Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 797

He suddenly felt a black in front of him, and the whole person fell down.

Qiaoqi's body fell to the ground.

After all, she was still seriously injured. After landing, she was not stable for a moment, so she rolled down the steps.

Qiaoqi only had time to protect her head, but her body was heavily bumped against the stone steps. She felt that her whole body seemed to be in pain.

But the enemy, even if the pain, she did not dare to have a moment's stay, hastily bear the pain to get up, run to the other side.

What did not expect was that the group of people even if tangled together, the rest of the corner of the eye was still aiming at her.

Seeing that she was going to run, two of them immediately kicked away the people who were blocking them in front of her and ran after them in her direction.

Qiaoqi was at the end of her tether.

Rao is her combat effectiveness is amazing, experienced a car crash, fell into the water, at this time has also been conscious of trance.

Chest and abdominal pain, let her know that she was only afraid of internal injury, at this time of resistance, but with willpower to adhere to.

But she was not sure how long it would last.

The two men behind him came closer and closer.

Almost regardless of all the threats around her, she is bound to be caught back.

Qiaoqi's heart was cold. He secretly felt out a short dagger that had been hidden in her waist. Fortunately, in order to save time, the group did not have time to search her after they rescued her.

So, everything about her is still there.

Touching the dagger, she felt a little calm.

Feeling the strong wind behind her, she did not want to, turned and waved to the two people.

At this time, however, there was a sudden change.

Someone was faster than her, coming out of the Spurs and blocking the two.

The man's back to her, the speed of his hand dazzling, but two times, will be in front of the two people to lie down, one foot, kick to the ground, the body with the steep steps rolling down.

Qiao Qi is slightly stunned.

The next second, see that person turned to grab her, her heart a tight, raised her hand with a dagger to the other side, the heart knows that in any case, even death can not let themselves fall into the other party's hands.

However, she saw that the man's movements were very quick and quick, and she had almost no reaction. Her wrist had been grasped by the other party.

She was shocked and knew that she was not as quick as usual because of her injury.

Therefore, they can only support and kick to each other.

The other party catches them one by one. The sun at noon is so fierce that she is in a daze. She only feels dizzy and flowery. All she does is to support with willpower.

She even can't see the other party's appearance clearly, just mechanical resistance, without a few moves, the whole body has been restrained by the other party.

She again forced her head toward each other, just then, suddenly heard a low familiar voice.

"Enough! Georgie, it's me. "

Qiao Qi was stunned.

It's all stiff there.

She stares up and looks at the tall and indifferent man in front of her. The sunlight sprinkles down from the gap between the forest leaves on the top of the head, blurs her eyes, but still lets her see the general outline and facial features of the people in front of her.

"Goo Siqian?"

Why are you here?

Later, she didn't have time to ask.

Just feel a black in front of me, the person already can't support any more, fainted in the past.

Gu Si Qian directly took the man back to the castle.

She was taken back to the castle with her, as well as the kidnappers.

Six of them died on the spot. The rest, on his orders, were all captured alive. Now they are being held in the castle and have been specially guarded. They can be tried at any time when he is free.

Qiaoqi was awakened by pain.

I feel pain all over my body. It's like being run over by several trucks, and it's like being broken down and reassembled again.

She opened her eyes and saw a white ceiling.

Overhead there are complex and exquisite chandeliers in front of the eyes gently shaking, a little familiar, but also a little strange.

Here is

Dizzy before the memory of the rush into the mind, she slightly tilted her head, as expected, saw the familiar figure standing there.

At this time, it was noon the next day.

She was in a coma for a whole day and night. After examination by doctors, she found that in addition to head injuries, there were also several ribs on her body, and some ligament injuries on her feet, and the rest were gone.

The injury is not too heavy, but it is not light.

She only gently moved, felt the pain from her body, and could not help but gently "hissed".

Gu Si Qian looked back at the sound.

Outside the sun is very good, although the curtain opened, but the middle of a thin white screen window did not open.

Therefore, the sunlight through the white gauze, will appear to be different warm and soft, ferry on the man's body, along with his body that chilly temperament also softened a bit.He came over, stood at the head of the bed, looked at her and asked, "wake up?"

Georgie nodded.

Seeing him again, the mood is complicated.

In any case, I didn't expect to go around and finally return to his hands.

About to go with her, Gu Si Qian's lips raised a cold taunt arc, said: "do you know who kidnapped you?"

Qiaoqi was at a loss.

He shook his head.

Gu Siqian threw a stack of materials in front of her.

"I tried it all night last night. I'll see for myself."

Qiao Qi was stunned.

Subconsciously raise your hand to pick up the data.

She also had a lot of bruises on her arm, which were caused by lying on the front of the car at that time in order to control the car.

At this time, two arms and palms are tied with thick bandages, looking like two bear's paws, different funny.

In this case, it is very difficult to open the thin paper.

Therefore, although she picked up the information and tried for a long time, she couldn't open it.

Gu Si Qian didn't expect her to be like this. He was a little stunned for a moment. In the end, he walked over to help her open the information and directly spread it in front of her.

Qiao Qi is a little embarrassed.

However, at this time, it is obviously not the time to save face, or he opened the page to see.

Gu Si Qian has been paying attention to her eyes, and when she has finished reading one page, he helps her open another.

In this way, with his help, Qiaoqi read all the information.

The heart is heavy.

She never thought that those people who she regarded as brothers and sisters would not let her go after they betrayed her and joined the Chinese Association.

Four years later, he was still planning to kill her.


Qiao Qi is a little confused.

It is reasonable to say that if she was used at the beginning, it was only to stir up a dispute between the rosefinch society and the dragon group, and they were already bought over by the Chinese Association. Only when things were complete, could they retire.

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