Sign In To Become a God

Chapter 68: 3 Great Jedi

   In the "Black Dragon" smart fighter, Wang Yi is studying the two spiritual master secrets he has just obtained.

   There are two main factions in the universe, one is martial artist, and the other is spiritual teacher!

The inheritance of   Meteor Moxing has both martial artists and spiritual teachers. The spiritual teachers are mainly divided into "Controlling Chapter", "Illusory Chapter" and "Miscellaneous Chapter", each of which is broad and profound.

   However, it is difficult to get started with the true inheritance of the Master of Meteor Star. Luo Feng in the original work has the'Inheritance Soul Seal' specially left by the owner of Meteor Star.

   But Wang Yi has nothing.

   But his mental power is extremely high, and it is not too difficult to practice the secret method of ‘Escape to Heaven’, which is a weapon of thought power.

   And the "Twenty-Four Star Gods" belong to the secret method of soul, and it seems that it has a great relationship with the "Soul Seal" inherited from the core of Meteorite.

   "The Twenty-Four Star Gods actually have secret methods to attack, confuse, manipulate, and enslave the souls of others——" When Wang Yi first discovered it, he was also extremely surprised.

   However, compared with the real "Soul Seal", the "Twenty-Four Star Gods" are far less profound and complicated.

   It can only enslave lives whose soul level is two levels lower than Wang Yi.

   With Wang Yi's current soul strength, it is estimated that he can only enslave lives below the God of War level.

   But this is undoubtedly an unexpected surprise for Wang Yi.

   "Twenty-Four Star Gods", let him use more methods.

   If you say that ‘Escape’ is the secret to the control of the weapon of mind, it emphasizes reality and is powerful. Then the "Twenty-Four Star Gods" belong to the secret of the soul power category, which tends to be imaginary, weird, and difficult to resist.

   The combination of the two made Wang Yi even more terrifying in the battle.

   On January 16, Wang Yi came out of the No. 9 Civilization Relic and returned to Jiangnan.

time flies.

   Jiangnan City, Yangzhou City, Mingyue Community.

   Warm and brilliant sunlight came in from the floor-to-ceiling windows. Wang Yi sat on the ground in the martial arts training hall on the second floor of the villa, sucking in genetic energy as always.

  Although the wooden yajing was almost used up except for those used for other purposes, Wang Yi still did not give up every day of cultivation.

  Whether it is genetic power, mental power, or various secret methods, Wang Yi spends a lot of time on it.

   And he is improving every day.

   In Wang Yi’s ‘dantian’, there are six miniature planets. Unlike the ‘miniature planets’ in the sea of ​​consciousness that were transparent when they were first born, the six miniature planets in the dantian are actually fiery red!

   The entire red miniature planet is actually a unified whole composed of a large number of red six-sided crystals!

   Five of the red miniature planets are constantly rotating around the largest miniature planet in the middle, and they are also spinning, and at the same time they emit strange waves!

   In the universe, the various special abilities awakened by entering a planetary star are actually mainly grouped into eight categories-gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder and lightning, and light.

   Because of the difference in physique and soul. The cosmic energy that the body absorbs is actually different, and the genetic primal energy formed by this conversion is of course also different.

   For example, Wang Yi, the genetic energy of the body belongs to fire.

  Wang Yi’s blood, genes, cells, bones, skin...every part of his body is constantly improving and evolving under the tempering of genetic energy and mental power.

   The body has reached the point of Wang Yi, and only some of the human’s ‘laser weapons’, ‘nuclear weapons’ and other powerful weapons could harm him.

During this period of time, Wang Yi would look for relics around the world every day to sign in. Although most of the time the rewards for signing in could not be used directly, occasionally there would be the “Lesbos” who signed in to the relics in the “Soviet Russia” region of Siberia last time. A treasure like'fruit' that can directly enhance mental power.

   So in a month, Wang Yi's strength has improved a lot.

   The gene primordial energy has been upgraded to the sixth level of the planetary star, and the mental power has also reached the bottleneck of the fifth level of the planetary star.

   Now Wang Yi has the same rank as Hong on the martial artist.

The actual combat power, Wang Yi, who also owns the domain, as well as Mo Yun Teng, Dun Tian Suo, Escaping Sky Secret Technique, Twenty-Four Star God Soul Secret Technique...has surpassed Hong and Thor and became the true first man on earth. !

   However, Wang Yi has no intention to show his strength, and is still practicing low-key.

   Day after day, traveling and living like an ordinary person, the first genius of this elite training camp has gradually faded out of people's vision.

  Jiangnan University has been on vacation, but Shen Yan's family has moved to Yangzhou City and now lives in Wang Yi's villa, while Gao Yurong is with her mother, and Lin Youyu often accompanies her parents to visit relatives.

   On this day, Wang Yi was playing mahjong with his parents in...

   plus Shen Yan, there are exactly four people.

   "Touch, Huh." Mom put down the row of mahjong in front of her, smiling.

   Wang Yi's father, who has lost 19 consecutive games, looked at Wang Yi.

   The eyes were full of doubt.

   That is looking at the facial expression of a gangster.

   Wang Yi pretended that he hadn't seen his father be unlovable, and quickly re-coded Mahjong.

   The family gathers together ~ to chat about family life, which is also a kind of fun for Wang Yi.

   Especially when Wang Yi played mahjong with his parents, he touched Shen Yan's feet so many times under the table, Shen Yan's face was almost red to the base of her neck, she could only keep her head down intently so that no one would notice.

I won’t talk about the trivial matters of life. Wang Yi flew around the world for a day or two from time to time. From mid-December to February, it took two months before he took the relics of ancient civilizations that have been discovered around the world. , It’s almost time to sign in.

   Only the most dangerous ‘Three Jedi’ remains.

   February 17th.

   In the deep night, dark clouds obscured the moon, the sky and the earth were dim, and, as far as the eye could see, on the turbulent sea, a jet-black fighter plane quietly flew like a phantom.

   This is the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean, and it is also where the No. 12 ancient civilization remains.

   The black triangle flying fighter plane stopped on the sea, the hatch opened, and a figure flew out.

   This is a black-haired young man wearing a gray-black combat uniform with a black **** suit and Mo Yunteng inside, carrying two dark red war knives, and a silver-gray flying shuttle on his feet.

   is Wang Yi.

   "This is the location of Ancient Civilization Remains No. 12." Wang Yi lowered his head and looked down at the sea that appeared deep and secluded in the dark.

   The "Three Jedi" are the damaged spacecraft of ancient civilizations on the Hawaiian Islands No. 12, the silver-white pyramid on the seabed of Bermuda on the 1st floor, and the source of poisonous gas on the Shenlongjia No. 31.

   Wang Yi, the first target, chose the 12th ancient civilization relic with the lowest degree of danger.

   "Hope, I can sign a good thing this time." Wang Yi didn't hesitate, turned into a streamer, and rushed into the sea in a straight line at an astonishing speed.

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