Star Eater

Chapter 161 - 161

Chapter 161: Chapter 161

?????'s Point of View

Unknown Location

"My Queen." A Ghoul said shakily as it entered the throne room where I sat in thought.

My eyes glanced at the Demon for a moment before I looked back out a hole in the wall. "Yes?"

Kneeling immediately, he started to speak. "I've been sent by Lord Flare with news." When I didn't respond, he continued. "The force of Ghouls that were sent to Lestrania have been wiped-"

Without further prompting, my mist filled the room and surrounded the Ghoul. He screamed for only a moment before his mouth was covered. Entering his body from his mouth, ears, eyes, nose, and other lower areas, my mist filled him until he expanded to an unrecognizable size. Soon, his body turned into my mist as his skin and other features faded.

"Flare." I said simply, and it took a minute, but the Demon Lord of fire walked in from where he listened. "What did I say about reporting to me on The Anomaly now known as Arthur Pendragon? Did I say, when the Ghouls die, send someone to inform me?"

To his credit, he frowned for a moment. "Apologies, my Queen. I thought you should be informed."

With my mist circling around him, he showed no signs of flinching as he kept his eyes on me. "And I thought you were smarter than that. Do not presume to think above my orders, or there I will not be so lenient next time." He bowed at my words. "Leave and do not bother me with such trivial news again."

Perhaps making him stronger was a mistake. Although, he did rescue me from the battlegrounds of Klasteris. All because that blasted shield was up. My thoughts drifted to the Floating Stone Forest and how things had gone so wrong. The only member of 'The Royal Family' that remained for a time was Arceana.

An insult like no other to have her be the one to lead and be the last one standing. Elincia returned not too long ago. A decade or two at most, with Rudnurth's return being rather brief. That left Elias, or rather, the remains of who he once was.

It would be good to have him back. The only member of that accursed family that actually converted quite nicely. Upon his return, our experiments shall once again begin. While it pained me to admit it, his indoctrination and takeover of Elias's body was near perfect. Having an old friend return would be nice, and we can move forward with our plans far easier than before.

Rubbing my head in a tired manner, I leaned back in the throne. "It won't be just me conducting experiments and creating more Demons soon..." My apprentice would return soon, and the thought brought a grin to my face.

Elincia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

After Arceana and I clarified a few details, we were sitting with one another. "So, the Demons only arrived looking for Arthur?" I nodded. "It is odd to me that a Priestess of this kingdom would be considered as only an afterthought."

"The entire exchange was weird. One of the Ghouls even called me 'Princess' in an insulting manner." Closing my eyes as my head rested on the cushion behind me, I sighed. "It has been so long since anyone has used that title."

"Which would explain the Theocracy comment Arthur went out of his way to make." Arceana added before she nudged me, and I peeked out of one eye at her. "Do you truly believe war is coming?"

I sighed and sat upright. "Arthur does, and after this, I might agree with him. Something about all this feels off. Ventari is in a coma, and I know we decided to wait until she wakes up before we do anything, but are we sure this is the right course of action?" I asked back.

"Sending an emissary at this point would be difficult. Especially with the Queen gone with us. If anything, I would like her to be escorted home, but doing so now would be unethical." She also sighed as her grip on her scepter tightened. "Even sending a messenger is almost impossible."

"So, we wait for more options to become available?" She nodded. "Very well."

Arceana hummed out in thought before she spoke once more. "Do you think Arthur began his business deals to have the money to work on the wall he is currently building around Helmsforth? Was this always a part of his plan?"

My shrug made her frown. "It is impossible to say. He started at a curious time, and Captain Greigh Nasa has been rather tight-lipped around the details of his time with our Knight." Crossing my arms, I looked down in thought. "Even Sergeant Ziah Tib has been rather reluctant with the information she shares." Turning my questioning gaze to my sister, I spoke. "What about Arthur Pendragon instills such loyalty?"

Her grip tightened on her scepter to the point her knuckles turned white. "I am unsure. Arthur holds himself to a very particular standard and operates similarly." Then she became quiet for a moment. "However, I have noticed he has an air of authority about him."

I nodded in agreement. "Yes. I noticed it myself. He even ordered me to stay inside and moved as if I would never even think to question him." Both of us were thinking something along similar lines. "Wherever he was before, Arthur was no doubt in command. Whether it be of a military, or perhaps as a noble, or even a member of royalty, he is definitely not human."

"No, he is not, and I think he was likely a member of royalty. His disregard towards our status seems to be a giveaway, but many of his actions say otherwise..." She sighed and leaned back this time. "Whatever he may be, he is here now, and we must deal with him. Whatever Aydan might have seen for the future, I worry regardless."

"On that, we can agree." I said before mirroring her, and we were silent for a moment. "So, when are you going out to dinner with our Knight?"

Arceana groaned in annoyance. "Catering to that man irks me to no end, but I am hoping to get some answers from him and maybe even convince him of a few ideas."

Closing my eyes, I sighed. "Are you still trying to get him to take a squire? I doubt he would teach anyone that would report back to us, which is likely why he refused to take one in the first place."

"Arthur may want for nothing, but he has a need for information. I am willing to give him some if he becomes more pliable."

I snorted, amused. "Good luck with that."

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