Star Eater

Chapter 190 - 190

Chapter 190: Chapter 190

Arthur's Point of View

Reed Family Farmstead

Walking over to Elincia, she teleported behind me. Reacting quickly, I grabbed her by her face just like I did to Arceana before slamming her into the dirt once more. This time, she was laying on her back and I let go of her before crouching down next to her.

Steepling my fingers with my elbows resting on my knees, I spoke. "I told you how this would go."

Swiping at me, I put up a gravity pillar and stopped her hand from reaching me. "You are not worthy of your titles!" Elincia declared. "Arthur Pendragon should never have come here! Lestrania does not need you and we certainly don't want you!"

She glared at me, and eventually teleported away to a short distance. "You labeled me your Knight." I shrugged. "Take it. I care not." Then I chuckled. "What even is a Knight of Lestrania? A dog to do as he is told? Come Arthur. Sit Arthur. Fetch Arthur." Gesturing towards Elincia, I continued. "If that's your version of a Knight, you can keep it because I won't do it."

Red and black magic started to appear in her body as she shook in anger. "You are not the one to decide what happens in this Kingdom!"

She roared and started lashing out. Her magic was increasing and becoming more dangerous by the second. The Demonic Magic started to spread as she struggled to even land a blow on me as she teleported around. Spells were launched along with her swords, both with expert timing.

Elincia had created enough of a separation between us that it was somewhat difficult to read her movements and restrict them. However, she was starting to go out of control. The Priestess seemed to be frothing at the mouth as she used precision with her attacks. Although, I think it irked her even more that I just stood there unmoving as her spells clashed against my gravity shields.

At the same time, several pillars started to slam into her from all different directions. Not enough to permanently harm her or wound her, but enough to bully her a little bit. Her body was thrown about like a rag doll for a few moment before she landed on the ground unceremoniously.

"And you are? Arceana is?" I asked with a tilted head as she stood. "Your Kingdom is built upon the blood of everyone else besides you and Arceana!" Moving towards her, I raised my voice as I looked at her unkempt appearance. "What did you ever do for this Kingdom?! Fight Rudnurth!" Clapping as I continued my approach, I stopped in front of her and clapped a few more times with her hair hanging partially in front of her face. "Congratulations on casting down your own brother!"

Elincia looked at me surprised as she adjusted her dress, which had a few tears in it. "How do you-"

"It amuses me that this surprises you, given that I already told Arceana this." I informed her. "But she didn't tell you that did she?" Elincia went silent. "Did she tell you that she had assassins present to kill me?" I asked in a more hushed tone as her eyes twitched. "Or perhaps that she offered Lucia to me as nothing more than a bribe?" Putting my finger in her face, she grit her teeth. "That's what set me off. Not the assassins, or her usual threats, the fact that she was willing to sell me Lucia. Your own niece."

The blonde-haired High Elf looked lost. "She never mentioned any of that."

"Would you have?" I asked back, and she didn't reply. "I even told her to stop, but she continued on. When I pinned her, which are the reasons for her bruises, I told her that I would replace her if she ever did something like this again." Then I quickly added, "Not me, myself, but have someone replace her in general. Lucia was brought up and you were as well. I bet she didn't mention that either."


"Did she perhaps mention that you have a Demon inside you?" I questioned and Elincia looked up to me wide-eyed. "I'll take that as a no." Poking her forehead, in a condescending manner, I continued. "Think, Elincia. Why would she not heal the bruises on her face? She wanted you to see them and look what came of it. Your sister has manipulated you and everyone else. Everyone but me. Well, that I know of."

"What proof do you have?" Elincia finally said. "How do I know you truly are speaking the truth? You've hurt many people since our arrival and killed others."

With a dark grin, I walked behind her and put my hands on her shoulders. "Because, if I wanted any of you dead, you'd be dead." Releasing my killing intent in the small vicinity, she tried to move as she glanced back at me in horror. "Those who I wanted dead, are dead." Was my simple answer as I leaned my head forward next to hers and whispered, "You and your sister are still alive. That is proof enough."

Sweat was pouring down her face as I felt her convulse from the pressure she was under. Her legs quickly gave out as she fell to her knees. I let her go and stared down at her with my eyes no doubt glowing slightly as she seemed frozen in fear as she locked her eyes with mine.

Her breath caught as I leaned down from behind her. "However, there is another issue. Your Demonic Magic is starting to fight against me, and I don't feel like getting into a death match with you." Then I shrugged.

It was probably instinct in how she reacted. Her Demonic Magic came forward as she tried to turn back towards me. Unfortunately for her, I was far faster than her. Her power was increasing at an alarming rate to the point that I was eyeing Defiance incase I was going to need it. Thankfully, I connected first as my free hand grabbed her hand that tried to hit me.

"So," With enough force to knock her out, my fist slammed into the back of her head before she could reach me or even realized what had happened. "It's time for bed."

Elincia was once again face down in the dirt and I sighed as she laid there motionless. Her hand was in mine as it was far further back than it should've been. Letting it go and rolling my neck, my energy increased again as all my blood began to evaporate from my arm and skin. A perk I was happy to have as I grabbed the High Elf and tossed her over my shoulder.

"Think you can watch her until she wakes up?" I asked Augustus nonchalantly as I moved back over to the group. "She's probably gonna have a bit of a headache and might have a dislocated shoulder, but she can pop that back in when she wakes up." Austin also came back down to investigate what the noise was all about.

All four were looking at me in horror, shock, and a large variety of other emotions that they couldn't seem to settle on.

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