Spirit Hotel

Chapter 18

The battle between Feisha and the little demon king

Feisha stared at the private part now exposed to air, then at Laytons flaming red face. Its surprisingly majestic, he amended after a while. In proportion to a dwarfs average height, of course.

Layton quickly scrambled up and wrapped the robe tightly around himself. Get the fuck out of my room! he roared, pointing to the door.

Were all friends here, why be so distant? Feisha smiled. Cmon, its just showing some skin. Think of all the public baths!

Does my room look like a public bath?

Well- I cant exactly un-see it, so what do you want me to do? sighed Feisha. Its not like Im going to do anything to you.

Feishas words were like fuel to Laytons fiery rage. What the fuck are you planning to do to me!?

Feisha was sent flying to the door with a kick, turning around to the sight of Layton rummaging around in a box.

What are you looking for? Could it be that dwarfs like storing tea in boxes? Im fine with just a coke.

Layton stood up abruptly with a darkly twisted smile. Feishas eyes darted to the rusty axe in his hand, face devoid of colour. Erm, Im fine with no tea at all if its too inconvenient, actually. Its best to avoid stuff like cutting down trees, you know what I mean?

Get. Out.

Feisha slowly backed away, opening the door behind him. As his feet touched onto the hallway floor, he called out in a last-ditch attempt: Dont you want to get rid of Borja quickly as well?

There was a pause in which Laytons eyes showed a trace of reconsideration.

Feisha held his breath.

Come in. The axe was thrown back into the box as the person outside quickly darted through and shut the door.

Layton emerged fully dressed from the bathroom after a period of time. So, whats your plan?

Half a minute of silence passed by.

Dont tell me you only have a goal and no plan, said Layton, scowling at Feisha.

My plan is completely reliant on what tools you have.

A moment of thought. What do you need?

Do you have anything like atomic bombs or nuclear weapons?

Layton shook his head blankly.

Werent dwarfs in sci-fi stories all meant to be masters at forging weapons? Did Layton get sent to Noahs Ark because he was too stupid?

An image of lab coat donning scientist dwarves making things explode recklessly came to mind, and the leader of which possessed none other than Laytons face. In lieu of Laytons answers, Feisha lowered the difficulty of his requests. Then what about an AK47?

Do you even have any threatening weapons other than that axe?

Layton flipped around in his box again, emerging with an object in his hand. It looked kind of familiar. I feel like Ive seen this somewhere before, hummed Feisha.

Theres an identical one in the kitchen.

Oh, right- wasnt this the knife Antonio always uses to chop vegetables?

Watching the slideshow of expressions pass by Feishas face, Layton finally explained: Im a scientist investigating into ways to make our lives easier, so Im not very well-versed in weaponry.

Oh, I understand. I guess even law could be split down into stuff like civil law and criminal law. But right now he needed criminal law! He couldnt see how civil law could help them at all unless they resorted to verbal assault.

Verbal assault?

A lightbulb somewhere inside Feishas mind lit up. Layton felt a shiver down his back at the sight of Feishas gross smile and ran into the bathroom again for an extra layer of clothes.

Feisha was currently trying to adjust the DLD. Layton stood next to him, nervously fretting, Can you hear anything?

An exasperated eye roll and quietly mouthed shut up later, Feisha nodded with vigour. Hes snoring.

Fallen angels snore? asked Layton, surprised.

This is not the time to dwell on details. Hughes, youre up.

Hughes hesitated. Hes still a child, dont you think that this is a bit too much?

But Im not even thirty yet, Feisha argued, pointing at himself.

For a few seconds, no one moved.

Hughes relented, sighing, and took over the big chain of bright red firecrackers from Layton. All I need to do is to put this into his room, correct?

Itd be great if you could stuff them under his blankets.

At Hughess extremely disapproving look, Feisha backtracked. I mean, on top of the blankets is fine as well.

Hughes kept looking at him.

But putting it anywhere else wouldnt have the same effect, mumbled Feisha.

Putting it next to the bed would achieve virtually the same thing.

Then it has to be at the headboard.

Hughes turned around in silent agreement. Feisha and Layton excitedly watched him turn transparent, clothes dropping down one by one until all that was left was the chain of firecrackers floating away from them.

Laytons eyes were glued onto the door opposite them, and spoke as it opened a crack: He wont be found out, will he?

Havent you know him for longer than me!?

But hes never done anything like this before.

Feisha shook his head in disappointment, sighing, What a waste of perfectly good resources.

After a few minutes, the door closed. And a few more minutes after that, the previously discarded clothes were picked up and neatly worn again. Layton took out a lighter from his pocket but before he could do anything, Feisha snatched it out of his hands.

Heheh, how could you not let me to the honors? Something this fun doesnt come along very often.

Why are you doing it and not me?

Because Im both the commander in chief and the mastermind. Geez, stop making so much commotion; therell be enough of that in a minute! At this, Feisha crept to one end of the long fuse, crouched, and set it alight. Thank god this level had marble flooring because carpet would undoubtedly have caught on fire almost immediately.

The three perpetrators anxiously watched as the flame licked up the fuse.

When the flame reached the door, Feisha and Layton broke out in cold sweat at the same time. The fuse may have passed under the door, but the flame might not make it. Just as they fretted over this, a series of almost nuclear explosions sounded from inside the door, followed by a scream.

Feisha and Laytons train of thought grounded to a halt as they cheered for their victory. As the sole member with any shred of common sense left, Hughes remained calm. We need to leave, he urged.

The word leave hadnt even registered in Feishas mind before the door was thrown open, revealing a livid Borja.

Feisha and Layton pressed themselves onto the ground, holding hands like comrades in arms.

Hughes clothes slid onto the ground as he once again became transparent.

To the two still pressed together on the ground, Borjas slippered footsteps seemed nothing less than that of a grim reapers. A grim reaper with its own marching percussion band, in fact.


Isefels voice came from above: What are you doing to your room?

The footsteps of doom paused, and Borjas voice replaced it. Mr.Isefel? He paused, then continued furiously: I should be the one asking you that question! What did you do to my room?!

As the son of a demon king of Hell, how could your room be so easily infiltrated? asked Isefel coldly.

Borja didnt reply. All that could be heard were his enraged breaths.

Of course, I could investigate into this matter should you wish for me to do so.

No need, Borja huffed. As a future demon king, Ill investigate this myself. The footsteps padded away from Feisha and co, door slamming firmly shut.

They didnt dare to move until a good few minutes after the incident. The dust had settled, and Isefel had evidently left.

Feisha suddenly perked up and put his hands together. I have another idea.

Despite being put through a near-death experience not ten minutes prior, Layton still remained supportive of Feishas various ideas. What do you want to do next?

This time, well be covering for ourselves, said Feisha with a sinister smirk.

Layton reflexively tightened his clothing around himself.

Not long after Borjas room settled down, chains of explosions could be heard again from somewhere else.

What a perfect way to celebrate.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Feisha savoured the sight in front of him while keeping an ear out for any noise outside with the DLD. He waited for about half a minute before jumping up and exclaiming: Who did this? Who set off this god-awful prank in my room!?

His door was thrown open. Feisha whipped around to the sight of Borja storming into his room and raised an accusing finger. Was it you who lit firecrackers in my fucking room!?

Im going to break that finger if you dont stop pointing at me, Borja said arrogantly, tilting his chin up.

The accusing finger was immediately withdrawn. Please stop bullying me, Feisha begged pathetically. Do you know how painful my nose was after you broke it? Ive been looking forward to sleeping all day but came back to this lovely surprise instead Please, Im a human, and only in my twenties at that. Theres a limit to my life

Shut the fuck up, interrupted Borja, unable to stand his blabbering anymore. I didnt put firecrackers in your room.

But Ive been here for almost a month and its always been very quiet. You couldnt even hear someone fart at night, let alone firecrackers.

Are you trying to say that Im lying? asked Borja with a deathly stare. Feisha immediately wilted.

No, I was just asking, he murmured.

Hmph. Ive seen this trick of yours used by plenty of people before, dont think you can fool me just like that.

Are you trying to say that I set off the firecrackers myself?

Borjas expression was more than enough to convey his thats exactly what Im trying to say.

Alright. Lets say that I did set it off. Why would I set it off in my own room? And even if I did, why would I not admit it? It doesnt make any sense. Deny, deny, denydenydeny.

Because The impending tirade was interrupted as Borja froze. Feisha looked up. The unmistakable sound of firecrackers came from upstairs.

What a tumultuous night this is turning out to be.

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