Starting Life as a Baron

Chapter 17: Level 5 Knight! Two sides.

Chapter 17: Level 5 Knight! Two sides.

The System's notification sounded in his ears.


Congratulations to the host for completing the task and gaining five thousand experience points! Dragon scale fruit multiplied by 10!"

It brought a smile to Alans face.

That previous training acceleration card had saved him nearly two months.

This made him feel thrilled.

"Lets level up first!"

Alan had been cultivating in the dragon nest after hearing the notification. He immediately left the dragon nest and came to the study.

"Five thousand experience points have been used and character level is successfully upgraded!"

After consuming five thousand Experience Points, his experience bar changed from 8,400/5,000 to 3,400/10,000.

Meanwhile, a strong battle Qi appeared in his body. Now Alan had become a fifth-level knight.

Now Alan had completely understood the difference between level four and fifth.

The knights were divided into nine levels. From level first to third levels were called the bronze knights, the fourth to sixth levels were called the silver knights, and the seventh to ninth levels were called the golden knights.

To reach the Silver Knight from Bronze Knight, it was necessary to be the first watershed for the knight, but also the first qualitative change as well.

The Bronze Knight exercised a powerful fighting spirit. These strengths or powers were scattered in the complete body and were not concentrated in a single place.

On the other hand, Silver Knight was able to circulate his Combat Aura in his whole body, producing a new battle Qi which would work in the time of need.

Silver knights could have long-lasting combat power, and the quality of combat power was far greater than bronze knights.

By reaching the Silver Knight, one could easily lead a small team of knights on the battlefield as he became a strong man.

If level four would be able to do the circulation of fighting Qi, then level five would exaggerate the capacity of fighting Qi in the body!

The fighting Qi of level five was almost three times higher than level four!

No wonder Marco had been so firm before that the fourth-level knights could not be the opponent of the fifth-level knights.

At the same time, Alan also came to know why Elon could not become a fifth-level knight after so long.

It required a long explanation.

"Huh, the power of the fifth-level knight is really satisfying."

Alan adjusted slightly to his strength.

He and Safi practiced together, and his fighting spirit quality was stronger than that of an average knight. Otherwise, it would never be possible to defeat the fifth-level Marco with the fourth-level strength.

At this moment, he had upgraded to level five. Everyone was afraid that there was no opponent at the same level.

"What is this Dragon Scale Fruit?"

After Alan got used to his body, he immediately looked at the ten Dragon Scaled Fruits in the inventory.

"The Dragon Scale Fruit contains a small amount of pure dragon power. It can be used to feed the young dragon and speed up its growth."

The System's explanation surfaced in front of him.

"So it's Safi's food."

Alan smiled and immediately brought the Dragon Scaled Fruit into the Dragon Nest and fed it to Safi.

Safi showed a great desire for the Dragon Scale Fruit.

Soon, ten Dragon Scale Fruits were eaten by him.

At the same time as he ate that, the Aura in his body became stronger and stronger.

His body also became bigger.

"It worked!"

Alan became happy, and Safi fell asleep immediately after eating the Dragon Scale Fruit.

It seemed that the little guy had eaten too much. He needed to use sleep to digest the power of the Dragon Scale Fruit.

Alan did not disturb Safi and left the dragon's nest.

He walked out of the room and ordered Butler Edward to take out his knight sword.

Alan was going to take his fifty newly trained soldiers today to the two mountains farther away to kill the wild beasts.

After receiving Alan's order, Marco had already gathered everyone.

All the leather armor and weapons had been distributed to them.

At this moment, these fifty people had completely lost their previous temperament, as the townspeople had. They had completely transformed into warriors with determined eyes and high spirits.

The trainer had advised them to master a warrior's skill quickly.

"Very good, I'm very satisfied. I can see your changes. You are the future of Rose Town."

"Rose Town is blocked by mountains, and it's back is close to the ocean. It can't communicate with the big cities outside. This has seriously affected Rose Town."

"So, I've decided to open up a stable and safe business path so that the people outside can enter, and we can also go out so that we can quickly develop Rose Town so that everyone can live a better life!"

"So today, I, your Grand Lord Alan, have decided to completely eradicate the surrounding beasts and prepare for the opening of the road for business. Warriors, are you willing to fight for me, for Rose Town?!

Alan said loudly.

"Willing! "I' m willing to die for the Lord!"

Fifty soldiers answered in unison.

"Very good, then let's go!"

Alan smiled and nodded. With a wave of his hand, he left with his men.

At the same time, a notification sounded in his mind.


"trigger the side mission, kill the beast (2). Although you have already cleaned up some of the beasts, this is far from enough."

"Let's completely deal with the wild beasts and open up the road to business!"

"The mission rewards three thousand experience points!"


"set off on a side mission, open the road for business! As a lord, an essential part of building a territory is to open commerce with the outside world, to get rich, first build a road! Open the road for business, lead the townspeople to get rich."

"Mission reward: Three thousand experience points, one Pea Spirit of Nature!"

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