Soul Land 5: The Rebirth of Tang San

Chapter 281: Well, Whos Being Schooled Now?

Chapter 281: Well, Who's Being Schooled Now?

The overpowering aura of purple and gold filled her vision instantly as if a heavy hammer had struck her sea of consciousness. Her body violently trembled, and her melodious voice was stuck in her throat. She faltered; the blue flames around her body disintegrated, and even her Demonic God Transformation became unstable.

Si Ru’s eyes widened instantly. He saw the two beams of purple-gold light, over a foot long, bursting from Tang San’s eyes.

Such tremendous spiritual power!

The Golden Wing Wind Splitting Slash had already reached Mu Yunyu. Without the protection of the blue flames and her transformation, Teacher Yu was on the verge of being cleaved by the golden wings!

However, Cheng Zicheng’s figure spun and transformed. With a flap of her wings, she lightly sidestepped Mu Yunyu in a flash of golden light. The next moment, she was behind Mu Yunyu, wrapping her arms around the teacher. Then, with a twist of her waist, she flung Mu Yunyu, who was still trying to get herself together, toward Zhang Haoxuan.

Simultaneously, the large number of wind blades that Tang San had conjured for the second time had already found their target in Mu Enqing.

Although Mu Enqing was engaged in battle with Gu Li, he kept an eye on the overall situation. When the cry of the Blue Luan rang out, he thought the battle was already decided. However, in the next instant, the tide of battle shifted unexpectedly.

It wasn't that he didn't want to rescue her; it was simply that Gu Li was too formidable an opponent. His Disorder Wind Splitting Hammer made each swing of his tail hammer heavier than the last. Moreover, the sixth-order Chrono Croc Transformation was quite a piece of work; with the flow of time speeding up and slowing down unpredictably, he was really struggling to cope. Mu Enqing's Mighty Ape Transformation felt utterly ineffective, as he had the strength but couldn't utilize it. He was forced to rely solely on his superior defense to withstand Gu Li's relentless assault.

He knew that Gu Li's tactic of using Chrono Croc Transformation combined with continuous attacks was based on a temporary burst of power that couldn't last for too long.

However, within this brief window, Mu Yunyu had already been removed from the battlefield.

On the other hand, Guan Longjiang was even more shocked. The reason was simple: facing the disciple he had personally trained, he was being overwhelmed.

Yes, Wu Bingji was not just entangling Guan Longjiang but suppressing him.

Icicles, it was the icicles. Those bizarre and random icicles that randomly accelerated in midair, exploded, shattered into shards that could penetrate anything, and most importantly, could be launched as a Soul-Chasing Cluster Ball. Those icicles made the difference.

Moreover, the ice attribute ultimately overcame the water attribute at this time. Whenever Guan Longjiang attempted a counterattack, Wu Bingji’s icicles would freeze his attacks, at least partially. Then came Ice Explosion. Setting aside whether the ice explosion could injure him, the fact that it disrupted Guan Longjiang's offensive rhythm was incredibly irritating for him.

Amid the successive ice explosions and the icicles capable of piercing even his ninth-order defense, Guan Longjiang felt utterly flustered.

The swift defeat of Mu Yunyu made Guan Longjiang's heart sink, and for the first time, he started harboring the thought that he might lose.

And in the next instant, that thought became a reality.

Gu Li's burst of power lasted longer than Mu Enqing had anticipated. A year of practicing the Disorder Wind Splitting Hammer in combination with his Chrono Croc Transformation had significantly improved his strength. Although he had not yet broken through to the seventh tier, Gu Li could now fully unleash the power of his second-tier bloodline.

Furthermore, wind blades were coming from all directions and the Golden Wing Wind Splitting Slash from behind.

The wind blades from Tang San and the Golden Wing Wind Splitting Slash from Cheng Zicheng were formidable abilities capable of breaking through all defenses!

Mu Enqing couldn't hold out long under such a siege. Within three seconds, he was staggered by a hammer blow from Gu Li, and then all three attacks were upon his vital points.

Tang San's eyes flickered with purple and gold light as he turned to look in Guan Longjiang's direction.

Guan Longjiang's head instantly throbbed with pain. The water elemental energy gathered around him dissipated, and the cold light of the icicles closed in.

The battle was over!

From start to finish, it lasted less than a minute. A group battle less than a minute long.

Even Du Bai was complaining, noting that the effects of the good luck he had bestowed were hardly observable before the battle ended.

Mu Yunyu had by now regained consciousness. Her face was pale due to the impact on her sea of consciousness, but her eyes held more disbelief than anything else.

Tang San was one thing; she had always held him in high regard, not to mention that she’d broken through to the eighth order with his assistance. However, what she hadn't anticipated was Cheng Zicheng’s strength. Despite being an order higher in power, she wasn’t sure she could win against this student one-on-one if it came down to a fight. The explosive power of Cheng Zicheng’s Golden Wing Wind Splitting Slash posed a significant threat to her.

Mu Enqing, looking surprised, gave Gu Li a thumbs-up. "Not bad! Your tail hammer is impressive, and it makes up for the weaknesses of your Chrono Croc Transformation. You've made significant progress."

Gu Li, with a grin, scratched his head. After more than a year of effort, he was truly seeing the fruits of his labor.

Guan Longjiang's face darkened as a confident, ill-reputed middle-aged man approached him. "Oh my, Teacher Guan! What happened? You look as if life slapped you down!"

"Get lost!" Guan Longjiang shoved Zhang Haoxuan away and turned to leave. He had lost, indeed lost, and he needed a moment to calm down.

The most concerning fact was that it wasn’t a team that had defeated them. No, Tang San and his teammates hadn’t coordinated to any spectacular level. Their tactics were as simple as they could be.

The real reason for their defeat was that he and Mu Enqing were simply overwhelmed. Yes, they were suppressed for that brief period, giving Tang San and Cheng Zicheng a two-on-one advantage.

Even worse, in this battle, Tang San hadn’t demonstrated much of his physical strength or bloodline abilities; instead, he had simply relied on his overwhelmingly powerful spiritual force, surpassing that of the three teachers, to crush them, securing victory quickly.

The cooperation on both sides of the battle wasn’t all that significant; for the most part, it was a contest of brute strength. At first glance, Tang San’s side appeared to win because it had more people. But was this really so?

In a one-on-one scenario, could Guan Longjiang defeat Wu Bingji? If he were to be honest with himself... he didn’t know. They had complementary attributes, and in this fight, his disciple’s finesse actually seemed to surpass his.

No one knew how long Gu Li could last in a head-on fight, but they all knew his Demonic God Transformation, Chrono Croc, was by no means the king of direct combat. The fact that he could hold off the teacher, Mu Enqing, even with a bloodline disadvantage, proved a lot.

What Tang San deployed seemed to be just ordinary wind blades, with no trace of any extraordinary control over the wind element. However, the teachers knew that Tang San had taught Wu Bingji some aspects regarding control over the ice element. So, what about Tang San himself?

Had he grown complacent and regressed? Impossible. If that was the case, what about his peak ninth-tier spiritual power and the ability to launch direct attacks at the opponent’s spirit? Both Mu Yunyu and Guan Longjiang had a powerful sea of consciousness—one owing to her spiritual abilities, and one to being a ninth-tier powerhouse—yet neither could withstand the impact of his spiritual attack.

The strength of these young ones was no longer as they remembered; everything about them now demanded a fresh perspective.

"Let him be. It's just hard to accept for the moment," Zhang Haoxuan said, holding back his laughter.

Si Ru looked at him, his eyelid twitching. "You're too damn wicked. You must have known this would happen. You can’t be bullying little Guan like that, OK? And also... yeah, I seriously regret it. Why did I let little Tang be taken under your wing?"

Zhang Haoxuan finally couldn't hold back and burst into loud laughter. "It's too late for regrets. Hahaha!"

At this moment, the way the other students of the Redemption Society looked at Tang San and his three companions had changed entirely. This was especially the case for their eldest senior brother Wu Bingji, who had matched the ninth-order Teacher Guan in a head-on battle without falling short!

The crux of this battle was indeed Tang San; however, the new students were completely unable to tell. Only those senior students who already had some understanding of his abilities could discern some clues.

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