Spoiled By The President:My Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 976

"You can be angry, but when you are angry, are you happy for her? After all, she is living a life in disguise that you pray for her, quiet and ordinary, safe and happy, right? "

Jingning looked at him.

For a moment, suddenly burst into tears to smile, "seems to be oh."

Lu Jingshen fondly rubbed her head, "so now you can tell me, what's going on with all this?"

Jingning thought about it and told him what happened today.

After listening, Lu Jingshen also felt unbelievable.

He was silent for a moment. "What are you going to do now?"

Jingning shook her head. "I don't know. She doesn't remember anything now. She doesn't know me. I don't know how to talk to her."

"Don't worry." Lu Jingshen comforted her, "what happened at that time had a great influence on her. It's normal that she doesn't want to recall. Fortunately, people are not dead now. You have found them. It's fate in the dark. No matter how the final result is, it's a gift from God that she's still alive. We don't have to ask too much, eh?"

Jingning nodded.

In fact, she also knows that after so many years, Mo Caiwei can still live, for her, is a kind of lost and recovered.

She should not be greedy to ask for more, the previous gaffe, in fact, is just a little selfish, do not want to be forgotten by her.

At this time, with Lu Jingshen's comfort and relief, she had figured it out.

Jingning sighed.

"In fact, it's as good as now. If she doesn't remember the past, she won't think of the harm Jing Xiaode brought to her. As she said, this is the chance that God gives her to live again. Since she can firmly grasp it, it's the best."

Lu Jingshen held her in his arms and tightened his arms.

"If you feel better, you will feel better."

Jingning nestled in his arms, his voice was a little hoarse, "but I still want to see her, want to get along with her more, want to ask her how she has been these years, depth of field, I don't really want to blame her, I just don't know how to express my feelings."

Lu Jingshen nodded, "I understand."

After a pause, he looked down at her and said, "don't worry. When you adjust, I will accompany you to see her. Isn't she in Kyoto? You still have a lot of time and opportunities to tell her what you really want to say

Jingning nodded and closed her eyes.

Lu Jingshen hugged her for a while. She felt that the woman's breath gradually calmed down in her arms. Finally, she fell asleep.

He picked her up and went to the big bed.

Jingning had a deep sleep.

In the middle, she had a long and deep dream.

In the dream, she seems to have returned to her childhood and lived in the villa of Mohist family. She wears two pigtails and swings in the yard. Her grandfather sits in the rocking chair not far away and smiles at her. Mo Caiwei comes out with a fruit snack and laughs and calls her, "Ning Ning, come and eat fruit."

She jumped off the swing and jumped over happily. Because she was so happy, she splashed the fruits and snacks on Mo Caiwei's hands.

Things scattered on the ground, she was scared, "Wow," a cry out.

Mo Caiwei hurriedly comforted her, while wiping her tears, she said: "it's OK, Ning Ning is good, we'd rather not intentionally, don't cry."

Jingning's tears flow down silently.

Maybe I know that the woman in the dream will never comfort her so gently and carefully.

Will never give her the warmest arms, at any time love her to protect her.

Therefore, Jingning felt that she was too sad for herself.

Mo Caiwei is still alive, but her mother has died.

Growing up in Mohist school, she had no impression of her own mother. All her emotional dependence from childhood to adulthood was just her adoptive mother.

Now, however, there is no emotional dependence at all.

Jingning cried and woke up.

Lu Jingshen around her found something wrong with her and reached out to hold her in his arms and coax her in a soft voice.

"Darling wife, don't cry, you cry my heart will break."

Jingning hugged his waist tightly and buried his face in his arms.

The voice is stuffy, "Lu Jingshen, I dream of my mother."

Lu Jingshen felt a pain in his heart.

Jingning murmured, "I want to see her."

"Well, I'll go with you to see her when it's light and a little later."

Lu Jingshen bowed his head and kissed away the tears on her face. He said in a hoarse voice, "sleep a little longer. You will have the spirit to see her after you sleep well, right?"

Jingning nodded.

He buried his face in his arms, and then he fell asleep.

The next day.

Accompanied by Lu Jingshen, Jingning came to the gambling stone venue again.After yesterday's event, boss Yu already knew her relationship with Mo Caiwei. Although she was uncertain, she was also filled with a great joy.

After all, let's not say whether Jingning and Mo Caiwei will eventually recognize each other.

He knows about Mo Caiwei's situation over the years, and knows that her condition has not been very good. It would be a good thing if he could really find her relatives.

Moreover, he is a businessman who pays great attention to profits. He knows best when and what kind of things will play a great role in his future.

Although boss Yu doesn't want to use Mo Caiwei to get anything, if he really has a ready-made network, it doesn't need to be in vain.

In this way, a secret joy rose in his heart.

Along with the steps of meeting Jingning and Lu Jingshen, they became more and more respectful and courteous.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lu, please sit in."

Laughing, he led them into the reception room, sat down, and let people make tea.

Lu Jingshen raised his hand to stop him.

"Tea is not necessary. You must have known the purpose of our coming today?"

Boss Yu's face flashed with embarrassment.

He waved his hand, let the secretary out, and then closed the door, which turned to look at them in embarrassment.

"I know what you're here for, but I'm an outsider and don't say much about it. If you want to see Miss Mo, I can contact you. But as for whether she wants to see you or not, I can't decide."

Lu Jingshen did not move her eyebrows. Jingning said in a deep voice, "I haven't seen her first, but I have a few words to ask you. I hope boss Yu can tell me honestly."

Yu boss a Leng, hastily nods.

"Yes, you ask. Whatever I know, I'll say everything I know."

Jingning nodded and asked, "how do you know my mother?"

Boss Yu told Jingning how he had traveled to the desert, how he had lost his way with the tour group, how he had lost his way, and how he had been rescued by them.

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