Star Eater

Chapter 181 - 181

Chapter 181: Chapter 181

Arthur's Point of View

Middle Rung

Several personal guards of Arceana were sent to fetch me. Then I was escorted to the Middle Rung to a fancy restaurant. Very high end, expensive looking, and shiny. I mean, this shit look like it sparkled with its white marble. It looked very magical on the outside and Greek on the inside.

Several of the staff were waiting for my arrival and took me to the second floor. Not sure why it mattered given that the entire place was deserted. Well, except for the staff and one very dressed up Priestess. A black dress that sparkled like the surrounding marble was snug against her form. Many jewels hung from her wrists and neck while more than the usual amount of makeup decorated her face. It was the first time I had seen her like this.

"Sir Arthur." She greeted as she stood up and gave me a curtsey.

Surprised at this, I bowed lightly as I stopped next to the table. "Priestess Arceana." Was my unusual response.

Her eyes flickered to the guards before she waved them away. "I did not think you would wear your armor. Although, it does appear as though you have cleaned it. Most of the time it does not shine." She smirked as she touched it lightly. "It seems to match the room."

"One could say the same of you." Grabbing her hand gently, I moved behind her slightly and grabbed her chair before pushing her back in towards the table properly. "You look absolutely radiant." I told her as I moved back towards my chair and sat down.

Arceana had a surprised look on her face with reddened cheeks. "Thank you." She said evenly after adjusting herself. "You look very handsome yourself." Her blush reminded me of when she was younger. "I must say, I am rather surprised at you."

"Why is that?"

"I was unaware you could behave in such a polite manner. It almost seemed like a foreign concept to you."

"It usually is." I replied evenly. "However, since we are spending the evening together, I figured being more pliable would be better for our little dinner."

Arceana smiled. "Do not mistake my words for complaining. This is nice." Then she nodded towards where the stairs were. "If you acted like this all the time, several of my personal guards might feel more comfortable leaving me with you."

I shrugged. "That's their problem, not mine."

A waiter showed up, who looked super nervous, and bowed deeply. "I will be the one assisting you tonight. If there is anything you need or require," He set down a bell. "Please ring this and I will return promptly."

"Thank you." The Priestess responded with a bright smile before leaning forward and rested her chin on the back of her hands. "Do you have any of your specials tonight?"

"Of course! What would you like to start off with?"

"I would like to order the usual." Arceana informed him.

He smiled. "With your usual wine?" At her nod, the waiter turned to me. "And for you, Sir?"

"Water and whatever she's having will do just fine." I told him and he quickly left. "What?" My question was directed at Arceana's inquisitive gaze.

She tilted her head. "Not a fan of fine wines?"

Shrugging, I leaned back. "I don't drink in general. As fun as it might be, getting drunk would be very hard for me. No sense in drinking if I can't feel the effects and I'd have to go out of my way to even try."

The High Elf sat upright as she kept her eyes on me. "You never cease to keep me interested. Why would drinking wine have little effect on you?" She inquired.

"My body works a little differently. I'm sure many have brought up the fact that I'm always eating some manner of sandwich." I stated and she nodded in confirmation. "Well, that's because I constantly burn through the energy that goes into my body. So, I eat a lot. That means I'd have to drink even more to get any of the fun side effects from wine."

"That is very interesting. My sister and I are very similar in that regard. Our magic can use up vast amounts of energy stored in our bodies. Thus, we eat more than most." She explained before giving a small shrug. "Not that many would notice. Though I am surprised it is the same for you."

"We both know I'm not a normal human, so I fall into a different category altogether."

Humming in thought, the Priestess gave me an amused smirk. "You know, many come to my sister and I for answers. We know a great many things and our knowledge, in most cases, is unmatched." Then she gestured to me. "Yet it seems to me that you know more than my sister and I combined."

I smirked in response. "If it makes you feel any better, your knowledge in magic, spells, and ruling far surpass anything I could possible know. Perhaps each of us is well versed in different areas."

The waiter returned and brought us some manner of entrée with Arceana's wine and my water. "You order has been put in and should be ready in a few minutes." He quickly left after.

Arceana turned back to me once we were alone again. "You say that, but your magic shows the possibility of surpassing Elincia's and my own." Then she hummed in thought as she swirled her wine. "Then again, Lucia has informed me that you do not have magic. You have said that before."

"I have." I told her with a shrug. "Not that anyone believed me."

"What if I were to believe you now?" The Priestess inquired.

"Would it matter? My energy and your magic are rather similar."

Taking a sip, she looked amused. "And yet, Ayda informed me that when you transferred some of your 'energy' to her, she felt almost stronger than before."

I nodded. "She said the same thing. It's possible that my energy possesses more 'density', I guess I would say, than your magic. Meaning it might take one sixth of the usual amount of magic to be replaced with my energy." Shrugging, I took a sip of my own drink. "That's not to say I'm correct, but it would appear my energy is more potent than Lestranian magic."


"I guess. I mostly ignore it since I have so much of it, but a lot of it is difficult for me to use all at the same time."


With another nod, I explained. "My body can only handle so much of my own energy. After a time, it gets to be too much and starts causing all sorts of problems. Gruesome wounds and other 'injuries' occur."

I was playing the game that was set for the night. A game of information exchange and I knew my turn was coming, but there was no reason not to start out. Especially since most of this was already known by other individuals. The question was, what could I learn, or get, from this dinner.

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