stakes - gambling with gods.

Chapter 19 Encounters That Never Happened.



Two week into academy:-

The arena:-

"Professor, can you tell us on how one knows when they have achieved the next star or tier in terms of power level?" Robbie inquired, utilizing his daily question allowance.

"A fine question, Robbie," responded Professor Devon, his tone tinged with a hint of remorse and amusement. "I had been keeping that particular card hidden until the opportune moment. But it seems you won't let me keep any secrets. Fair enough. The answer to this question varies depending on the different classes."

"Warriors, such as our Elsie, rely on manuals to guide their progress and learn various techniques," Professor Devon explained. "These technique manuals are a unique type of artifact that reveals different information to each individual. They won't disclose the next techniques unless the user satisfies certain conditions. These manuals also serve as the sole means of determining the power level of warriors. Only the user and Nork have access to them."

"As for mages, we gauge their level based on the number of spells they have mastered," Professor Devon continued. "Each spell carries a different weight based on its complexity. For instance, to advance a star in tier-1, a mage must master ten tier-1 spells, three tier-2 spells, and only one tier-3 spell. This pattern continues throughout each tier, with ten spells of the respective tier required to advance a star. It's worth noting that only full mastery of spells is taken into account; half-hearted attempts won't suffice. Usually, the Mage Tower assigns power levels to mages, but in rare cases, Nork assumes that responsibility."

"For bloodliners, their awareness of their power level is determined by the level of pure blood in their respective bloodline purity," Professor Devon elaborated. "At every 10% increase in purity, they experience a small boost in various aspects related to their race. The purity of bloodliners is divided into seven levels: lowest tier, lower tier, low tier, normal tier, high tier, higher tier, and highest tier. Similar to warriors, they are also closely monitored by Nork."

"Moving on to deck users, their situation bears some similarities to mages," Professor Devon continued. "The first card that every deck user receives is called 'Absorbe,' and it is provided by the academy itself. This card possesses a will akin to the manuals of warriors and has the ability to absorb any magic released by beasts upon their demise. However, the card can only absorb the magic if the beast is killed by the card's owner. Since the card possesses a will of its own, it does not tolerate any fraudulent behaviour. The magic absorbed by this card can be utilized to upgrade its level from tier-1 to tier-2. Each tier-2 card represents an advancement in power, signifying that the individual is capable of single-handedly slaying beasts of that Caliber and effectively utilizing their card. To progress to the next tier, a deck user must upgrade twelve cards in their deck to the next tier or possess one tier-3 card."

Professor Devon paused briefly before delving into the topic of ability class. "Ability class individuals, often referred to as rule breakers, pose a unique challenge when it comes to tracking their progress. For this reason, we employ an artifact specifically designed to measure the power level of anyone. A small piece of this artifact is incorporated into your watches, enabling it to track your advancements. In the event of any changes in power level, Nork will promptly notify the user through their watch."

I and the others listened intently, absorbing the intricate details of power level assessment across various classes. The complexity and diversity of measuring one's strength in this world had become clearer.


Present time:-

As we neared the county, a sense of awe washed over me as I beheld its immense size. Coming from the confines of the academy, where my experiences were limited to closed rooms, I had never truly comprehended the scale of a settlement. The base we had established near the village, which once appeared substantial, now seemed no more than a humble hut in comparison to the grandeur of this county.

The county sprawled before us, stretching out as far as the eye could see. Majestic buildings and bustling streets extended in every direction, creating a vibrant tapestry of human activity. The sheer magnitude of the population and the diverse range of structures left me astounded. It was a thriving hub of civilization, teeming with life and energy.

As we ventured deeper into the county, the sights and sounds overwhelmed my senses. People from all walks of life hurried through the streets, engaging in various tasks and pursuits. The marketplace bustled with merchants and shoppers, their voices blending into a symphony of commerce. Magnificent structures, adorned with intricate details and towering heights, stood as testament to the prosperity and ambition of the county's inhabitants.

As we traversed through the lively streets, guided by the directions provided by Lieutenant, our path led us to a new establishment known as "Bogger's Inn." It was a quaint and inviting place that would serve as our temporary abode for the week of rest and preparation ahead. As we arrived, Lieutenant informed us that this would be our base of operations during our stay in the county.

Bogger's Inn stood as a welcoming haven amidst the vibrant streets of the county. Its exterior boasted a rustic charm, with weathered wooden beams and a thatched roof that evoked a sense of warmth and comfort. The entrance was adorned with a well-crafted wooden sign bearing the name of the establishment, carved with intricate details.

Upon stepping inside, the interior revealed a cozy and inviting atmosphere. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of local lore and heroic exploits, adding a touch of history and storytelling to the space. Soft lighting emanated from charming lanterns hanging from the ceiling, casting a warm glow that enveloped the area.

The main common room featured sturdy wooden tables and chairs, arranged in a manner that encouraged interaction among guests. A crackling fireplace stood as the centrepiece, providing both warmth and a focal point for gatherings. Its dancing flames cast playful shadows that added to the ambiance of the room.

To one side of the common area, a well-stocked bar stretched along the wall, lined with bottles of various spirits and ales. Skilled bartenders stood ready to cater to the diverse tastes of the patrons, pouring drinks with expertise and offering friendly banter. The aroma of freshly brewed beverages wafted through the air, enticing weary travellers and soldiers alike to indulge in a well-deserved drink.

Beyond the common room, a series of hallways led to a multitude of cozy chambers, each designed to offer a comfortable retreat for guests seeking respite. The rooms were adorned with modest furnishings, providing the necessary amenities for a pleasant stay. Soft bedding and warm blankets awaited those seeking a good night's rest, while small desks and seating areas provided a space for personal reflection or correspondence.

Throughout Bogger's Inn, the staff moved with an air of professionalism and genuine hospitality. Attentive servers tended to the needs of the guests, ensuring their comfort and satisfaction. The innkeeper, a friendly and well-respected figure named Bogger, could often be seen mingling with patrons, sharing stories and recommendations to enhance their experience.

The bustling atmosphere outside the inn reflected the eagerness of the soldiers to unwind and indulge in some well-deserved respite. Many of them dispersed, disappearing into the inn's welcoming doors or venturing back into the lively streets in search of taverns and revelry. After the intense journey we had undertaken and the successful completion of our mission, I found myself with a small surplus of coins, specifically 20 in my possession.

However, I was to remain with Lieutenant, along with the other two individuals who shared his tier-3 status. These two individuals, much like myself, served as assistants to Lieutenant. Their paths had once intersected with his during a fateful mission where they had faced great misfortune, resulting in the loss of their previous positions and a subsequent arrest by the empire for the misuse of resources. It was Lieutenant's intervention and negotiation with the empire that secured their release, in exchange for some of his own merits. From that moment on, these two individuals became unwavering and dedicated followers of Lieutenant, grateful for his assistance and guidance.

As we settled into the inn, I observed the joviality of the soldiers indulging in their well-earned leisure. Laughter filled the air, accompanied by the clinking of glasses and tales of valor shared among comrades.

As we ascended to the fourth floor of Bogger's Inn, guided by Lieutenant, we entered his private room. To our surprise, another individual occupied one of the chairs facing the lieutenant's desk. As we gathered in the room, Lieutenant momentarily paused his conversation and gestured for us to wait in the adjacent chamber, his expression conveying the importance of discretion. Respecting his command, we quietly moved to the designated room, anticipating the outcome of this mysterious encounter.

Curiosity piqued within me, and I turned to the two senior officers accompanying me, seeking their insights. Sensing my eagerness to understand the situation, one of them spoke up, sharing his perspective. "It's likely a partnership discussion," he revealed. "When two army officers from separate units, who typically operate as distinct organizations under the empire's sanction, come together, it usually indicates a potential collaboration for a specific period of time. These meetings serve as a platform to explore the possibilities of joining forces and sharing resources."

His explanation shed light on the significance of the encounter between Lieutenant and the other officer. It became clear that this meeting held the potential to shape the course of our upcoming mission, forging alliances and pooling our collective strengths.

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