Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 799

Ober is a good dancer.

Knowing that at this time, it was not appropriate to have more branches, so he quickly sent Tang Wencheng away.

Gu Si Qian has never been stingy about money. It's up to Ober to decide how much money to give. As long as he can stop Tang Wencheng's mouth and stop looking for Qiao Qi's trouble, it's worth it.

After he was taken down by Obel, Gu Siqian took Qiao Qi to the building where Tang Qiqi stopped.

Suddenly, after Tang Qiqi's accident, the body should have been taken away by the police.

But Gu Siqian knew the relationship between her and Qiaoqi. She also knew that she died for Qiaoqi.

So they were stopped at that time.

The nature of this matter is clear without investigation.

Knowing that they were the family members of Tang Qiqi, the people there knew Gu Siqian. They were not afraid that he would run away with his body. Therefore, they did not stop him and let them take them away.

After the body was transported back, Gu Si Qian ordered people to be placed in the lobby of a second building.

At this time, he took Qiaoqi and walked over. From a distance, he saw a temporary simple spirit hall set up in the lobby.

There is a huge coffin in the middle, and Tang Qiqi lies quietly in the coffin.

Qiao Qi was shocked.

Gu Siqian put her down and said in a deep voice, "I know you'll want to see her, so I'll leave her here. This is not her home. When you finish reading, I'll ask Tang Wencheng to take her back."

After a pause, he still whispered to comfort him: "the dead are like Si, don't be too sad."

Qiaoqi didn't speak.

She tightly closed her lips, from the first glance in, eyes have been tightly locked in the huge coffin.

Gu Si Qian supported her and walked through with difficulty.

The coffin was made of fine cypress. It was painted with black paint. There were a circle of fresh flowers under it. It was bought by the temporary order of Ober last night.

Step by step, Qiaoqi moved to the coffin.

Hands, holding the edge of the coffin, look inside.

Just a glance, the tears fell down.

In the coffin, Tang Qiqi was lying there quietly, with a thin face as pale as paper. His clothes had been changed. He was in a beautiful white suit, which looked like a holy angel.

If it was not for her pulse had stopped, stopped dead, and her face was a little abnormal, it would have looked the same as usual.

So young, so beautiful, so fresh and full of vitality.

Qiaoqi felt a huge pain in her heart, as if she had been gouged out by a knife. She gouged out a huge hole in her heart.

Blood DC, cold wind whine in, let her all over the birth of cold.

"Seven seven..."

Her throat was choked and her tears were pouring down her throat. She could not say a complete word.

Gu Si Qian did not go to persuade her.

Just quietly standing on one side, looking at her with heavy eyes.

In the whole hall, the rest of the people were retreated, and there were only two of them alive in the Nuo Da space.

He looked at her in silence, at her pain, at her regret, at her again and again, trying to call Tang Qiqi up.

"July 7, my sister is here. Open your eyes and look at me. Don't you say that you want to be a clothing brand, a clothing store and the most powerful designer in the world?"

"You wake up and look at me. What do you want to do? My sister will accompany you to do it. My sister will help you realize all your dreams."

"Please, open your eyes and look at me first."

Qiaoqi always thought that the tears of her life had been gone long ago.

But I didn't know it until today.

She will still feel pain, or will feel sad, or will be like once, in the face of one of their beloved people leave, unable to accept, unwilling to face.

God knows, if she could, she would rather die that day.

Instead of letting someone who shouldn't have died for her.

But in this world, where can we choose by ourselves.

Like dead people, how can they come back?

Qiaoqi lowered her head and let her tears flow freely. She held Tang Qiqi's cold and stiff hands and was shaking gently.

After a long time, until her voice was hoarse and her tears seemed to run dry.

She just gently put her hand down, reached out, straightened her collar and hair, and barely pulled out a smile worse than crying.

Quietly said: "sleep, I know you are very tired, you want to sleep, those who hurt you, I will not let go, you can rest assured, I will let them die without a burial place."

When it comes to the last sentence, I can't help but put on a cruel tone.

Gu Si Qian was slightly shocked.

The next second, I saw Qiao Qi wipe away her tears and turn around.At this time, although there were still tears on her face, Gu Si Qian could clearly see that the weakness and pain in her eyes had slowly faded away.

It is the cruelty and indifference of hatred.

"I hear you've got those men back?"

Gu Si Qian looked at her coldly.

"What do you want to do?"

"Take me to them."

"No way."

He refused without thinking about it.

Qiao Qi sneered.

"They killed my sister. I'll take revenge for her," he said in a cold voice in a defiant voice

Gu Si Qian's eyebrows were deep, looking at the woman's rebellious face and the hatred under his eyes.

After all, I still shook my head.

"It's not the time yet."

He paused for a moment and continued: "she died for you. The target of those people was you. But since you were jailed four years ago, you have no relationship with the rosefinch society or even this circle. Don't you want to know why they want you?"

Qiao Qi was slightly shocked.

Gu Siqian clapped his hands.

Outside the door, Qin Yue, who had been waiting there, came in, took a few pieces of information in his hand, slightly bowed his head and handed it to him.

Gu Si Qian took it and handed it to Qiao Qi.

"Look at this first."

Qiaoqi took it and looked at it carefully. Her face changed slightly.

Gu Siqian explained: "this is the result of last night's strict interrogation and Qin Yue's investigation. The data shows that the person who hit you in the car before was not the same wave as the one who kidnapped you and ran away."

"In other words, at present, two waves of people have targeted you. We have already known that the Chinese will do it."

"We don't know what they're looking for. Those people are just small minions at the bottom, and the plans and purposes above will not be told to them."

"And the man who hit you before was poisoned when he ran out of the bridge and fell into the river."

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