Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 847: Conversation

Chapter 847: Conversation

James was just about to head out of the room when he felt his daughter tugging at his shirt collar.

His daughter, Nini, looked up at him with her eyes glimmering with hope. "Daddy, can I ask for something?"

"What is it, sweetheart? Just tell me. Whatever my little star wants, Daddy can make it happen!" James said with a warm smile.

"Can you give me two coins? If that's too much, even just one will do."

James blinked in surprise. Why would his daughter suddenly ask for money from him? As his little girl, she was never lacking anything.

"I want to buy some food from the food stalls at the school entrance. The things they sell smell so yummy."

"My dear girl, those things aren't very clean. They might upset your stomach," James replied with a concerned look.

A pleading expression immediately appeared on Nini's face as she said, "But why do Emma and the rest get to eat it? They didn't get sick."

Seeing Nini's puppy-dog expression, James' heart melted completely. "Alright, how about this? I'll drive you to school, and whatever you want to eat, I'll buy it for you."

Nini squealed with joy and showered James' face with kisses.

Cradling Nini in his arms, James was grinning from ear to ear as he carried her into the living room, where breakfast had already been prepared.

After setting Nini down on the stool, James picked up his fork and knife, but the moment he saw the food on his plate, he froze.

"What… is this?"

"The white core and flowers from a banana tree, plus some unripe mangoes. You are getting too heavy, and you need to lose some weight. This is the most suitable food for you," James' wife, Mosicca, said.

A hint of resignation crossed James' face. "I mean, fine that I can't eat meat or drink alcohol, but how am I supposed to eat this? Shouldn't the mangoes at least be ripe?"

"No," Mosicca replied firmly. "Madam Linda said that there's too much sugar in ripened fruits. You will gain even more weight eating those. This is the best for you."

In the household of Hope Island's Police Chief, it was never the man who had the final say. With a look of resignation, James stabbed a piece of the white banana core with his fork. He sliced it into smaller chunks with the knife before stuffing a piece into his mouth.

As he chewed down on the white core, James felt like he was gnawing on a crispy, flavorless candle. Apart from being slightly more watery than bananas, it had absolutely no taste.

After much struggle, he swallowed the final scratchy bit down. For a moment, he felt like he had returned to S.S. Mouse, where he had to chew on hardened black rye bread for meals.

"Are you close to Linda? I didn't know you two were friends," James commented as he cut into another piece of banana flower and grimaced as he forced it into his mouth.

Mosicca shook her head, saying, "We're not friends. Just a few days ago, I saw her on the streets. She mentioned that your health has been declining because you have been sitting in your office and didn't move much. She also said you need to lose weight and exercise more.

She paused for a moment, a look of hesitation crossing her face before she continued, "Actually, I was planning to drop by her place yesterday to thank her for her reminder with a small gift. But when I was at her door, I smelled this strong, overwhelming scent of blood. So I didn't go in."

James quickly shoved the rest of the food on the plate into his mouth. He picked up the cup of water next to him and washed the contents down with a large gulp.

"Since you're not close friends, then don't bother to visit her. I'll pass along your gratitude," James remarked.

Mosicca let out a sigh of relief at her husband's words. "Good. To be honest, Linda feels like a knife. I feel uneasy just standing near her."

"A knife? Why would you think so? Linda seems perfectly normal to me," James replied as he rubbed the top of his daughter's head affectionately.

"Normal?" Mosicca reiterated with a raised eyebrow. "I feel that everyone from that ship of yours is a little… strange."

James' brows slightly furrowed. "Those people are my comrades who went through life and death with me. Don't forget who helped us when we got into trouble before."

"I know, I know," Mosicca quickly justified. "I don't have anything against them. I'm just worried. People outside don't say it outright, but there's a lot of gossip and rumors going around about your crew. I've overheard others' conversations about how that giant monster that flew overhead recently across the island is actually the governor's missing wife!"

"Let them say whatever they want. The captain has mice all over the island, and he's definitely aware of what people are saying. Since he chose not to take any action, then it means he doesn't care."

Mosicca looked at her husband with a face of concern and asked, "James… is the governor leaving on another expedition again?"

"Yeah… He's setting off tomorrow. I saw him hauling up the Narwhale's anchor earlier. They'll probably start loading supplies onto the ship today."

"Where's he headed this time?" Mosicca's voice carried a hint of worry. "It's not another war again, is it?"

"Since when are you so curious about things? Don't ask too much about things that don't concern you, especially when it's the captain's matters," James responded, his tone laced with evident annoyance.

"Alright, I won't ask anymore. It's just… life is finally getting better, and I just hope nothing happens again. The last time the sea levels rose, we were all really terrified."

James' expression softened. He hesitated for a brief moment before he said, "I don't know what the captain is planning to do, but he has his own plans. Whatever it is, I'll support him. If it wasn't for him sacrificing his arm to pull me out of that island, I wouldn't be here today."

As Nini finished the last bit of food on her plate, James gently took her hand and helped her hop off the chair.

"Alright, we're leaving now. See you tonight," James bade his wife goodbye and led Nini to the door.

Compared to the scheduled tram routes, traveling by car was undoubtedly much more convenient. Soon enough, they had arrived at the school gates.

Pushing the door open, James stepped out of the car and watched with a smile as his daughter, holding two coins, excitedly ran toward a street vendor. The pure joy on her face reminded him how easily children could find happiness in the simplest of things.

"Daddy! Try this! It's so delicious!" Nini returned with a small cup of steaming shellfish soup in her hands.

James bent down and opened his mouth to take a bite of the small shell his daughter offered. The tiny piece of meat within the shell smoothly slid down his throat.

"It's indeed tasty. Hurry up and finish it. School's about to start for the day."

Back in the comfort of the car's leather seat, James quietly watched Nini finish the cup of soup. Just then, he noticed a man stepping off the tram across the street.

Despite having the stature of an adult, the man had a childlike innocence in his eyes. James immediately realized who he was. The Captain had rescued the man from some island, and he had heard that Linda had adopted him.

As soon as he was reminded of the Narwhale's doctor, James spotted Linda herself stepping off the tram right behind the man.

Gently patting Nini on the head, James exited the car and approached Linda. "Here to drop off your ward?"

The bald-headed Linda nodded. "His school's on the way today, so I thought I should drop him off."

"I remember he was already schooling when Lily died. Has he still not graduated?" James asked as he glanced at the man, Salin.

Carrying a backpack, Salin shifted uneasily and shrunk back to stand behind Linda.

"I'm not sure what he can do if he leaves school. Since he enjoys school life, I plan to let him stay in school for as long as he likes," Linda replied.

James picked up the wary gaze in Salin's eyes and said, "That doesn't seem like a good idea."

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