Starting Life as a Baron

Chapter 6: Amy, the First Nature Spirit

Chapter 6: Amy, the First Nature Spirit

Marcos face changed from shock to ecstasy as his outlook on Alan suddenly changed.

A miracle!

Marco was shocked when he remembered what Alan had said to him. He can do miracles! The seven gods on top, can he really do miracles?! Marco looked at the face of the boy in front of him with a complicated heart. But no matter what, he was excited. He was already Alans guardian knight, and he would be tied to him for the rest of his life. The more the city of Rose developed the better his future would be.

How did this happen?! Marco asked Alan in surprise.

Marco, do not be surprised. This is just the beginning. Even if I do not get the support of the Bramble Flower familys Nature Spirit, I can still get everything I want!

Alans words shocked Marco. He looked at Alan and saw confidence and burning ambition in his eyes. He had only seen this look in the Earl.

Let us go and see my Nature Spirit.

Alan smiled and asked Old Toke to lead the way. The group walked towards where the spirit was. Soon, they crossed a piece of land covered in roses that was surrounded by townspeople.

Lord Baron is here!

Is that Lord Baron? Hes so young!

Is this the messenger of the Gods? This beautiful Nature Spirit must have appeared because of the lord.

Many people commented on Alan and surrendered to him. They had been swayed by the Gods Alan said created the miracle.

My lord, look at that beautiful and noble creature! Old Toke said to Alan, pointing his finger towards the middle of the crowd.

Alan saw a rose that exuded a dainty red light, with a lovely little person sitting in the middle. She was as big as a human finger, with a small body and a pair of nearly transparent wings behind her. She was a beautiful, noble, and cute spirit!

For an instant, countless adjectives flashed in Alans mind, but they could not seem to describe the cute little thing in front of him.

The spirit said something, but it was unintelligible.

The little thing originally looked at everyone around her vigilantly, but the moment she saw Alan, the spirit suddenly made a clear and pleasant sound. There was a glimmer of excitement and joy when she saw Alan. She obviously treated Alan differently from the rest.

Oh, the Gods really did gift this to the Lord. Look at this beautiful girl. She is so majestic. She is simply the most perfect creature in the world, Toke exclaimed.

Alan smiled, and under everyones gaze, he dismounted and walked towards the Rose Nature Spirit.

Little girl. From today on, you will be my Nature Spirit. I have chosen the name Amy for you.

Alan stretched his hand to Amy, and she flew to him without hesitation and landed in his palm. The spirit was created by the System, so it had a natural affinity for Alan. Alan put a drop of his blood on the body of the spirit and soon, he and Amy had obtained a closer connection. She successfully recognized him as her lord.

My people! My name is Alan Bramble Flower. I am the second son of the Bramble Flower family, and I am your new lord! From today onward, I will lead you to abundance!

Alans words ignited the deep desires of everyone around him. They had not recognized him as their lord before, but they had seen his miracle. Coupled with his confidence, they were sure he would successfully take care of everyone.

There were four to five hundred residents in Rose. The ones present were convinced by Alan, and soon the others would be convinced as well. The first step to becoming a lord was to gather the peoples hearts.

Looking at the respectful eyes on him, Alan knew that his first goal had been achieved. He nodded in satisfaction and then left two soldiers to stay behind to guard the rose that had given birth to Amy.

Alan left with Amy and returned to his castle. Amy did not need to do anything actively in order for the flowers to grow. She only needed to concentrate on the nutrients and the power of the earth to make enough roses to make Rose look like new again.

The appearance of the spirit indicated that the quality of roses in the town would be even higher than before. More importantly, the emergence of magical plants would be enough to change the lives of the towns residents. It would even be enough to change Rose from a simple town to one with the earl status!

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