Star Eater

Chapter 186 - 186

Chapter 186: Chapter 186

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Upon entering the Temple, I immediately focused on the different magic signatures present. The two largest ones were obviously Arceana and Elincia, which were together. However, another smaller white aura signature was in the garden. Moving through the Temple, I found myself in a familiar spot. It was the same spot where that cloaked woman attacked me.

Ignoring my thoughts of the mystery Demon, I moved to the garden where Lucia sat alone. "Do you sit out here often?"

She jumped slightly and turned to me startled. "Sir Arthur!" Lucia's body quickly relaxed upon seeing it was only me. "I did not hear you approach."

"A talent I am thankful for at times." Then I gestured to her stone bench. "May I?"

Lucia scooted over slightly. "By all means." Sitting down next to her, I looked at the flowers as her eyes studied me. "Is there a reason you are here with a bottle of alcohol in your hand?"

Taking a sip, I offered it to her, before I quickly pulled it away. "How old are you?"

Rolling her eyes, she replied. "Old enough to drink, Arthur. However, I usually prefer to stay away from such beverages."

Lifting the bottle up, I swirled the liquid inside around. "Yeah. I'm not the biggest fan either." Both hands went to my hair as I began to rub my head. "I just needed it for a little bit. Not that it does anything."

"If you do not like it, and it does little, why drink it?" The youngest High Elf inquired.

"It fit for the time and place..."

We went quiet for a moment before Lucia finally spoke up again. "Why are you here, Arthur? Did you find me on purpose, or did you decide to join me on a whim?"

I sighed. "I was looking for you." Giving her a small shrug, she just listened. "Not that it was hard to find you. Arceana and Elincia are together right now, so you're the only other person with a white magic signature."

Another short silence. "Are you going to tell me why?"

Turning to her, Lucia looked me in my eyes as she waited. "Do you know what you are to Arceana and Elincia?" I inquired.

"Well, I would like to think I am family. Arceana raised me from when I was a baby, just like she did for Typhon." She became quiet. "I always wondered if we were related, but she always told me that it did not matter. We were family." Then she smirked and gave me a look. "That means little when you look in the mirror and see such a strong resemblance." Lucia shrugged softly. "I do not know what I am to them, but I owe them a great deal. Arceana especially."

"Has she ever threatened you in any way?" Lucia seemed confused at that. "Arceana, I mean. Have you ever felt in danger or questioned your safety around her?"

"No?" Her tone was confused and unsure. "Never have I ever felt unsafe near her."

There was no real way to proceed with this in a careful manner. "Lucia," I began in a serious tone. "If you ever, and I do mean ever, question your wellbeing with her, you find me." Lucia opened her mouth, but I continued. "Do you know how to teleport?"

She was stunned and sputtered a response. "I-I... What? No!" Then she placed a hand on my shoulder. "What does that have to do with anything?"

Turning away from her, I looked back to the flowers. "Find someone who can teach you. Alwin, Ayda, even Arceana herself. It doesn't matter who it is. Learn how to do so, and if anything ever happens," My eyes shifted back to her. "You teleport to my home or to me if you can pinpoint me. It doesn't matter if it's Arceana or Elincia. You find me."

Lucia seemed stunned before she got a more serious expression on her face. "What happened?"


"Something had to have happened for you to seek me out like this."

"The less you know, the better. I don't want to ruin your image of anyone or be looking over you shoulder. All I want is for you to be prepared and have a plan." I told her before shaking my head. "There is nothing more I will say." Standing, she seemed alarmed at that. "I need to leave before either Priestess realizes I'm here. Remember what I said, Lucia."

Without giving her a chance to respond, I portaled away. Returning home left me with mixed feelings. Arceana is far worse than I thought. Weapons ready to kill me that are specific for killing immortals. Not sure how they'd work on me, but I'm not interested in testing that at the moment. Putting the Demon Stone dagger on my desk, I sat down on my bed.

"How did it all go so wrong?"

My mumble was met with silence. Arceana never acted like this, but she's been through a lot and had her head fucked with. Who knows what all she had to endure in the last two thousand years... Rubbing my face at the thought of 'dealing' with her and Elincia, I sighed again.

"I need to be ready." Looking out my window at the new wall, I moved towards it. "A wall isn't going to help much against a foe like Thana. There has to be more I can do without dredging up my old name and taking the throne..." Leaning against the wall, I closed my eyes. "But what?"

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