Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World

Chapter 334:

Chapter 334:

TL: Etude

“Pirates? How could it be pirates?”

The officials were more surprised than the next, knowing that the western coast of the royal direct territory hadn’t seen pirates for a long time. Where did these pirates come from today?

In the distance, the fire grew brighter, indicating that the invaders were deliberately setting fires and encountering little effective resistance.

“Sir, should we reinforce the troops stationed at the port?”

Amidst the chaos, the captain of the city guard, Mark, remained relatively calm.

Dillon replied, “Reinforcements? Yes… we should go reinforce…” but he quickly changed his mind, “No, you and your men can’t leave. Our mission is to guard the warehouse district.”

He decisively ordered, “Quick, strengthen our defenses here; we can’t let the pirates reach this area.”

“Yes, Sir!” Mark complied, noticing that Viscount Dillon’s body was trembling slightly.

Though he sounded both resolute and calm, Dillon was actually panicking inside, having never encountered such a situation before.

Under Captain Mark’s command, the city guards organized the laborers to blockade street entrances and construct barricades, preparing for potential assaults. Of course, everyone prayed that the pirates would just loot and leave, not come their way.

But Lady Luck did not favor them; the fire gradually spread towards them, and the noisy sounds from the air became clearer. The mix of battle cries, civilians’ screams, and other noises relentlessly assaulted the psychological defenses of those behind the barricades.

Many people were at a loss, with obvious signs of panic among the laborers. Even the soldiers stationed there were fearful, most of them having never experienced a life-or-death battle.

Another scout sent out to gather information returned in a panic, gasping for breath and reporting to Dillon and Mark, “It’s bad… it’s really bad, the navy at the port… the navy is finished.”

A chill ran down everyone’s spines. Since Port West was a port city, the navy stationed there also functioned as the city guard, and the soldiers in the warehouse district were transferred from the navy. The navy’s defeat meant that the city no longer had any defensive forces, and the few outposts scattered around the city were of no significant help.

Dillon was both scared and angry. Even if the higher-ups were paralyzed, how could these subordinate officers and soldiers be so useless, defeated so quickly? Was it because they had grown too accustomed to comfortable days?

As the highest authority there, it was time for him to demonstrate his resolve. He took a deep breath and shouted to the ready crowd, “Citizens of the kingdom! It’s time to show our loyalty to His Majesty the King! We must hold this ground at all costs, not letting the pirates take even a single piece of rubble!”

He paused, silently cursing the pirates in his mind, wishing they would loot somewhere else and not come their way.

Then he continued, “Citizens of the kingdom…”

Applause erupted from nowhere, followed by a voice tinged with mockery, “What an inspiring speech, such a loyal servant of the kingdom!”

“Who’s there? Show yourself!” Dillon was extremely annoyed, looking around for the source of the voice.

“There! On the rooftop!”

One of the officials beside him pointed upwards, alerting the Viscount.

Dillon quickly looked up to see a figure standing on the roof of a building in front of them. The person was of medium build, dressed in black, with hair fluttering lightly in the night breeze. This appearance, coupled with the full moon hanging in the night sky behind him, resembled the mysterious and elusive figures from certain novels.

“You! Who are you?”

Captain Mark quickly stepped in front of Dillon, protectively, and drew his sword, pointing it at the figure while loudly questioning. Indeed, his reaction was quite fitting for the situation.

“I?” The man in black, with a smile on his face, replied leisurely, “I am the pirate that the Viscount here speaks of.”


The crowd’s faces paled, not so much out of fear of his identity, but in surprise at his audacity to leave his comrades and storm this place alone.

“Damn! You’re on a path to self-destruction!” Captain Mark was furious, the man on the rooftop was far too arrogant.

He snatched a bow and arrow from a subordinate and shot at the audacious intruder.

“Die, fool!”

As his words fell, something shocking happened, making everyone gasp. They all saw that the arrow hit the man in black accurately but passed through him like hitting air, striking the tiles behind him.

“Ah, ah, ah! It seems this knight’s aim isn’t very good. Needs more practice, hahaha!”

The mysterious man’s words were laced with mockery.

“You! It’s just a mere illusion!”

Captain Mark, furious, loudly ordered his men, “You lot, get up there and capture this madman!”

Several men scrambled to find ladders. Others stared at the figure on the roof, their faces ashen. Some rubbed their eyes, seemingly unable to believe what had just happened. Captain Mark’s arrow had clearly hit the man, but it seemed to naturally pass through without any obstruction, and the man appeared unharmed. How could such an absurd thing exist in the world?

Witchcraft! Magic!

These words popped into everyone’s minds.

Then, considering the mysterious assassination of the navy’s higher-ups two days ago, yes, it must be that the pirates conspired with a wizard, first paralyzing the navy’s command system, then invading amidst the chaos.

And the man on the roof — he was a wizard!

Nathan stood on the rooftop, smiling down at the frantic crowd below.

“Gentlemen!” he began, “Before you bring the ladders, shall we negotiate?”

“Negotiate?” Dillon was perplexed.

Nathan continued, “It seems your warehouse is hiding quite a few treasures! How about this: you hand over everything in the warehouse — and your weapons, as every little bit counts. In return, we’ll let you leave safely.”

He clapped his hands as if applauding his own idea, “A win-win situation, what do you think?”


Dillon was furious. The crucial supplies meant for the frontline being robbed by unknown pirates out of nowhere, he’d have no good fate upon his return to the capital.

“This is the property of the Kingdom of Ordo, and you won’t touch a single thread of it!”

“Oh?” Nathan narrowed his eyes. Although he maintained his smile, a sinister shade clouded his face, “Then don’t blame us…”

As he finished speaking, a dense sound of footsteps arose, and heavy shadows suddenly emerged at the entrance of the street.

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