Slumrat Rising

Art Contest? Art Contest!

Art Contest? Art Contest!

So, in case you haven't heard. Somehow. Slumrat Rising Vol. 1 is getting released Nov. 7 on Amazon Kindle, KU and Audible. I know, I have been very secretive about this fact, and I apologize. Paperbacks are already avaiable and have been reaching people. I test purchased my own copy, just to make sure everything was working as it was supposed to. You will be shocked to learn that Amazon is, in fact, very good at selling and delivering books to people. I think they have done it at least tiwice in the past. So I want to do something to celebrate.

You know what this book does not have? Art. It lacks art. This is in part because I can't draw worth a damn, and in part because I believe artists deserve to be fairly compensated for their work. And I don't have the disposable income to commission a load of art.

You know what I do have? Copies of the paperback. Copies of the paperback I can sign and leave a custom note in for, say, the winners of an art contest! Three winners, in fact.


1. All Entries are due by 10:00 PM Eastern (GMT-4), November 5 2023. Three winners will be announced on November 7, 2023.

2. No NSFW, no SA, no harm to children. At all. If it wouldn't pass muster here on RR, the entry will be rejected.

3. Entries should be DM'ed to me either here on RR or on my patreon (link in it's usual place below). After making sure they comply with the rules, I will post them in a gallery on my Patreon, free for public viewing. (Before you ask, RR won't host the pictures. Server cost issue.)

4. On Nov. 5, I will put up a poll on Patreon, asking people to vote on which picture they liked best. First place wins a signed book. Coin flip decides in the case of a tie.

5. During the entire course of the contest, contestants are invited to post and share their pictures online. Tag them with #SlumratRising, and whoever gets the most traction- likes, retweets, etc. gets a signed book.

6. I will also pick which picture I like best. Sheer personal opinion. And they, too, get a signed book.

7. Winners will be announced publicly, and I will contact them via DM's for information on where to send the books and who to dedicate them to.

I hope all the artists reading participate. I am REALLY excited to see what you come up with!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.