Soul Land 5: The Rebirth of Tang San

Chapter 289: The Second Array Disc

Chapter 289: The Second Array Disc

Eight icy glimmers almost instantly appeared before them, and before they could even process what was going on, their bodies froze instantly. It was Time Freeze again!

Eight thunderous blasts filled the air as the fast-moving icicles exploded midair, accelerating a second time. Eight flashes of blue light reached the eyes of the elephant demons almost instantly.

That was the actual target. Under the effect of Time Freeze, they couldn't even blink, and their most vulnerable spot was exposed.

The icicles instantly struck four elephant demons in the brain, and they exploded just after piercing into their brains.

No matter how tough one’s flesh, the internals are always vulnerable. In particular, the brain is not just the most important organ but also the most sensitive.

The four elephant demons instantly lost their balance, and in the next moment, when Time Freeze ended, they simply rolled forward because of their momentum. Meanwhile, the ninth-order elephant demon that had slid far away had not yet gotten up.

Four elephant demons, dead!

These were two eighth-order and two seventh-order elephant demons, known for their defensive power!

At this moment, the arena was silent as a grave, and even Wu Bingji himself was somewhat stunned. Did... Did I really do this?!

The icicles were condensed to the maximum and accelerated twice, but even he had not expected them to reach such a ridiculous level of power.

Almost subconsciously, he turned to look at Tang San.

Tang San had laid out the strategy to stop the first wave of attacks and target the elephant demons' eyes with icicles.

Breaching the defenses of the elephant demon race with their abilities was no easy task.

Yet, even the strongest defense has its flaws. The eyes are always vulnerable, aren't they?

The entire point of these condensed icicles was breaking through defenses. With the massive size of the elephant demons, evading Wu Bingji's high-speed icicles under the time control of the Chrono Croc Transformation and the luck enhancement of the Celestial Fox Transformation was nearly impossible. Their seemingly invincible bodies were of no significance in Tang San's eyes.

Cheng Zicheng's role as she flew in the air was simply to put pressure on them, while the real killers were Wu Bingji and Gu Li.

However, this scene was truly shocking. As the eight icicles did their job, four elephant demons instantly perished, their brains shattered before they could even let out a cry of agony.

Wu Bingji had painstakingly practiced controlling the icicles for over a year. Under Tang San's guidance, he had been diligently cultivating, and his control over his spiritual power had been continuously improving.

That day when he blocked Teacher Guan was just a trial. Today was the moment his icicles truly demonstrated their formidable power.

Against Guan Longjiang, he had to hold back to avoid genuinely injuring his teacher. But there was no need for such restraint against these elephant demons. The icicles accelerated a second time and, coupled with Ice Explosion, instantly obliterated the opponents. Only now did Wu Bingji truly comprehend the terrifying nature of the ability Tang San had taught him.

Tang San gave a slight smile and said, "Fear not the man who practiced ten thousand techniques, but the man who practiced one technique ten thousand times. Eldest brother, you achieved elementary control of your icicles."

In his eyes, this was only considered the elementary level.

Of course, this was the judgment of a God King.

By then, the ninth-order elephant demon had gotten up, and when it saw all four of its kin sprawled on the ground, it even forgot its own pain.

It was unable to believe its eyes. It hadn't even seen how its four companions had died.

In that instant, what rose in the heart of the ninth-order elephant demon was not rage but a thorough chill.

What happened? What exactly happened? How was I pushed away? How did they die?!

Fear and confusion made it dare not launch another attack.

By this time, the minute clock had ticked away.

To win a bet within a minute, the battle basically had to end upon the first confrontation. Indeed, today's spectators believed that a single War Stomp from the elephant demons would crush the humans opposing them.

And then, after a brief silence, the stands of the Great Beast Fighting Arena burst into an uproar.

Voices of disbelief, angry cursing, and excitement rose and fell in waves.

"My God! What did I just see? Why have four of our elephant demon team fallen? Why? How did they fall? How did these humans do it? It's incredible, truly incredible. I must regretfully inform all the guests who bet on the one-minute mark that a minute has already passed," the announcer shouted in shock.

The ninth-order elephant demon gasped heavily, with fresh blood dripping from its lost trunk.

Opposite it, all five opponents had already turned their attention toward it.

It knew well that the opponents would not let it go. This was not just a battle, but the most brutal kind of battle in the Great Beast Fighting Arena, the team battle!

No, the strongest of them is only eighth-order. Kill them, kill them all!

The eyes of the ninth-order elephant demon suddenly turned blood-red as it charged again. A radiant aura burst forth from its body and a gray light emerged from its hide, indicating that it was using another one of its bloodline abilities, Elephant Armor.

Previously, they had underestimated Tang San and his team, so they hadn't even activated Elephant Armor as they charged. Of course, even if it had been activated, it would have at most protected its trunk from being severed, which would’ve had no impact on the subsequent events. Even the defense of Elephant Armor couldn't withstand Wu Bingji’s accelerated icicles, and grievous injury was inevitable. An eighth-order elephant demon deploying Elephant Armor might only suffer the loss of an eyeball or two rather than having its brain pierced, but the final outcome would hardly be any better. Such was the might of the compressed icicles.

Blocks of solid ice formed on the inevitable path of the ninth-order elephant demon, with Cheng Zicheng in the air, her Golden Wing Wind Splitting Slash striking down upon the elephant demon's most vulnerable spot, its nape. Each strike was heavier than the last, causing the quivering Elephant Armor to burst forth with more and more gray light.

Watching the ninth-order elephant demon stumble toward them like a crazed beast, Wu Bingji couldn't help but recall Tang San's words from yesterday when he was devising their strategy.

"The elephant demons' strengths and weaknesses are both easy to understand. They possess immense strength and formidable physical defenses, and their terrifying power can disrupt an entire battlefield. However, they also have some fatal flaws: they don’t have any solid offense, and they are the farthest thing from versatile. Below the god level, elephant demons rely on War Stomp and Elephant Armor. If we can restrain their War Stomp, we've essentially won. And control is what we excel at."

Now, it seemed just as Tang San had said, though Wu Bingji hadn't anticipated his own icicle attacks to be so formidable. He had directly annihilated four elephant demons and thereby secured their victory.

At Tang San's signal, Wu Bingji didn't continue with his icicle attacks but instead used blocks of solid ice to influence the direction of the ninth-order elephant demon's advance, with Cheng Zicheng continuously harassing it from the air. Though they hardly breached its defense, they made the ninth-order elephant demon increasingly irritable.

With a roar, the Elephant Armor on the ninth-order elephant demon suddenly flared like flames spurred by bellows. It leaped forward fiercely, preparing to unleash its War Stomp with all its might from dozens of meters away from Tang San and his group.

A trapped beast could still put up a fight.

It was burning its own bloodline. In this state, the effect of all control skills on it would greatly diminish.

"Brother Du Bai," Tang San called out sternly.

With a flick of his wrist, Du Bai produced another array disc, and a golden array emerged under their feet, enveloping all four of them. Cheng Zicheng, already in the air, flapped her wings to ascend even higher.


The ninth-order elephant demon finally managed to execute its strongest attack to its heart's content.

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