stakes - gambling with gods.

Chapter 6 Paths And Possibilities


Zack, Charlotte, Ayaan, and Elsie found themselves seated together after the history class, their excitement and curiosity still lingering in the air. The room buzzed with the anticipation of the upcoming class, as students chatted and prepared for the next lesson.

Zack turned to his new friends and asked, "What did you think of the history class?"

Ayaan smiled and replied, "I found it fascinating, especially the empire's hierarchical system. It's interesting how they created their own unique structure."

Elsie nodded in agreement, her contemplative expression showing her appreciation for the complexity of the system. "Yes, the second emperor put a lot of effort into establishing a stable governing structure."

Charlotte chimed in enthusiastically, her words flowing effortlessly, "Oh my gosh, yes! I mean, I did find it a bit overwhelming with all the details, but it's incredible how much thought and planning went into creating a system like that. I wonder what other fascinating things I can learn."

Zack chuckled, enjoying Charlotte's energy. "It's an intriguing question. Maybe we'll explore that in our geography class."

"So, which classes do we have left?" he inquired.

Charlotte, always eager to contribute, responded, "I believe we still have the combat class and something called public skills. I understand the need for combat training, but I'm puzzled as to why they've made public skills a separate course. Couldn't they have incorporated it into other subjects? I wonder what exactly they'll teach us in combat class. Will it be focused on weapons training and physical combat, or is there more to it?"

As Charlotte continued to share her thoughts, Zack couldn't help but notice her enthusiasm for conversation. "She really loves to talk," he mused silently, a hint of amusement in his mind.

Zack glanced at Charlotte, amused by her curiosity and inquisitive nature. "Well, I guess we'll find out soon enough," he replied with a smile. "As for the combat class, I imagine they'll teach us a variety of skills, including weapon training, combat techniques, and strategic thinking. It's essential for us to be prepared and capable of defending ourselves in this world."

Charlotte couldn't help but continue her musings. "But this public skills class... I wonder what it entails. Maybe it's about developing our social and communication skills, or perhaps it focuses on diplomacy and negotiation. After all, being able to interact effectively with others and navigate different situations is crucial in any society."

The new professor, a charismatic individual with a warm smile, entered the room, instantly capturing the attention of the students. He introduced himself as Professor Reed, an expert in public skills, Magician with power level of Tier-6 9-Star, ranked at 4-unique-1T09B098M40K136.

"Now that I have finished my introduction, let's delve into the details of our course," Professor Reed stated, settling comfortably into his chair. "You may have already gathered that this course aims to equip you with the skills needed to navigate the world beyond these academy walls. And you're not entirely wrong, but there's so much more to it than that. This course goes beyond mere etiquette and manners."

He leaned forward, his voice brimming with a seriousness. "In this class, we will explore the intricate dynamics of the outside world. We will delve into the different regions and their inhabitants, understanding their cultures, customs, and social norms. I will provide you with invaluable insights on how to engage with diverse individuals and communities, fostering meaningful connections and building bridges of understanding."

Professor Reed continued, his tone shifting to a more informative style. "Throughout this course, I will also provide you with practical guidance on life after you leave this academy. We will discuss career paths, and the various opportunities that await you. Consider this an essential roadmap to help you navigate the complexities of the outside world and make informed decisions about your future."

"Alright, let's get started. First, I want to address a common misconception about your post-graduation options. While it's true that there is a compulsory 300-year service in the army, there are also alternative paths available for those who possess exceptional talent. You see, the empire cannot solely rely on the army to function effectively. They cannot be everywhere at once, especially considering the significant forces needed on the front lines. Additionally, there are certain matters that may not require the full force of an army. This is where other groups come into play, lending their assistance to the empire."

"Let's begin by discussing families. To fully comprehend the intricacies of these families, we'll explore their hierarchy in the history class. For now, understand that there are three tiers of families: town-level, city-level, and region-level. At the region-level, there are only six families in existence. Joining a family is a challenging endeavour and reserved for the truly talented individuals. It's worth noting that it has been precisely 158 years, 4 months, and 7 days since any region-level family last recruited someone from any school."

The professor paused, realizing that some students might be unfamiliar with the calendar system. He quickly clarified, "Oh, I almost forgot that you may not be familiar with our calendar. In brief, a year consists of seven months, each month comprises 147 days, and a day is made of 18 hours. Simple enough, right?"

"Now, let's move on to guilds. There are several guilds in existence, but only a few of them accept new recruits. For the rest, it's up to you to approach them and register. Among the guilds that do accept new graduates, we have the magician's guild, half-blood guild, and assassin's guild. However, even their acceptance rate is quite low, typically around 4-5 recruits per 500 class. Nevertheless, it's important to know that these options exist."

"Lastly, we have mercenaries. Many individuals turn to mercenaries as a means to escape the compulsory army service. However, not every mercenary group has available jobs. Here comes the crucial point of how you can evade the mandatory army service. You must pay a fixed amount of money to the empire at the end of each month over an extended period of time. Collecting this amount on your own can be quite challenging. This is where families and guilds come into play-they pay the required amount on your behalf, which is why they have limited capacity to accept new recruits. On the other hand, mercenaries do not provide financial support, but they offer job opportunities that enable you to earn enough money to meet the monthly payment. This is why it's crucial to select a reputable and well-established mercenary group with available job prospects."

The professor paused, allowing the students to absorb the weight of their options and the realities they presented. He continued, "This means that only around 10-15 individuals out of the entire class of 500 will be exempted from joining the army. Furthermore, finding a job after completing the mandatory service period can be quite challenging, which is why many who enter the army out of compulsion end up continuing their service even after the 300-year period."

The students contemplated the limited slots available in guilds, the importance of reputation and job availability in mercenary groups, and the financial considerations associated with evading the army service through payments.

"Now that I've given you a good options for the damn army, let's talk about what the hell it can actually offer to those poor souls who end up joining," the professor stated with a hint of sarcasm, capturing the attention of the class.

"Most basic is survival, In the army, once you join, you will be assigned to a specific location based on your power level. The empire ensures that individuals are placed in areas that align with their capabilities and where they can effectively contribute to the defence and stability of the empire. This ensures a balanced distribution of strength across different regions and optimizes the overall efficiency of the military forces. Even though there is not guaranty to your life, empire tries to keep its solider as alive as possible."

"The most favourable choice for those joining the army is to pursue as an officer," the professor explained, delving into the advantages and responsibilities that came with such a position.

He emphasized that officers enjoyed greater autonomy compared to enlisted soldiers. Their compulsory service period was significantly reduced, and they had the potential to further decrease it based on their achievements and contributions. Additionally, officers received a salary, providing a financial incentive for their dedication and commitment.

"However," the professor continued, adopting a more serious tone, "it's important to acknowledge that officers often find themselves in more perilous situations. They are typically assigned to high-risk areas, which unfortunately results in a higher casualty rate compared to soldiers."

He went on to discuss the demanding nature of officer roles, highlighting the need for strong leadership skills, strategic thinking, and the ability to make critical decisions under pressure. Officers played a crucial role in planning and executing military operations, ensuring the safety and effectiveness of their units.

"And that concludes our discussion for today," the professor stated, wrapping up the class. He gathered his notes and materials, preparing to leave the classroom. "I look forward to seeing all of you next week," saying such he left the room.

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