Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc III Chapter 10

Arc III Chapter 10



Arc III Chapter 10


Hiruzen was leaning back in his chair, chewing on his pipe. He had underestimated his old friend. He never expected him old friend to be this bold, which was unusual for him. Danzo was a man of many secrets, and he wanted Asami. His proposal that day brought her into the ANBU. But why? What was his old friend planning? Danzo's interest didn't go unnoticed.

“...” Hiruzen sighed. In hindsight, it was a stupid decision to allow Asami to join the ANBU. He miscalculated. Offering her to join was the perfect way to sabotage Danzo's plan. In theory. Without her consent, Danzo's options were limited, his hands bound, but Asami accepted the offer willingly and with great enthusiasm, creating thus a major headache.

“...” Hiruzen massaged his temples, fighting a mild depression. Now the damage was done, and he had to remove Asami from Danzo's influence. It was obvious what his old friend was up to. Danzo was always keen to recruit new talent her and add another strong piece to his board. Asami was a valuable asset. Her sheer talent ... Her raw skill ... Not only was she a talented kunoichi who had proven her worth on the battlefield time and time again, but she was also non aligned. A kunoichi without connections, without family, without annoying clan loyalties. Asami was the perfect candidate for Danzo and his recruiting policy. Thankfully, his attempts had failed so far. Asami resisted his offers, and Danzo didn't succeed in drawing her over to his side.

However, it didn't escape his notice that Asami was frequently paired up with former Root members on her missions. The reports clearly showed so. He doubted that such was just mere coincidence. His old friend probably pulled some strings and used his influence. Danzo definitely had his eyes on her. That is why he needed to act before it was too late. He had underestimated Danzo before and how far he was prepared to go. He thought Itachi safe, but that was sadly not the case. Danzo pushed Itachi to the edge.

“...” Hiruzen gazed upon his peaceful village through his window. Under no circumstances, could he allow Asami to fall into Danzo's hands. He already wielded far too much power. He had to get her somehow out of the ANBU to deny Danzo any access. 

Their little princess, however, wasn't particularly keen to leave, and it wasn't so easy to force her to resign against her will. The village council would never approve such a proposal. Not only was Asami too valuable to be discharged, but such a move would also slight her. Asami was a prideful girl, and she wouldn't take kindly to being discharged.

“...”  Hiruzen was drumming his fingers on his desk. Her case was similar to Kakashi's, but without the option of making her a sensei. Even with her talent, Asami was still too young for such an assignment, and he pitied the poor genin who would serve under her. “...” 

The door opened and the girl in question entered. “You called for me, Hokage-sama.” Asami stood straight, awaiting her orders.

Hiruzen studied her. “I have decided to assign you a special mission, Asami.” 

“Understood.” Asami listened.

“As you might know, Asami, Konoha will host the chunin exams this year. It is a prestigious event for the village. Konoha will receive many foreign dignitaries and influential guests.

The problem is that reliable sources indicate that foreign powers plan to use the chunin exams as a stage for a major operation, but we have no idea yet who or for what. Our sources merely indicate that apparently one of the exam participants seems to play a crucial role in their plans. 

Asami, I want you to infiltrate the chunin exams and observe the participants. Especially, our friends from Otogakure. I allowed them to participate for the first time this year as a gesture of goodwill, but I don't trust their motives.” His distrust was understandable. Otogakure was an ill rumoured village of dubious background.

“That's my special mission?” Asami furrowed an eyebrow, her confusion and discontent blatant. “I am supposed to infiltrate the chunin exams and spy on a bunch of genin? I don't want to question your wisdom, Hokage-sama, but my abilities might be required more somewhere else.”

“Don't be disappointed, Asami. I assure you, your mission is of utmost importance to the village. Furthermore, you fit the mission requirements perfectly. You are the only ANBU that we have in your age group.” Hiruzen offered a benevolent smile, reassuring her. Yet his smile showed little effect.

Asami clicked her tongue, slightly annoyed. “Of utmost importance, you say? I sincerely doubt that, Hokage-sama.”

Hiruzen ignored her complaints. “You will take on your former genin identity, Asami, and enter the exams. I will assign you to a new team after officially recuperating from your ‘emotional trauma’.”

“So, I have to operate alone, without support?” Asami looked dismayed.

Hiruzen nodded. “Correct, you will operate without support. That is everything. You are dismissed now.”

“...” The Black Princess grumbled and left the office. “Such a nuisance ...”

“Wait a moment, Asami.” Hiruzen raised his hand. He nearly forgot. “Before I forget, I must remind you, please avoid killing people. We don't want the exams to turn into a massacre. We don't need senseless slaughter.”  Such actions would only produce a lot of annoying paperwork and diplomatic repercussions. Not what Konoha needed.

 “I understand, Hokage-sama.” Asami looked displeased, yet she obeyed. It was the poor door, however, that fell victim to her wrath. A small crack appeared across the wall, stretching from one side of the room to the other.

Hiruzen chuckled. This was Asami. “So predictable ...”


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