Star Gate

Chapter 59: An Eager Little Inspector (II)

Chapter 59: An Eager Little Inspector (II)

“Folks, do you need some help?” Li Hao asked eagerly. “Look for an inspector if you need help! I’m third rank inspector Li Hao of the Inspectorate. It looks like you’re having car troubles, can I help you?”

The two looked at each other with surprise. How… enthusiastic! Should they laugh or cry? What a foolish boy. Do you know who we are?

The man smiled at Li Hao and answered softly, “Thank you, but no. We can fix it ourselves!”

“Really?” Li Hao parked his bike on the side and walked over, glancing at the car. “What seems to be broken? I’ve fixed cars before and we of the Inspectorate love helping people. Well, it’d be wonderful if you could thank me with a silk banner if I do fix your car, of course. But hahaha, that’s just a joke, it’s fine if you don’t!”

A bashful smile crept over the young man’s face as he was too shy to directly ask for something he wanted. I just want a silk banner!

The woman burst into giggles. This little fellow wet behind the ears was quite childish! A silk banner?

“Inspector, do you know how to fix cars?” she continued giggling.

Li Hao couldn’t help the pride that tugged at his smile. “I do! Mister and missus, I’m sure you won’t begrudge a silk banner if you can afford a car! Also, I’m a rookie. You understand that rookies need opportunities, right? I could do with a bit of honor and glory because I might be promoted to second rank soon! What say you?”

The two were truly stunned and speechless. Their target was volunteering to fix their car and raised the request of a silk banner because he was up for promotion!

They were aware of this advancement because Li Hao was about to be transferred to the law enforcement team. In that case, he really did stand a high chance of being promoted. But did he truly have no idea that he was about to lose his life? What did a promotion matter at this time?

You won’t be able to enjoy any part of your new rank!

“Then we’ll have to trouble Inspector Li.” The man smiled warmly. “A silk banner is naturally in order if we can get back on the road.”

What a strange feeling! Being helped and befriended by their mark might… make the mission easier to complete. Interesting!

Based on what they knew, Li Hao had no friends or family. Those upstairs didn’t know much about him as he was quite eccentric and unsociable. Would the man be able to make more detailed reports if he interacted more with the young man?

It might also seem a little strange if he kept turning down the eager inspector.

Having established their deal, Li Hao rolled up his sleeves and got to work. He stuck his head under the hood and ran his hands around the motor. Then, he circled around the car and asked in mystified tones, “Will it not start? Has it overheated…?”

“Let me try again then,” the man chuckled. “The engine turned off by itself earlier and it wouldn’t turn back on again.”

“Alright, there doesn’t seem to be a major problem as it’s new…”

The man climbed back into the car as they spoke, successfully igniting the engine this time. After all, there wasn’t a problem to begin with. They’d parked here simply to make it easier to follow Li Hao.

“Thank you, inspector!” the woman exclaimed happily.

“No no, I don’t think I did anything… What a pity, there goes the silk banner. But it’s a good thing that the two of you are fine. Resolving the public’s troubles is also the duty of an inspector!” Li Hao flashed a broad, honest smile.

The couple seemed to catch his mood and the man alighted with a serious look. “Now now, we can’t look at things that way. My wife and I have just moved to Silver City. It was destiny for us to meet the generous, helpful Inspector Li. We’ll commission a silk banner straight away and deliver it to the Inspectorate!”

“Oh, no no!” Li Hao hastily waved them off. “That’s really alright!” The young man lowered his voice to an awkward whisper, “Um… I can pay for the banner! I don’t have any friends or I would’ve had someone… Well, heh, you know. Inspectors are people too and any silk banner is a mark of glory. If you don’t mind, I’ll pay for it!”

The two were amused into true laughter. How adorable, how pure! Was he both embarrassed by the silk banner request, but couldn’t resist its allure?

“Don’t worry about the money, Inspector Li.” The man smiled. “It's only a few coins! Now that would be not showing me face.”

“Then… I thank you?” Li Hao grinned brilliantly and checked the time. “Oh no, I’m going to be late! Please look for me at Classified Affairs when you come. If I’m not there, you can find me at Law Enforcement. I’m going to be transferred there soon, so I’ll be going on more field missions in the future. It’d be nice to have some friends outside, thus I thank you!”

He grabbed his bike and waved happily at the couple before speeding off.

“I have to say, a person like this is very fun and charming,” the woman sighed once the young man was gone. “He has the pure heart of a child… What a pity that you and I can never go back to how things were!”

The man inclined his head, likewise infected by Li Hao’s smile. The young were different, alright. They happily volunteered their service to others—not everyone in the Inspectorate was like him.

“Are we really going to deliver a silk banner?”

“Of course!” The man smiled craftily. “Why not? Our identities check out and it’d be nice to set foot inside for a better understanding of the complex. It’s rare to have a legitimate reason to enter the Inspectorate!

“With this opening, no one will think twice if we are frequently seen nearby. We’ll say we’re here for Li Hao and want to take him out to eat as a show of appreciation or something. Who will pay attention to us then?”

The woman nodded, it was a perfect excuse! They’d been delivered a pillow as they were nodding off. Previously, they’d been concerned that someone would discover or suspect them tailing Li Hao. The situation was abruptly much safer!


At the same time.

The Inspectorate.

A beaming Li Hao arrived with high spirits.

“Lalala, dadada, it’s a great day~” All he needed to do was wait for the bait to be taken. The young man headed straight for the law enforcement team instead of Classified Affairs.

Liu Yan’s office.

Liu Yan was surprised by the dwindling strains of song that accompanied the footsteps approaching her door. How was the kid so happy today?

Knock knock knock!

The door opened to show Li Hao’s beaming face. “You’re here so early, Sis Liu!”

“Mmhmm.” Liu Yan’s long legs were propped up on the table as she leaned back in her chair. It was her usual cocky posture. “You’re in a good mood today.”

“Yeah!” the young man answered merrily. “Sis, haven’t I been thinking that I’m such a rookie? That I haven’t killed so much as a chicken in my life and go weak at the knees when I see blood. I’m worried that I’ll faint when I see major action, so I’ve decided that I’m going to train my courage!”

The hell?

Where are you going to find the time and place to train your courage? There’s not enough time!

Li Hao seemed to know what she was thinking and chuckled, “There’s no need to bother chief or Sis Liu for this, I got myself two targets for practice! It’s two martial masters, or possibly one martial master and one mundane!

“I just wanted to give you a heads up and ask sis for a venue. Oh, and stand guard for me please. I’m a bit nervous at the idea of a solo mission. I’m a good student and was never involved in fights. I’m concerned that I’ll be scared out of my wits at the sight of blood!”

“……” Liu Yan’s jaw dropped. The young man was acting a bit strange today. “You… got yourself two targets? Are you picking up bad habits, Li Hao?”

Was the little guy thinking of what she said yesterday, that it was fine to break the law as long as he was supernatural?

Liu Yan’s expression chilled. Had he not understood that she’d said that with sarcasm? Using people for target practice and spilling blood… was this what a good person would say?

She didn’t consider herself a good person, but she knew that she would not do unto others what she would not wish upon herself. She was familiar with the agony of having no place to turn to for her pain and humiliation!

And Li Hao seemed to be turning into that kind of person!

Her kind predisposition toward him immediately fell into the negatives and turned into distaste instead!

“Sis, there’s two baddies following me who are probably minions of the one behind the self-immolation cases.” Li Hao’s face was alight with pure joy. “They’re keeping an eye on me, I’m sure of it! We can bring them in for questioning! Apart from our team, there’s got to be only wrong people following me right now.

“Haven’t I just ascended to Slayer of Tens? It’s so boring and less effective to fight wooden dummies everyday. I’m thinking of bringing them to me so I can practice with them!”

“You want to kidnap someone?” Liu Yan arched her brow. “Capturing their people… would alert them ahead of time, no?”

“No, not kidnap them! They’ll show up themselves! And do you think we’d be giving anything away at this stage, sis? They probably knew we’re working together a long time ago. It’s an open secret that people avoid talking about!

“Therefore, they won’t care if we really take some of their people and even kill them!”

Li Hao saw things clearly—if the scarlet shadow long knew about Liu Long and the others, what was the point of concealing anything?

There was nothing to conceal!

Yuan Shuo’s matters were a secret whereas Liu Long’s particulars were an open book. Was there a problem with capturing two henchmen at this point? The enemy wouldn’t care at all!

I’m gonna live it up a little and get some practice in!

Surprised by the young man’s idea, Liu Yan ignored the second part of Li Hao’s response. “They’ll show up themselves?”

Do you take them for idiots? So they’re following you, but come of their own accord? You really think they’re fools!

“Yes, really! They’re so excited that they agreed to bring a silk banner and themselves as target practice…”

The heck?? The little guy is getting more and more out of hand! Do you think I’m an idiot or that the others are idiots? Bringing a silk banner and themselves? What don’t you say they’ll deliver their heads on a silver platter?

“Get out!” Liu Yan snapped. The little guy was normal enough two days ago, why was he being so reckless today? Was the pressure getting to him?

“I mean it…”

“I’ll throw you a grenade if you don’t piss off!”

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