Star Eater

Chapter 193 - 193

Chapter 193: Chapter 193

Arthur's Point of View

Reed Family Farmstead

I swear these two Priestesses are a fucking rollercoaster. They attack me on a whim. Ask me for favors one day, and then assume the worst the next. If it wasn't the fact that I actually gave a shit, even if it was just a small one, I would've killed both of them by now. That'd stop all this 'hi, goodbye, why don't you die' shit.

Stepping outside where the others were, they all turned to us when we opened the door. "Priestess, if you do not mind me inquiring, why were you here?" Ty asked.

Leaning next to Elincia, I whispered. "Just a heads up, I'm going to teach him how to speak like an actual child." She rolled her eyes as I quickly answered for her. "The High Elf here," I began with a thumb pointed at her. "Made a slight booboo and ended up slightly injured." Then I gestured to Augustus. "The Reeds were nice enough to allow her to rest her for a bit."

Ayda narrowed her eyes at me when Elincia avoided everyone's gaze. "Is that true?"

Her mother quickly replied. "Enough of that, Ayda." She chastised. "Apologies, Sir Arthur."

"None needed." Was my even response.

"Then why did you need to speak to Elincia in private? Was it about her accident?" My new squire pressed further.

Holding up my hands, I answered. "I never said accident. Booboo was the correct term and yes. We were discussing her booboo."

"But that is an accident, is it not?"

"Say it with me, Ty. Booboo." I repeated.

"I do not see-"


He sighed. "Booboo." Ty mumbled confused.

I gave a firm nod. "Good. Any other questions?"

"Did the 'booboo' affect you?" The boy questioned.

Closing my eyes at his one-track mind, I crossed my arms. "It did, yes." My confirmation made him look toward Elincia. "The Priestess here did something that... Disappointed me." I said carefully. "Not the first time." I mumbled under my breath. "However," My gaze shifted to her. "She's going to do her best to fix it. Isn't that right?"

Elincia sighed but nodded. "Yes." She then looked to Typhon. "Remember this young Typhon, I am not perfect. I, too, make mistakes and I made one tonight. Sir Arthur here is willing to forgive me and even help me with something despite my rather boisterous 'booboo'." She said carefully.

The boy looked absolutely lost, as did Ayda, while the others just kept their mouths shut. "How could you possibly disappoint anyone? Did you make a promise and not keep it?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes." Elincia admitted. "I have not kept my word in several matters regarding our dearest Knight."

"You hear that, Ayda?" I said as I looked at the Elf in her mommy's grasp. "Dearest." Tapping my nose, I pointed at her. "Remember that the next time you steal my sandwich."

Ayda rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue at me. "Despite his... Eccentric behavior," Elincia said carefully. "Sir Arthur has been more than understanding than most. I will do my best to make things up to him as I should."

Typhon crossed his arms as he looked around in thought. When no one else spoke up, he said what was on his mind.

"It must have been something rather serious for you to disappoint someone, but making up for your mistakes is the right thing to do." The dragon-boy-scholar stated.

Seeing my time to shine, I imparted my first lesson. "My first piece of wisdom to bestow upon you is this." I told him and leaned down. "Keep your expectations low and you'll be disappointed less often." Many flinched back at that as if that was a horrible lesson to teach and learn. Standing upright, my gaze shifted over to Elincia. "Then again, expectations can be almost nonexistent, and people will still go out of their way to disappoint you." The Priestess shied away from my gaze.

"That is a horrible thing to say!" Ayda shouted. "Apologize to the Priestess this instance!"

"I think it's time we went home. Your father has been wanting to see you for a while." Aydalia quickly said before they teleported off.

Augustus took that as his que as he turned to Austin. "And it's way past yer bedtime. Cass," He turned to his granddaughter. "Put him ta bed and Ah don't want ya too far behind him. Ya gotta get up early tomorrow."

She nodded. "Of course." Cassidy then turned to Ty. "Ya wanna come inside real quick ta let the adults talk?"

Ty was smart to know it wasn't a question. "Very well."

I rolled my eyes as they walked off and Elincia turned to Augustus. "Ya don't need ta worry about nothin from us. Ah'll make sure Austin and Cassidy stay quiet about what happened here tonight."

Elincia nodded. "And I will do the same for Aydalia Farro. An old student she may be, but it has been some time since we have last spoken, and it was from Arceana she learned. Hopefully, that will not matter."

Not caring in the slightest, I crossed my arms as I looked at the High Elf. "Can you teleport Ty down tomorrow? I could come get him, but I don't really want to deal with your sister. I'd like to start his training tomorrow and he can stay with me for extended periods of time if needed."

Closing her eyes, Elincia sighed. "My sister is going to love this."

"About as much as I love dealing with her shit no doubt."

The Priestess relented my point. "The deal has been made. Whether or not she agrees is another matter entirely. Not like she would be able to stop you but be aware of your surroundings and expect to check in with us. We do care for Typhon very dearly."

I shrugged. "Maybe, but probably not. Don't want you using my teachings against me after all." The irony of that statement wasn't lost on me, but it was on her.

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