Star Eater

Chapter 159 - 159

Chapter 159: Chapter 159

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

"Vithari is out of our reach for the moment until we know more." Greigh said as he looked at a map in the room after hearing my mumble. "Who else is there?"

"Who else does Lestrania have some manner of relationship with?" I asked. "Surely we can seek help."

"The Northern Clans care not for us. The Dragonlands have been silent for centuries, and the seafolk rarely come to the surface." Greigh pointed out. "Other than the Dwarves in Vithari, not many would enter into an alliance with us."

"They may not have a choice." I responded as I looked at the map. "What of the Succubae? Do we know where they reside?"

Both officers looked at each other. "Sir, I don't think a single succubus would be willing to enter an alliance for the right reasons."

I tapped the map. "Then we need to start thinking about how to make the right reasons. Give the other kingdoms incentive to work with us." Then I gestured to the west. "Why has no one gone West and mapped it?"

Greigh pointed at the map. "There is a barrier here of sorts. It appears to be a fog or mist, but those who enter have never returned." He then crossed his arms before continuing. "Priestess Arceana sent a large force there once and were lost. Rope, spells, other enchantments had no effect in trying to pull someone from the fog."

"And South of the Hollow Forest? What reason is there for it being unexplored?"

"Same as with the West except no one returns from the forest once they go far enough in." He explained.

Ziah then tapped the map where the Hollow Forest was. "Many believe that it is because creatures from the old world reside there."

Rubbing my chin in thought caught their attention, and they became silent. Kandma resided deep in another section of woods that has been overtaken by the Hollow Forest. However, she also said she had been on the run from Demons. At the same time, Ghouls have appeared from deep in the forest as well.

"I'm going to assume there is a similar reason for the North of Vithari."

Greigh sighed but nodded. "To the North of the Desert Kingdom is the home of the Druids. However, beyond that has also been unexplored. A vast home of greenery covers the land, and the Druids make sure none intrude there." He then tapped the map. "Although, rumors have it that they themselves fear traveling too far North."

Quirking a brow at that, I prodded further. "Why?"

He shrugged. "There is only speculation and rumors, but apparently, several Druids have simply died from going too far north along with many animals. Some think the Northern part of the continent is cursed."

Bullshit. "Is that all there is over there?"

"Essentially. As you can see, it's rather small compared to the west." Ziah said with a shrug that copied Greigh.

Greigh pointed to the area beside the Zugal Empire to the North. "Here is another kingdom which is filled with Beastmen." That was news to me. "A mix between humans and animals. Much like our wings or ears, they take on various features depending on their clan."

"So, they have a more humanistic appearance aside from their ears and maybe a tail?" I asked back for clarification.

"Essentially. However, their magic is a bit more on the wild side, and they tend to be at odds with each other. It's because of this that many don't travel nor do any visit their lands." Greigh explained. "However, their magic is not to be underestimated as it gives them strength far greater than what you would think." He tapped the Zugal Empire. "There is a reason the Northern Clans have kept to themselves." Why do the Humans of this world even bother?

Lestrania was by far the biggest, with the Beastmen and Zugal nations above. To their right would've been where Klasteris resided. The Eastern continent wasn't too big compared to the west, but it hasn't been mapped all the way, and neither had ours. This irked me for many reasons. However, I had enough problems to deal with.

Tapping a lone island in between the East and West, I spoke. "What of this?"

Greigh grimaced. "An area ruled by outlaws and criminals of every race. Dragons, Beastmen, Zugal, Elf, Human, it matters not. If you're a wanted criminal and you need a place to hide, there is your best bet if you really want to stay hidden." He then shrugged. "It just depends on whether or not you can look after yourself or not."

Ziah then explained further. "We used to keep tabs on it, but after losing agents time and time again, the Priestess declared it a lost cause."

The uncharted territory on the map filled me with a sense of anxiousness and unease. "Do we have any agents in any of these other Kingdoms?" They shook their head. "I thought not. I'll see what I can do, but that will be all for today. There are a few things I need to think about."

"Of course, Sir." Greigh saluted me with Ziah before leaving.

Sitting back down, I looked over the map, and there was something that bothered me greatly that I forgot to ask. "Where the fuck are the Demons on this thing?"

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