Shincon’s One Coin Clear

Chapter 85

Episode 85. Clan Wars (4)


In an instant, the lines crossed and the sun and Icarus looked back at each other.


The sun’s pauldron was shattered.

Icarus is still smiling.

Isaac, who was staring at the screen, frowned.

“I couldn’t react.”

Julia, the woman sitting next to him, asked, tapping her thick lips with her finger.

“Isn’t that a pretty good reaction?”

“If you reacted well, you should have avoided it.”

[‘Kingpy from the beginning of the 4th year’ sponsored 10,000 won!]

[Don’t be the only one who knows, please relay it.]

– ㅇㅋ They gathered them to join, and they talk about things only they know.

-Who gave money to recruit? You know, you gathered.

-anyway. If you turn on the broadcast, we’ll have to join the conversation!

– Shut up. Two King of Fist Legends came together. I just have to say thank you and see where.

– So that’s what I mean. uh? In my time~ When Julia turned on the broadcast, I would bow to the monitor for three days and nights~ I mean!

Julia, who glanced over the sponsorship window, opened her mouth.

“The sword aimed to stop. I tried to raise the sun with my feet, but I used my wings to raise the altitude.”

“So I reflexively twisted my upper body, but the sword grazed my shoulder.”

Julia pursed her chin and pursed her lips.

“Isn’t that too absurd? If you brush it, the equipment will be destroyed.”

“Dantalian is not the King of Fists. Rather, it is more like an RPG.”

In an RPG, the level is a gangster and the sun is a small rep.

It is bound to be unreasonable.

In the meantime, the sun and Icarus on the screen collided once again.


At the same time as the feet of the sun advanced, Icarus flew up.

As expected, the sun lifted its feet.

Starburst High Kick – Canon Form.


Isaac laughed at the sight.

“Every time I see it, I feel dumbfounded.”

“I know. When I used it for the first time, I gathered energy like a special move, but now what?”

“If I knew I could transform like that, I would try too.”

Why couldn’t I have thought of that?

Isaac licked his lips with a small regret.


The ground exploded as Icarus’ sword plunged down.

Then a man jumped out of the dust cloud.


The man who bounced out with a bowl of blood pouring out of his mouth was Taeyang.

-DDD. Yun Tae-yang?

-no. How did this happen?

-Can’t we see it from Taeyang Yoon’s point of view? Why are you looking at it from the arena point of view?

-Yoon Taeyang’s point of view is more dizzy. I get motion sickness after moving the point of view because the specs are so high.

-ㅇㅇ Yoon Taeyang’s broadcast is now in the third person.


Icarus lunged at the sun once again.

The sun stepped forward and dodged the sword.


“It came out. Practice Yun Tae-yang.”

Taeyang’s unique forward step that enters while completely stealing the enemy’s breath.

Even to the two King of Fist experts, it was a neat transcendent advance.

Rather, ordinary viewers couldn’t figure out why Taeyang’s steps were so great.

“How do you put such complex motions in such a timely manner? Not even a pattern.”

“It doesn’t make sense to do something like that in that situation. What kind of psychology is that?”

Transcendent Jin-Gak – Seungryong Fist (乘龍拳).

A fist impregnated with a giant electromagnet hit Icarus’ chin.


The fuselage of Icarus rose several tens of meters into the sky in an instant.


bow sword.


Bi-sang put power on Icarus’s wings and the bowsword restored his body.

Icarus settled down in the air and then lowered his sword into the sun.

The sun looked at him with an expressionless face, then took a big step to the side.


Transcendence Jingak – Yeomragak (閻羅脚).

Icarus’s sword shattered the ground with a difference of one inch.

And in exchange for the failed attack, Icarus’s temple was pierced with the flames.

I’m sorry.

A kick containing the enormous magical power of Dragon Heart.

However, Icarus dissipated the shock by shaking his head.

At that moment, one of the earrings that had been glowing in his ear lost its light and disappeared.

-what. Are you blocking me once? i envy you?

The sun shuddered and stepped on the goong advance.

Isaac drooled.

-That feeling.


right now, Isaac?

-Ah PTSD during the punching bag days?

[‘Isaac Chungshin No. 3′ was kicked.]


– You Ben.

– Hahahahahahahaha Isaac, you speak Korean well now.

-There is a manager. Let’s go.

Icarus, his eyes red with bewilderment and anger, swung his sword.

Sun Slide.


Icarus’ sword caught fire.


As Icarus charged, the sun bent his body, and the flames passed only by the sun’s body.


Icarus swung his sword again.

Huong chuong!

Sometimes avoiding, sometimes blocking.

bursting blow.


get away

Aura Blade.

brush again

For about 3 seconds, Icarus’ one-sided offensive continued.

However, not a single attack hit Taeyang’s body.

The sun grinned.

– rupture. Is it a hitting technique? The line slide is just about extending the damage by applying the fire attribute to the sword.

– You bastard!

-The bow sword is a recovery skill and the thousand wings are wing-related skills. Aura Blade is a weapon enhancement.


Icarus’ body was shot out.

It was an overwhelming speed that the sun could not achieve.

The sun barely turned its body.

It was slow compared to Icarus, but that was the sun’s best. And that move was enough to dodge Icarus’ attack.

Icarus launched an attack, but still his attacks did not reach the sun.

Isaac murmured.

“It’s over.”

Julia nodded in agreement.

“I know. Download is over.”


It’s a term floating around among fighting gamers.

Through several battles, he talked about a situation where he could perfectly see through the opponent’s skills and psychology.

Taeyang was, so to speak, a master of downloading.

The higher the level of the game, the more the pattern is constantly changing and the game is played, so there were few games that were completely detected enough to be said to have been downloaded.

However, even at the World Championship, the highest stage, Taeyang would ‘download’ several times and win the match with overwhelming performances.

His download was so fast and accurate that even if he changed his pattern several times during the game, he would download a new one.

Julia grumbled in a voice that she was fed up.

“I have already mixed my hands several times… … .”

Julia was also a player who was good at understanding psychology to the point of being told that she could read people’s minds, but she wasn’t as fast and accurate as Taeyang.

Moisture began to mix with Icarus’s voice on the screen.

-why! why!

-Why, why?


The sun stepped on Jinkak again.

-Because it’s fucking obvious.

Transcendent Jin-Gak – Fan Fist (旋風拳).


Cain of Agrippa, a pure white swordsman, was lost in thought while looking at the sun from the stands.

‘It’s beyond common sense. If I put up my specs, I think I can fight on the front line right away.’

So I felt impatience.

The Knights of Agrippa could not afford to physically present it to the sun right away.

It was because he was spending a huge amount of gold to supply equipment for his clan members for an immediate expedition and to recover those injured in the temple.

In addition, his influence at low stages is not as high as that of Steel Wolf.

Cain shook his head.

Of course, Agrippa also had its own strengths.

‘Cultural exchange with clan members is the best in our clan.’

The Moorim NPCs in the Astronomical Dimension are very exclusive about passing on their martial arts.

Iron Wolves do not have an established clan.

But the Knights of Agrippa did not.

While Cain is a player from Eden, he became friendly with players from the astronomical dimension in the process of growing up.

In fact, about half of the clan leaders were players from the astronomical dimension.

Based on this, Cain created a clan culture that blended the strengths of Eden and Astronomy.

The officers of the Knights of Agrippa readily offered their feats, unlike the astronomical players who were completely blocked.

Cain and other executives indulged in each other’s skills, combined and developed them to create better technologies.

And he spared no effort in passing on the skill to his clan members.

Of course, there were significantly fewer clan members than the other two S-class clans because they were selected from reliable clan members.

If the sun joined the Knights of Agrippa, Cain would pass on the technology to the sun without hesitation.

“I wish he knew how great this culture is.”

To Cain’s muttering, a long black man sitting across from him responded.

“Martial arts transmission? It can do enough in astronomy. I don’t know if it’s another player, but it’s Yun Taeyang of S+ rank.”

Skinny body in contrast to the elongated height.

A black man reminiscent of a large firefly or water strider murmured.

It was KDCR, the clan leader of the clan ‘Flame’.

KDCR crossed their arms and asked back.

“So instead of stopping the ‘flame’ hostility of the Knights of Agrippa, help recruit Taeyang Yoon?”

“The flames won’t be able to maintain their ranks through clan wars without activity forever.”

“Do you think that will be to our advantage?”

“All three major S-class clans are against you. Do you think you can survive if all three clans reject you when you resume your activities?”

KDCR shut up.

In fact, the dissolution of the clan was a problem that he himself was contemplating.

The rank of a clan is determined by ‘Clan Points’ and ‘Performance’.

A much more important factor is Clan Points.

These points, which can be obtained through clan wars, accounted for a large portion of the clan’s rank maintenance and upgrade.

and performance.

In fact, there were few cases in which attention was paid to performance because it was really necessary to meet the ‘minimum’ requirements while challenging the stage.

However, the recent ‘Fireworks’ were not active, so their performance was falling short.

In order not to disband the clan, the players of ‘Flame’ eventually had to challenge the stage again.

What if players from other clans openly reject the flame?

This is exactly what Cain pointed out.

Of course, there is also a way to disband the clan without challenging the stage at all.


‘not good. I can’t suck my finger while waiting for Yoon Taeyang.’

‘Spark’ was the players’ psychological hope.

A symbol of the foundation that can support players when they start clearing again, even if they don’t move right away.

Seeing the troubled KDCR, Cain added his words.

“How about a partnership?”


“If your player and our player have the same number of floors, we clear together. on schedule.”

“So far?”


Cain nodded.

His calculation was that if he could bring Yoon Taeyang into the Knights of Agrippa, that would not be a bad option.

“The condition is, of course, that Yoon Taeyang joins Agrippa, right?”

“Of course. I am willing to guarantee other interests as long as it becomes possible.”

Cain clenched his fists.

I saw Taeyang’s face leaving the arena.

‘Astronomical Steel Wolf. Both have lost their original purpose. We are the best to really clear the tower.’

The Steel Wolves were a group that focused on building their own rather than clearing the tower.

Tianmen is tired of the old fight.

Now they are more obsessed with completing martial arts than climbing a tower.

it has been altered

At first, it must have been a group gathered to climb the tower.

But it was stagnant and rotted away.

That was the reason why Cain wanted to recruit Yoon Taeyang while going through an unfamiliar operation.

‘Yoon Taeyang, what kind of person are you?’

Cain sincerely wished that the sun was a human being of his kind.



“Heinrich lost!”

“Newbie beat Heinrich!”

The crowd was filled with cheers again.

Hyun-hye, who was looking at the monitor, grabbed her head.

-I’m going crazy. Why are there so many abnormalities?


Sword Demon (劍鬼).

He was a player in charge of the Iron Wolf’s 15-20 20-25 Recruitment Clan War.

Grade is B+.

For the sake of clan points, talents that could be used even on the frontlines were deliberately planted on the 24th floor and dedicated to clan warfare.

In other words, Heinrich was the player the Iron Wolf created by benchmarking the astronomical cloud dragon.

Even Heinrich was so skilled that he even caught a cloud dragon at times and took first place in the clan’s individual competition.

However, that skilled player just lost to a player who had just cleared the 15th floor.

That player wasn’t even the sun.


The white tiger human Paka, covered in blood all over, roared.

It was the moment when the power structure of the integrated human shelter, which had not changed for a long time, cracked.

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