Star Eater

Chapter 184 - 184

Chapter 184: Chapter 184

Arthur's Point of View

Middle Rung

Arceana didn't look so smug now as she seemed even more on edge. "Alwin does not have a claim on Lucia, if that is what you-"

The table flying off to the side that separated us startled the Priestess, but she looked down at me in horror as I lifted her off the ground. My hand was over her mouth as both of her hands were ignited in magic. Her cheeks folded over my fingers slightly from how hard I was squeezing her. However, she tried to save herself with her magic. It didn't help. My free hand grabbed both of hers and clamped them together.

Several of the Priestess's personal guards jumped out from their hiding spots. Each was armed with a somewhat familiar weapon. I was able to study them slightly as each was suspended in midair. Their weapons looked close to Thana's spear as they were all some manner of black and red metal. Ignoring their groans of pain, my eyes slowly turned back to Arceana who looked at me in fear.

"You're not very bright, are you?" I asked in a cold and hushed tone. "When has bribing me ever worked?" She struggled slightly, which irked me, so I slammed her into a nearby wall while keeping her firmly in my grasp. "And trying to sell, Lucia?" Shaking my head, I continued. "Very stupid."

It was obviously quite a commotion I caused and several of the restaurant staff tried to come up to the second floor. Using my energy, a barrier blocked them off from coming up here or even being able to listen in. I imagine they were rather alarmed and would likely be calling the guards in no time.

Arceana continued to struggle but squeezing harder got her to realize she had no control. "Better." I said as she ceased her squirming. "Lucia is not yours to sell, Arceana. If I ever hear of you doing something so sickening again, I will strip you bare and make you walk down your own mountain." Her eyes widened at that.

She was my student and I felt for her, but I will never allow such an action. Even if her memories or mind is being altered, I'd rather have her focused on me instead of thinking of such schemes.

Leaning in closer, I whispered. "You try to give away your Niece in such a way ever again, and this will be far worse for you the next time around." Her eyes darted to me in shock at what I had said. "I'm well aware of who Lucia is and I even know that Rudnurth is your older brother." Arceana went limp at my words as she stared wide-eyed. "Much like how Cassidy is from Robert's line and Kine is from Aerowyn's."

Her body either quivered in fear or shock. I couldn't tell which and I cared little. A pecking order was going to be established and if I needed to, I would remove her from her position of power. It'd probably be easier just to start over somewhere else, but even despite her actions, I cared for her. However, my disappoint was vast.

"You've pushed me time and time again. The only reason you still hold your throne is because I have the patience of a stone, but many others don't feel the same." Eyeing her for a moment, I gave her a quick warning. "You try anything, or teleport away, and I will find you." Dropping her to the ground, she tried to collect herself.

"Arthur-" Arceana gasped and quickly began until she looked up at me and went silent at my glare.

"You've segregated your own people and turned Zugal and Humans into second class citizens. They need to be cleared to travel to the Upper Rungs, while Elves can visit The Slums whenever they wish." I stated. "How would you feel if it were reversed? That Elves could only leave the mountain if they went through several checkpoints?"

She reached out to me. "It is not the same! There are Zugal and Humans aplenty!"

I curled my nose in disgust. "You sicken me." Her eyes widened at that. "You've turned yourself into a thing of worship and you have been furious with me that I've even challenged that." Looking back at her personal guards who were all glaring at me, I continued. "Your own little paradise with several unable to question you but are thankful for the small crumbs you provide."

Slamming her hands on the floor, she glared at me. "I have done everything for Lestrania! What do you know of being the last of your kind!?" She shouted. "My own brother sealed away in his madness and Elincia faced the same fate!" Arceana's fingers curled into a fist. "I was the only one left! Everything I did was to survive!"

Crouching down in front of her, my expression was blank. "Lestrania only exists because of me. It survives because of me." She turned down, but I quickly lifted her chin to look at me. "Elincia proved that when she struggled with that group of Ghouls. You have isolated your own people against one another and created a class system that holds no justice."

"Everyone is at peace and living in safety that I provide!" Arceana shouted.

"Watch your tone, girl." I warned her and she shook in anger. "As for your peace and safety, I've been attacked several times. Austin had to ask me for help as soon as I arrive because Greigh couldn't get his new barracks cleared through the mayor, who is working for the nobles." Giving her a pointed look, she scowled. "Safety and peace for your Elves, maybe, but not for everyone else."

"Who are you to judge me and my actions? It must be so easy to do when you have only been here for less than a year!" The High Elf replied.

"It's really fucking easy. In fact, it's so easy, I may just remove you from the situation altogether." Arceana whipped her head up to me in disbelief. "My oath requires me to do what is best for Lestrania and if I don't see a serious change, I'll remove you from your throne." I shrugged as I continued. "I won't kill you, but you should know by now neither you, nor your sister, can challenge me. Must suck when there is a bigger fish who won't slob on your knob at every chance he gets."

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