Solo Leveling: I Am The Only Supreme With the Cheating System

Chapter 137: You Don't Have Enough Mana

Simon: "Impossible!"

Roy: "No way, I saw them dead!"

Job: "Was it all a test?"

Rahond and the others were placed on the g by Drakon and Reaper.

They all turned towards Michael with Awe, believing they'll be saved by his two pets.

"How?!" Simon yelled, couldn't believe his eyes; he rushed to the edge looking down.

"Uh? Where are the bodies?!" He turned to the sev.

"Why do you all look so surprise?" Michael twirled a gray card in his fingers staring at the three.

"An Illusion card?! How many cards do you have?!" Roy asked in mild surprised.

Michael didn't answer his question, but said:

"An illusion Card as the make predict create illusions which can only be visible to Bronze and platinum players, This card is completely useless against a gold or higher rank holders; but you guys are still Silver and platinum. Which made this card extremely useful to me... It created the illusions I wanted you all to see, and you fall for it."

Simon: "You scheming ba--"

"--I won't complete that stce if you don't want him to have your head." Michael gestured at Reaper, who stood behind him.

Simon instantly closed his mouth seeing Reaper's red eyes.

"I said I'll let you all go, You are free."

The three looked at each others, regret all over their faces. If only they'd known.

Michael wasn't bothered by them and turned to the sev who jumped.

"You sev showed me that you have 0% trust in me, and I too with you. From now onwards, you sev are welcome to the family." He tapped on his bracelet.

"As for what you did, I'm rewarding you sev with some special things."




The sev froze hearing AI's voice in their heads.

"I gave each one of you ,000,000 in-game diamonds, A stage-one evolution stone each, and six of you; a Rare-Class pet each. You already have one Rahond, so use the stage-two evolution stone I gave you on it."

The sev fell to their knees after hearing him, they kowtow to him Thrice.

"You don't know what this meant to us, Boss. You just gave us hope to live a good life." Borne said with tears in his eyes.

"Yes, Boss." We'll forever be grateful." Dink added.

"Get up all of you."

They all stood up, Some of them wiped the tears off their faces, staring at Michael with Adoration.

"Come on, let's see your pet Rahond."

Rahond: "Guarder, Come out!"

The space behind his teared op, and a meters tall tortoise made from earth walked out.

"Stage-one evolved?" Simon, Roy, and Job muttered in shock.

"This is the pet you gave me. Michael."

Michael, Reaper and Drakon, slowly Observed the tortoise.

"Good." Michael nodded, and tapped on his bracelet.

Six eggs appeared in front of everyone, floating in midair. He looked at their faces and smile; "you all thought I'd already giv you the eggs?"

The six nodded subconsciously.

"Nope, This is what you are going to do. Each egg has differt pets with differt Bloodlines, they are a total of Six. Choose yours." He placed the eggs on the g, th raised his gaze to the six.

"Borne, choose an Egg. Warning; Any one you chose will be yours forever. If someone chooses a pet you like or wanted, you'll just have to suck up that jealousy, or else. You'll lose not only the pet but all the things I gave you."

Borne nodded and stepped forward, he moved his gaze on each egg. They were all of differt sizes and colors, getting to pick one and not knowing the Bloodline it has was something that made each one of them nervous.

'Supreme has In-games diamonds, it means they might be a Darkness, light or ev Lighting bloodlines among here. God, if you are there; help me chose the right one.' Borne thought, and stopped in front of a yellow egg.

He slowly observed it, th looked at the one on the right side of the yellow, that one has blue color with spots.

"As I said, we can't sleep here. I'm not pressuring you or anything." Michael leaped into the air and landed on Drakon's head. "We just have to wait for them, partners."

Reaper and Drakon nodded.

After 30 seconds of checking all the eggs, he still settled on the yellow one. 'Lighting is yellow, that means. The pet in this egg will have the lighting bloodline.' He picked up the inches tall egg.

"You are next, Dink." He lied down on Drakon's head.

Dink walked forward, with no hesitation; he picked up the blue egg with spots on it.

Deck moved forward and picked up a brown egg, th Norman, Ralph and Nick. All picked up the three cream color eggs remaining.

"I think you all know what to do now."

They nodded at Michael, th channeled their unlock Mana into the egg they chose.

By doing this, they are forming a contract with it; Most players preferred this way because, after the egg hatch. It'll only see them as its master and no one else.


Borne's egg cracked first, Michael sat up to see the egg he picked.

"Almost there." He channeled more Mana in it.


Dink's egg cracked, and burst oped; taking aback by the sudd hatch, he fell butt down to the g.

"Hiii" The blue baby bird let out a sound and landed on his face.

"I-I-I got a pet!!!!" He yelled with Joy, holding the Bird in his hands. "A Rare-Class at that!!"

"Hiii" the bird rubbed its face on his.

"Wind Bloodline, You are pretty lucky." Michael said with a smile.

Simon, Roy and Job, were speechless seeing how happy Dink was.



Deck stared at his brown egg, as it hatched, what came to view made him speechless. "A Plant-poison-ctipede." The next momt:

"Wow!!! So cool!! Plant-poison-ctipede are rare to come by! Thank you Supreme!!"

Michael nodded remembering Destroyers. 'Don't worry guys, I'll bring you all back. That's a promise."

Ralph got a sea-red Octopus, a Water bloodline pet. Nick got a fire-breathing Dog. A fire Bloodline pet. And lastly Norman; who got a Water-crocodile, everyone expected a water bloodline just because of its name. Instead, they saw an Earth Bloodline.

'Light, Darkness and lighting are really difficult to come by, maybe only an Epic-class above could have these bloodlines.' Michael thought, the next momt; a frown settled on his face, not just him but everyone prest.

"What?" He stared at Borne, totally speechless. 'This guy's egg cracked first, th why isn't it out?'

"I don't know what is wrong with it, Boss. It won't come out." Borne pleaded to Michael.

Michael scanned the egg with the system and said. "You won't be able to op it, because... You don't have ough Mana."


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