Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World (LN)

Volume 7 - Ch 4.11

If there are two of each, we first take the Bitch Butterflies out, or rather, let Roxanne do it while the rest of us is going to support her. This strategy should be fine on the fifteenth floor of Harubas Labyrinth, however, the higher the floor, the more difficult the battles are going to get.

With the number of attacks required to defeat the monsters increasing by one,

the duration of battles increases accordingly as well. It may become quicker if I managed to properly useIgnore Life and Death , but for the time being I have yet to crack how exactly does it work, and therefore I will not be using it since that would only result in me wasting my MP.

Thank you. Sherry. Had I not tested it, I probably wouldnt have understood it properly.

No problem at all, master.

However, these Bitch Butterflies have not been seriously damaged by a single usage of a Fire Magic. Six Fire Magic Spells inflict damage to Bitch Butterflies equivalent to that of two Wind Magic Spells, and the further up we go, the bigger the time delay between the battles due to the resistance of the enemies to certain attributes is going to be.

Given that, ts quite a big difference now that I think about it, so in the future, we should carefully consider the magic resistances of the enemies and take them into account along with listing and remembering all of the possible combinations of monsters.

I try to use Meteor Crashnext. I was able to take out Sarracenias in one shot but Bitch Butterfly was still standing. As a result, I have understood one thing.

To confirm it, I undertake another experiment.

We moved to the twelfth floor of Harubas labyrinth and I used Meteor Crash on the Grass Bees there. Grass Bees turned into smoke in just one usage of Meteor Crash.

Because I have leveled up, I was able to take out Grass Bees in one shot. Is that why I was able to take out Mabream Lv.12 in one shot as well?

So it wasnt due to attribute of the magic that I used. To confirm my notion, I have to try a floor where I can take out Sarracenias or Fly Traps, but not Bitch Butterflies or Grass Bees, in one shot.

By the way, I once fried the Goat Meat dropped by Pan after marinating it in fish sauce, and it turned out quite well.

I talked to Miria about one of the dishes that I have made in the past. More specifically, the Goat Meat Tatsuta-age.

Yes, desu?

So I was thinking If I do the same with the Whole Fish, it should come out pretty delicious, dont you think?

Its believed that bream tempura was so delicious that Tokugawa leyasu died because he ate too much of it and has fallen ill as a result. Whether that is true or not is another matter, but thats not important right now.

This dish is going to be a similar one, but with one key difference to it: it will be the one made with the usage of Whole Fish, so this is definitely going to turn out into something truly delicious.

Eat Whole Fish, desu!

It was an expected reply from Miria. However, I have to cull her enthusiasm down a little bit here.

Yes, we are going to eat it for sure, but we cannot eat it tonight. The fish that we are preparing tonight is going to have to be tomorrows supper, because in order to be at the peak of its deliciousness, the fish needs to soak in the fish sauce after it has been applied to it, but I promise you that it is going to be well worth the wait. We are going to eat it tomorrow, and it is going to be our meal to commemorate our breakthrough through the fourteenth floor of Harubas Labyrinth. Roxanne, Sherry, are the two of you going to be fine with that?

Yes, master. Thank you very much for taking our opinions into consideration.

I master is saying that it is going to be delicious, then I think that it is going to be well worth the wait.

Now that I managed to obtain the consent from these two, it was time for us to move to the twelfth floor of Bodes Labyrinth in order to hunt down some Mabreams, but this time Im not going to be doing that with Meteor Crash, since I have already learned my lesson. This time, the Spell that I am going to use for the purposes of our hunting is going to be Sand Storm. It might not be as effective as Meteor Crash, but with it, I will at the very least be sure that I am not going to be running out of my MP out of the blue.

Without the Monk Job equipped, defeating a single Mabream was taking me four shots of Sandstorm. After the most recent encounter that we went through, the monsters have all been defeated and then dissipated into green smoke, and when the dust finally settled, we have discovered that one of the defeated Mabreams has left behind yet another Whole Fish! This round of hunting has already proven itself to be quite a fruitful one. Now that we managed to score ourselves yet another rare item of an ingredient, I already know what is going to be our tomorrows dinner.

Amazing, desu!

As soon as Miria saw it, she immediately jumped at it and brought it to me as quickly as she could.

It is quite rare for Mabream to drop a Whole Fish. As expected of Master, only you could have such an amazing luck to obtain a rare drop from a Mabream so fast.

When it comes to that, the reason behind such a fast drop of a Whole Fish might be because prior to coming to this Labyrinth, I have already switched my Monk Job for a Cook Job, and Cook has a Passive Skill that increases the drop rate of rare items.

But even so, I have to admit that it was indeed quite lucky of me to obtain the Whole Fish literally after the first battle of the current Labyrinth outing.

I dont mind it, however, since Miria respects me even more now because of it, and if I can do anything to increase her respect for me, you can be damn sure that I am going to do it.

I receive the Whole Fish from Miria.

Although its a Whole Fish, it doesnt seem to be having any bones or internal organs left in it.

Also, how can the head of a monster, Mabream in this case, remain after its dead. How can this be possible?

It is believed that every Mabream has a bream in its body. Therefore, its also called Breams Bream sometimes.

Sherry tells me when she sees my puzzled expression.

Is that why it looks the same as the monster? But arent they supposed to be something entirely different? Well, as long as we can cook it and eat it, I guess it doesnt matter all that much. After all, sometimes it is best to not know what the things that we put on our plated actually are or what they are made from.

We carry on with our hunting for a bit more. After going through more than ten additional encounters with more Mabreams, we have collected the second Whole Fish.

Whole Fish, desu!

Miria brings the Whole Fish over to me.

She seems to have learned this Brahim word properly, which is honestly not a surprise to me at all, since this is a part of a vocabulary associated with her favorite food in the world, fish. Id honestly be more surprised if she didnt remember it.

Anyway, I take the Whole Fish from Miria and put it in my Item Box.

I have heard that Whole Fish doesnt stay good to eat for too long, so it is generally advised to eat it as soon after obtaining it as possible to avoid it getting spoiled and having to throw it out.

Miria was saying basically the same thing. As expected of Master, youre so knowledgeable!

Ah, but I have also heard that Whole Fish, as well as all the other ingredients used in cooking can stay good for much longer without getting spoiled if you obtain the Job of a Cook.

Even though Sherry seemed to be somewhat worried, she eventually managed to arrive at a correct answer. As expected of someone as knowledgeable as her. After I nodded at her, I decided that it would be best if we were to leave the Labyrinth for now.

We have two Whole Fish as the best spoils of war from our exploration, and as long as shes going to get to eat such a rare drop, Miria is guaranteed to be satisfied no matter how we ultimately decide to cook these bad boys.

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