Socially Anxious Girl Starts Hoarding Before the Apocalypse

Chapter 143

Chapter 143

After some time, it was likely that their houses were initially settled.

A married couple from the neighborhood came over once, and discussed with Wen Qian about dividing the boundaries after spring.

They inquired if Wen Qian went hunting as well, and then proposed dividing the hunting areas in spring.

They were concerned that two neighboring hunters encountering each other in the mountains might cause accidental injury, and they asked Wen Qian to choose the area first.

If the river was used as the boundary, they wouldn't need to make a trip, but the issue was that they discovered Wen Qian's traps set while hunting.

Thus, they realized Wen Qian's range of activity extended to the other side of the river.

Finally, they agreed to take the intersection of the line connecting their two houses and the river as the starting point, and draw a perpendicular line.

This way, both parties would possess areas on both sides of the river.

Wen Qian thought this approximated her usual range, so she agreed.

They arranged to divide the boundaries in spring.

Using stones and wooden railings as markers, they would maintain this division from then on.

After both parties consented, the matter was settled, awaiting a time when both were available to draw the line.

Wen Qian thought that after dividing the boundary with them, she could also mark out the territory she had previously covered.

That way, even if more neighbors moved in later, there would be no disputes, as it would be first come, first served.

As for the river, they stated it was for shared use, so the river and its banks on both sides were free for passage and utilization.

Including the simple bridge they had built earlier, they said Wen Qian could cross it freely.

Wen Qian also said that one of her traps on their side would belong to them now.

The Male Host thought that pit was quite large, and it would take considerable time and effort for him to dig it.

Setting it up himself would still be able to catch prey, so he thanked her and accepted it.

They discussed this at the riverbank in front of Wen Qian's door.

Seeing the steps Wen Qian had set up, they praised her for being so meticulous and said they would also make such steps for convenience in washing by the river.

As for Wen Qian's home, only the two Little Children had been inside, when Wen Qian later allowed them in.

When the Little Children returned home, they told their parents that this Aunt kept rabbits at home.

The two Little Children thought about catching rabbits to raise themselves, but not this year.

Winter was coming soon, and it wouldn't be easy to raise rabbits then, so they looked forward to catching rabbits in spring.

The parents also thought this was a good idea and promised to make rabbit hutches for the children the following year.

The Little Children knew more about Wen Qian's home than they did.

They had also instructed the children not to touch things randomly when visiting others and to be polite.

The Little Children also said that the cabbages in Aunt's yard grew very well and neatly, with bricks laid on the ground and cabbages growing in the gaps.

They had come in autumn, and although they had planted vegetables by the river bank soon after, according to the children's description, it was unlikely to be as good as the vegetables at this Aunt's home.

However, it seemed this neighbor had no intention of inviting the couple inside, so they just stood outside to discuss everything.

Wen Qian didn't mind the others coming to her home, but they happened to come when she was washing things by the river.

Besides, she only had one chair at home, so even if she could magically produce extra chairs, she couldn't have brought them back at that moment.

When the couple was about to leave after settling everything, Wen Qian asked if their house was already built.

They said yes, so Wen Qian asked them to wait.

She then went back home and soon returned with a basket of things.

Wen Qian's intention was to celebrate the couple's settlement here. Normally, when people build a new house, they need to host guests for celebration, but clearly, Wen Qian was the only neighbor here.

So she took out a large rabbit from the rabbit hutch, and cut a relatively large cabbage with a knife.

Thinking potatoes would go well with rabbit, she took a few large potatoes from her space.

Her consideration was quite thoughtful. As they came closer, the couple looked puzzled seeing what Wen Qian was holding.

Initially, they had considered inviting Wen Qian over to see their new house, but then thought she lived alone and might not want to come for a meal, though she might send something.

However, their guess about Wen Qian's attitude was not wrong. Although Wen Qian gave them things, she also said she would not go over.

They felt that although introverted, Wen Qian understood social norms, but perhaps she really did not want to come and eat with everyone alone.

So the couple smiled and said it was fine, they would invite her after they became more familiar or when they had a greater variety of produce to offer the following year.

Wen Qian thought this was quite good - an exchange, but without getting too close.

On their way back, the couple remarked that Wen Qian was a warm-hearted person despite her cold exterior.

With such a neighbor, they could feel at ease letting their children visit.

They thought the bricks for Wen Qian's compound wall must have been brought from the forest ranger station.

The Male Host had previously seen the forest ranger station near Wen Qian's home, but after seeing her vegetable garden fence, he didn't go there anymore.

Later, when hunting, he went in another direction and found another ranger station, with not many usable materials, but enough to build another room after moving here at the start of the year.

After they left, Wen Qian began searching the mountains for suitable trees to fell.

Since she needed to make railings, she chose relatively thin trees, so it didn't seem too strenuous for her.

The boundary railings didn't need to be continuous, just two horizontal segments spaced apart at the locations they had chosen, basically like drawing a dotted line.

When the couple returned home, they took out the things, and the Old Lady said Wen Qian had even included vegetables to go with the rabbit.

The two Little Children, hearing these were gifts from Aunt for their new house, jumped up excitedly.

However, upon learning that Aunt would not be coming for the meal, they felt a bit dejected, as they wanted to show Aunt their new home.

But the Old Lady said this Aunt was rather introverted and might not feel comfortable coming alone for a meal.

However, she was friendly, so they should be polite to Aunt in the future.

The two Little Children nodded in agreement. The place they had previously lived was nowhere as quiet as this.

Little children are sensitive, they can sense whether adults have ill intentions towards them or not.

This Aunt didn't say much, but she was always very patient with them every time.

The only neighbor sent gifts, but didn't want to come and have dinner together with them, so they could only celebrate as a family.

However, for the celebratory dinner, two of the four dishes and one soup were given by the neighbor, and they were grateful for that.

They made a stew of potatoes and rabbit meat, as well as stir-fried greens with oil residue, with the things Wen Qian sent.

The family sat around the dinner table, happily celebrating this new beginning.

From now on, this would be their new home.

The two families would gradually become familiar with each other as they get to know one another over time.

However, they ultimately lived far apart, and both families had things to keep them busy, so most of the time they still wouldn't run into each other.

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