power measurement test suggested by the research director was 5 hours.

And it took 30 seconds for Malik to be crushed to death.

Big la la la la la la la!

At the same time as the start, the steel dragon that turned one creature into a chunk of meat roared loudly and rushed toward another target.

天牢轟步 (天牢轟步): Yun Taeyang-style arrangement.

stormy wind.

The second target, Ran and Taeyang, managed to escape from PX-4889’s attack.

Malik’s death was in vain, but in a sense it was not in vain.

Because death tells the other four players how to react to PX-4889.


can’t even dream

All Taeyang and the others could do was evade.

One good thing, though, was that it wasn’t a confined environment like in the strength training session.

In the strength test session, I had to dodge PX-4889’s body in a stuffy space where a few steps would reach the wall, but there was enough distance and space in the combat power test session.

Also enough mana.

It means that an environment in which they can struggle to some extent has been provided.

“Rosie! Ice magic!”

“The space is too big!”

The widening of the test space didn’t work all that well.

This is because it has become difficult to attack the weakness of PX-4889, which was discovered by Taeyang and his party.

No matter how talented a wizard Rossi was, he couldn’t transform a large space into an environment like a snowy mountain on his own.

The sun quickly widened its distance, contemplating how to survive the five hours.

In fact, the strand to attack the room was caught to some extent.

A method using the fact that PX-4889 is a mecha, or robot.

Taeyang intended to cause an error in the PX-4889’s software program.

Of course, I didn’t mean to solve it through hacking.

Not only was Taeyang himself ignorant of computers, but there was no way that the computer language used by the dragons and the earth’s computer language were the same.

– It could be the same. After all, it’s a game made by people.

“I’m starting to doubt that too. Shit, I thought finding the control room was the easiest way, but it must be difficult, right?”

-I’ve been beaten once, but I won’t be beaten that easily again.

If so, how do you cause the error?

All software will make errors if you do what it ‘can’t do’.

An example is the match between an artificial intelligence Go program and a Go player.

When the Go player made a ‘winning’ move, the artificial intelligence Go program designed to ‘win the game’ calculated an impossible number and eventually caused an error.

All you have to do is create a situation that conflicts with the order.

“Let’s go out one by one.”

The commands entered into the PX-4889 were clear.

A tester who entered the combat power measurement session. That is, killing all the players and getting rid of them.

All Taeyang needed to find out was what restrictions were placed on PX-4889.

You have to figure out which behavior is forbidden so you can force that behavior and cause an error.

“I hope it turns out the way you think.”

-I know. Data is lacking. It must have been like that in the end.

In the strength measurement session and horsepower measurement session, he even gave a lengthy explanation.

Taeyang was dozing off, but in fact, Hyunhye and the rest of the players got quite a bit of hints about the test strategy from the research director’s explanation.

However, this combat power measurement session was different.

Taeyang and his party waited incessantly in the laboratory for the horsepower measurement session, and the head of the laboratory barely showed his face until the session started.

I only spoke a few words through a loudspeaker with poor sound quality.

Salomon once again attempted to gather information through smoke, but was unsuccessful.

Ran’s wind tricks too.

It’s because the boundary has become strict because it’s been done once.

“Taeyang I don’t understand. Conflict of code? Error? Looking at the movement now, isn’t it closer to a living being than a machine? Of course, since it’s a chimera, it’s also a living being… … eek!”


Ran swiftly swung his fan, dodging PX-4889’s paws.

On the other side, Salomon shook his head.

“no. That part is the end of the story. Didn’t you check it in the horsepower measurement session? PX-4889 was definitely a machine. shit. I don’t know where the control room is. It will be easier if you find it.”

“A machine can move like this?”

“I agree with Ran. Sun I admit you’re competent, but I honestly don’t know. Maybe we got the wrong strand.”

Ran is Changchun. And Rossi was from Eden.

To the two, who had lived in a culture comparable to the Middle Ages by Earth standards, the idea of the sun seemed vague and bizarre.

However, Salomon, who was a resident of a highly developed worldview (albeit a worldview that mainly used magic), fully agreed with the sun.

The sun shook its head.

“Are you just that surprised? I think there could be more. Extremely advanced science is like magic. Oh, is there even magic mixed in here?”

“Extremely advanced science is like magic. do you know something Not even a wizard.”

“It’s a famous saying in our world.”

“Come again. Come in!”

Woo woo woo.

Smoke Magic: Dust Gate.

Salomon creates a teleportation gate and once again evades PX-4889’s assault.

Once again, belatedly, PX-4889’s iron forefoot slammed down.


Confirming the presence of Mana, PX-4889 turned its head towards the sun and roared.

Big la la la la la la!

Even in the middle of the hectic battle, the discussion on the strategy continued.

In fact, the conclusion of the discussion that followed without much information was obvious.

-A code that must have been entered unconditionally?

-Ah haha Where in the world is unconditional?

– No matter how you look at it, don’t kill yourself. I can only think of something like this.

– So. They also won’t be like that if a robot kills them.

– But what did he say? There was something like a rule written by a novelist.

[‘Arthur’ sponsored 10,000 Won!]

[Three Rules of Robot]

Considering the characteristic of dragons that are obsessed with their own people, of course, the order ‘do not harm dragons’ was highly likely to be prohibited.

Taeyang and Rossy Salomon gazed at the lab while the mobile column caught PX-4889’s attention.

Salomon murmured in a timid voice.

“… … One way or another, the other side is also a dragon. I don’t know if it’ll be okay. If you succeed, it doesn’t matter, but if you fail, it will be a handshake that doubles the burden.”

“There is no need to be afraid of all dragons. It’s Yongin, but you’re still a researcher. non-combatant. It will be worth it.”

-That was also the case when Azur Murph’s analysis was correct.

Dantalian raider Azur Murph made an interesting presentation about Balak’s floor.

The title of the presentation is ‘An Opinion on Why Ballack is Located on the 16th to 18th Floors’.

The dragons are the monsters that can’t be beaten even on the 30th or 40th floor.

Why did Balak, the peak of the Balaur, settle on the 16th to 18th floors, which are relatively low?

Azur Muff interpreted that Balak used the space called ‘Dimensional Labyrinth’ for beings that are difficult to graze by putting them in the middle of the demon realm, such as Ahryong.

All dragons appearing on the 16th to 18th floors are half a penny compared to other dragons.

Either it’s a sub-dragon or it’s a problem with fighting power.

In fact, the dragon monsters that appeared between the 16th and 18th floors were strong, but possessed the strength appropriate to the floor.

“In other words, if you actually deal with those researcher Yongin, it’s more likely than you think.”

“If we take the dragons hostage and finish the test, will it be judged that the stage has been cleared?”

“There is no need to take them hostage.”

The point was to get PX-4889 to attack dragons.

If PX-4889 had the same principles as the ‘Three Laws of Robotics’ at the base of artificial intelligence, that alone could damage the software.

Just then, PX-4889 began preparing for a breath.



Taeyang, Salomon Ran, and Rossi gathered at the same time as the laboratory where the dragons were gathered.

If the other facilities were intact, it might have been difficult to separate the labs, but those worries were alleviated as the Yongin destroyed them with their own hands.


It was intended to induce the dragons to inflict damage through the breath.

“joy. Obvious.”

The research director, who was watching Taeyang and his party in the lab, snorted.

Sun’s idea was not wrong.

Although he ordered all restrictions to be lifted and only increased aggression, there was no way the Dragons would leave the Chimera with the possibility of attacking other Dragons.

“However, if the artificial intelligence was pathetic enough to fall for such shallow numbers, it would not have been able to present itself to the monarch.”

Big la la la la!

PX-4889, which had been holding its breath, let out a roar without letting out a breath.

After confirming that Taeyang’s goal had failed, the dragons moved busily.

It was a preparation for Taeyang’s group attacking the laboratory.

Indeed, on the Dragonic Lap stage, players who made that decision could fill dozens of trucks.

“Establishment of a resistance regime for Taeyang Yoon based on data from the muscle strength measurement section.”

“An alternative to neutralizing Smoke Magic by Salomon, player of Lan’s Wind Spell. Opening a magic circle to summon multiple wind spirits, Windy.”

“At the same time as the attack, the ‘breath breathing’ was requested. Expected to disable 50% of players’ power due to mana vacuum.”



“Player Taeyang Yoon starts moving. Player Ran cruised without taking a single hit from PX-4889.”

Big la la la la la la la!

The four players moved close to the lab wall.

Taeyang shouted in front of PX-4889, who had been chasing him to the bottom of his chin in an instant.

“Remember! Even if you get sprained just once, it’s the end!”

Along with the word of the sun, Ran’s wind magic and Roshi’s ice magic combined to sweep the air.

Unlike before, the surrounding space froze overwhelmingly quickly.


The sun pulled out its lightsaber.

Big la la la la la!

As he drew his lightsaber, PX-4889 reacted violently.


He cut down the control room and the dragon that was inside it, and even cut off the breath ejection organ.

Taeyang had already shown the danger of a lightsaber once in front of the Chimera Dragon.

There was no way that the Yongin researchers hadn’t put that data in.

-And the order to ‘do not attack Yongin’ was also confirmed.

“good. It’s coming in.”

Robot 3 principles.

Rule 1: Robots must not harm humans. And you shouldn’t pretend not to know a human being in danger.

2nd Law: Robots must obey human commands unless this violates 1st Law.

3rd principle: As long as the 1st and 2nd principles are not violated, the robot must protect itself.

I confirmed that it moves according to the first sentence of the first law.

Then what about the second sentence of the first law, ‘Never turn a blind eye to a person in danger’?

The three players, except Taeyang, spread out.

PX-4889’s aggro was still focused on the sun.

With his back to the lab, Taeyang, holding a lightsaber, confronted PX-4889.

The head of the laboratory, who was observing the situation, murmured.

“You are making a stupid choice.”


Even without touching the lab, there were many ways for PX-4889 to subdue Yoon Taeyang.

Yoon Taeyang held the laboratory as a hostage to stop PX-4889’s actions, but looking at it differently, he was also cornered himself.

The artificial intelligence of PX-4889, set up by the head of the laboratory, was able to very efficiently catch prey that had entered an unfavorable environment on its own.

However, there was one thing the research director missed.

The head of the lab ordered PX-4889’s artificial intelligence to be set to excessively ‘aggressive’.

And that mistake was clearly revealed the moment the sun turned its back.

Taeyang muttered to himself, recognizing PX-4889’s formidable forepaws kicking behind him.


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