Star Eater

Chapter 178 - 178

Chapter 178: Chapter 178

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

Scratching my chin, I looked back to Rennal. "I admit that I only opened the door because I thought you were alone, and I was curious about what you might need me for." After I informed the Elf of that, I closed the door.

Well, tried to. "Arthur!" Cassidy chastised, and she slid her foot in before it could close. "What about me! Ya said we would talk!"

"Yeah, when I got back. Give me a little bit to relax. I've been getting run ragged." I replied as I reopened the door.

Ayda and Rennal were looking at each other concerned. "That was two days ago!"

I paused at that and looked around. "...It was?" I eventually asked.

Cassidy just sighed and poked me in the chest. "Alright, what've ya been doin that's kept ya up for two days straight."

"Thinking about shit. You know. The usual." My shrug got her to roll her eyes as she moved past me. "Where you goin?"

Without even turning to me, Cassidy moved to my kitchen. "Ah'ma make ya somethin ta eat. Gods know ya haven't eaten anything in days if ya aren't even keepin track of time!" She informed me as she disappeared around the corner.

"You have no proof-"

Her head poked back out as she gave me a womanly look. "Have ya eaten?"

Turning away from her, I changed the subject. "And what are you two here for?" Waving towards the kitchen as they came in amused them. "I doubt you two are here to cook me a meal."

Ayda smirked. "Would you like for me to cook you a meal?"

I stared at her for a moment before responding. "See, that smirk of yours makes me think you're gonna poison it or some shit."

Immediately offended, Aydan's decedent puffed up her cheeks in a huff. "I would never do that!"

"Is exactly what a person who was about to poison me would say."

Rennal stepped between us. "Before this goes any further, we are actually here on business."

Quirking a brow at that, my gaze shifted to Ayda, who crossed her arms but eventually gave me a nod to confirm the other Elf in my entryway was telling the truth.

Giving the two a suspicious look, I asked warily, "And what business might that be?"

"Priestess Elincia instructed us to help prepare you for your dinner with her sister!" Rennal began excitedly. "I cannot believe you were able to get a date with the Priestess Arceana! Several nobles have tried, but none have ever been able to succeed!" The Elf smirked and patted me on the chest. "Make sure you are on your best behavior tonight."

"I'm going to go out on a limb and say that whatever Cassidy has told you is a load a bullshit!" Gesturing to myself, I continued. "Arceana can't stand my ass, and I put up with her!" Then I pointed at Ayda. "Why your teacher wanted to go out to dinner with me is likely some manner of plot and-"

Cassidy whapped me in the back of the head with a skillet. "Enough of that! Ya got ta go either way, so stop shouting!" Then she shook the skillet at me again when I looked at her. "Ya want another."

Holding up my pointer finger as I gestured to her, I began. "Cass, I swear to-" The redhead held up the skillet again threateningly. "So, about why Elincia asked you two to come here." I immediately turned back to Rennal and Ayda.

Cassidy walked off as Rennal giggled. "She handles you well enough, I see." The Elf commented.

"I really don't want to go out and buy another skillet. Metal is expensive, and I got enough shit I'm working on without having to worry about her breaking my stuff over my head." I replied.

Ayda and Rennal exchanged a look. "Has... Has she done that before?"

Giving them a look, I glanced back towards the kitchen. "Let's just say you best watch yourself, Rennal."

The Elf in question scoffed. "Cassidy would never hit Ayda or I."

I frowned. "Well, good for you!"

It was true, though. Ever since Cassidy realized she couldn't do anything to hurt me, she's been a lot more physical and not in the fun way. She's hit me with a shovel, my skillet and other cooking utensils, a fence post, and more. I guess ripping my heart out in front of her gave her a 'fuck it' kind of attitude when dealing with me.

"Now, why do I need either of you to help me with dinner with Arceana." I asked in a bored tone.

Ayda pointed at me. "For that simple reason right there! 'Priestess', Arthur! You need to use her title! It is a sign of respect!"

"No." My simple but firm tone made Rennal chuckle unsurely.

"I am sure it would mean a great deal-" Rennal began.

"No." I repeated.

"Arthur!" Cassidy yelled at me in a warning tone from the kitchen.

"No!" I yelled back.

As soon as I heard Cassidy running towards the entryway, I bolted up the stairs.

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