Star Gate

Chapter 85: A Painful Parting Between Teacher and Disciple (I)

Chapter 85: A Painful Parting Between Teacher and Disciple (I)

Wang Ming was yet to recollect his senses when a clap of thunder rang in the air!

“Huang Yun, so the Night Watchers have indeed mobilized a Sunflare! It looks like you have truly forgotten past anguish!” Lightning split the sky as a figure manifested like a god of thunder.

The elder named Huang Yun on the side of the Night Watchers looked on solemnly. “The eight families of Silver City… It looks like there are secrets we have yet to uncover. Your side sent out a thunder Sunflare!”

It was the kind of supernatural most suited for battle!

“Why don’t both of us take a step back,” chuckled the thunder Sunflare. “We only want Li Hao. You can have everyone else—including Yuan Shuo and Liu Long. If not… the Night Watchers will be one less Sunflare after today!”

Huang Yun fell silent. The organization had pulled out all stops to ensure that he reached Silver City in time. They all thought that one Sunflare would exceed the limits of the enemy’s imagination. Yet here they were, still caught on the back foot.

Which of the three organizations was this one? Huang Yun knew that he couldn’t match his opponent. Although they were both Sunflare, his mysterious power was less abundant compared to his opponent’s. Not to mention, the other was of the thunder attribute.

“Why must you cause disorder in the world?” he rumbled helplessly. “Have you forgotten that you were once mortal?”

“You don’t understand!” sneered the supernatural. He ignored whatever Huang Yun might’ve said next. Thunder and lightning ripped through the surroundings!

A battle between Sunflares erupted in the wilderness. Bolts of lightning smashed into a hurricane! And thus, a rare sight brewed in minor Silver City.


Li Hao hadn’t lied to the supernatural dead at his hand. The timing was later than what the young man said, but a fight did indeed break out between Sunflares. Roughly five kilometers out from the warehouse, thunder and lightning roared against gale winds. Bolts of lightning illuminated the firmament.


Outside the warehouse.

Li Hao looked solemnly in the fight’s direction. Two entities blazing as brightly as the sun exploded with mysterious power. Thanks to illumination by electricity, he could clearly see two figures duking it out in midair.

They could fly!

Neither of the two seemed to be of the flight speciality, but they could hover in the air. One stepped on lightning while the other was wrapped in violent winds. Lightning and wind crashed and churned against each other!

Only sounds of battle rang out; the two did not converse. The Night Watchers had made their move.


In the distance.

Liu Long’s expression shifted when he turned back for a look. Sunflare!

This caliber of powerhouse really had come to Silver City in addition to the team of ten supernaturals! Silver City denizens wouldn’t be able to hold off the enemy if it wasn’t for the Night Watchers sending a Sunflare of their own!

The four Darkmoon chasing Liu Long and Yuan Shuo also turned back. Yearning appeared on faces beneath the masks when they saw two heavyweights clashing against each other in the sky.


This was a level so much stronger than Darkmoon. Darkmoons might be slain by mundane hot weapons, while it would take a weapon that could level cities to eliminate a Sunflare. The former was highly superior in terms of speed, defense, and perception.

A Sunflare could sense their opponent before the latter even locked onto them. Just as Yuan Shuo told Li Hao when the old man ascended to Dominator, the difference lay with the consciousness!

Ordinary people could neither see nor sense the scarlet shadow, but Dominators could at least perceive the entity. They could locate where a shadow was and pinpoint its location as soon as it moved.

Such were Dominators and Sunflares—much superior to Darkmoons.

“Huang Yun!” A grave Liu Long recognized the supernatural in the distance. “Huang Yun… one of the top three in Flowing Cloud City. I never thought it’d be him!”

He knew someone was here from the Night Watchers, but not this august personage! Huang Yun was moderately ranked in the Night Watchers and at the very least, premier personnel in Silver Moon.

However, it was clear to the naked eye that the thunder supernatural was stronger. The gale winds were noticeably suppressed. Lightning zigzagged through the sky while Huang Yun drifted through his storm, unable to find solid footing.

He was no match for his opponent!

Who is the thunder supernatural? Liu Long regarded the clash somberly. A peak Sunflare and ten Darkmoons… Which mighty organization was this that wanted to kill Li Hao? It was stronger than they anticipated!

“Let’s go… Who cares about him, let’s take care of ourselves first!” Yuan Shuo coughed. What you staring for? Although Huang Yun wasn’t on par with his peer, he wasn’t in imminent danger. They were both Sunflare; the gap between them wasn’t too big. The Night Watcher wouldn’t lose that quickly.

Meanwhile, Liu Long and Yuan Shuo should run for their lives! If a Sunflare had appeared on the battlefield, then Li Hao might be in danger soon! The timing was right! The Sunflare had likely lain in wait all this time just for this moment.

They weren’t far from the warehouse, but Liu Long grit his teeth and clenched his hand around his hatchet.

“We strike back!” He looked at their pursuers. “The Night Watchers have sent out three Darkmoon. Since they’ve joined the fray, that means we can ally with them and strike back!”

The other side only had four Darkmoon left, whereas the Night Watchers had three. If throwing Liu Long and an injured Yuan Shuo into the mix, their battle strength could just manage to rival their opponents.

Of course, scarlet shadows didn’t count. Those things were too irritating. In any case, Liu Long’s side was much stronger than before. The ice crystal dome at the warehouse was just a contingency plan. It would be better if they could eliminate the enemy here—it might even help Huang Yun.

“Dispose of the Night Watchers since they’ve dared interfere!” boomed a resonant voice. “Let them know that this is no longer their era!”

So what if the fearsome Night Watchers were involved? Deploying a Sunflare and three Darkmoon to a place like Silver City was their absolute limit. Meanwhile, supernatural organizations were the epitome of freedom. They could go anywhere they wanted while the Night Watchers labored under missions and oversaw core territories. Silver City was neither within a core territory nor under Huang Yun’s jurisdiction. Sending so many people here strained provincial capabilities.

Redirecting more personnel could lead to problems in core territories. It wasn’t as if the Night Watchers hadn’t suffered losses before, particularly the ghastly encounter in the ruins. Numerous supernatural organizations watched raptly from the wings, awaiting chances to ambush the official organization.

The four Ghostfaces behind Liu Long stopped when they heard the command. Wang Ming happened to convene with Hu Hao and Li Meng even further behind them.

“Kill!” Wang Ming exclaimed excitedly. “Today is when the Night Watchers reestablish our authority! The rest of the supernatural organizations will behave themselves if we kill these guys!”

Youngsters of the official agency weren’t plagued with so many considerations. All they knew was that they’d suffered a miserable existence over the years. They were limited at every turn!

Disparate opinions were even beginning to appear upstairs. Part of the senior council advocated for recruiting a portion of the supernatural organizations and bequeathing them special privileges or profits. It only served to make the Night Watchers increasingly unstable.

Wang Ming had even heard whispers of powerhouses beyond Sunflare plotting something at headquarters, wanting to gain sole dominion.

When a person’s power far exceeded that of ordinary people, to the point where even hot weapons couldn’t touch them, their desires were infinitely magnified!

These days, fires rose from all corners of remote provinces such as Silver Moon. Only the central region remained untouched by unrest.

Twenty years of supernatural development had greatly strengthened their organizations.

Li Meng’s third eye opened when she heard Wang Ming and her eyes gleamed. “It’s Brother Ming! Brother Ming’s here! Hu Hao! Let’s kill them together!”

This was so exciting!

Wang Ming was a genius of the Silver Moon Night Watchers. Although he wasn’t Heaven Favored, he was a powerhouse among Darkmoons despite his recent crossover. According to the finer details of supernatural hierarchy, the Night Watchers had created a sub-hierarchy for the Darkmoon level—Crescent, Halfmoon, Fullmoon.

Wang Ming was already peak Halfmoon less than five years after his ascension. Li Meng was just a Crescent, whereas Hu Hao neared Halfmoon, but wasn’t at that level yet. Thus, the girl was naturally agitated at seeing Wang Ming.

All of the organization’s youngsters wished to accomplish something impressive, but reality limited them. The opportunity was finally upon them if even Huang Yun was on the battlefield today!

“Kill!” Wang Ming didn’t care about this! He coalesced a sword of light in his hand.

Hu Hao hesitated—those people weren’t pushovers! But this was no time to mount a protest, so he darted into the sky and melted away into the darkness.

Li Meng widened all three eyes, shooting a ray of red from her third eye toward the four in the distance.


“How… stupid!” Yuan Shuo shook his head as Liu Long sighed. The level of battle experience that these three Night Watchers displayed… was too awful for words. Li Meng, especially—what was the point of erupting with power from so far away? What did that achieve other than needlessly consume mysterious power?

These youngsters might be hotblooded, but they really lacked experience compared to someone like Huang Yun. The man was a veteran supernatural, so despite having not much experience before, he’d accumulated a bit after all these years. This was also why the supernaturals demonstrated less and less respect to martial masters.

When the supernatural domain first appeared, although they were stronger than their martial master peers and possessed stronger vitality alongside more methods, they were often the ones dead after a battle. Martial masters were highly experienced and extremely skilled in conflict.

After twenty years, however, the older generation of supernaturals fully rivaled martial masters when it came to experience.

Liu Long sprinted backward without another word. If he really ignored the three rookies, they’d quickly end up dead. There was still a significant gap between the two sides!

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