Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 46 - 011 The Golden Pagoda Suppresses the Demonic Snake

Chapter 46: Chapter 011 The Golden Pagoda Suppresses the Demonic Snake

"Grand General, what's the matter?" the generals asked, puzzled.

"Bring me the map!" the Grand General commanded.

"Yes, sir!"

Soon, a junior officer handed over the map. As the Grand General examined the crude map, a bitter smile spread across his face.

"Tricked, Huo Guang!" the Grand General roared.

"What's wrong, Grand General?" Huo Guang asked anxiously.

"Send scouts in this direction immediately. Move quickly!" The Grand General pointed to a spot on the map, indicating the location of Yan Chuan and his forces.

"Yes, sir!" the officers replied.

The Grand General's face darkened. After a moment of contemplation, he said, "Send a signal to the revered officers!"

"Yes, sir!"

With a flash, a signal rocket soared into the sky.

At the mountain peak.

The four revered officers stood outside the temple, watching the inferno below, which had already burned halfway up the slope.

Suddenly, a signal rocket shot up into the sky.

The revered officers squinted at the sight of the rocket.


Three thousand black-armored soldiers marched slowly towards Yan Chuan's army. In the center, several soldiers carried four palanquins and a massive cage.

The four palanquins carried the four revered officers, while the Grand General stood nearby, leading the army.

Inside the cage, a massive black bear roared incessantly, pounding against the iron bars. Even on all fours, the bear stood as tall as two men, making it so formidable that sixteen strong soldiers were needed to carry it.

A giant black snake slithered through the ranks of the black-armored soldiers. Wherever it went, the soldiers parted in fear, their terror palpable.

The snake lifted its proud head, clearly indifferent to the soldiers around it. After a moment, it turned its gaze towards the iron cage.

The cold eyes of the snake fixed on the black bear, which suddenly went still and turned its head in response.

"Roar!" The bear roared at the snake.

The snake's eyes narrowed.


A plume of poisonous smoke was expelled towards the bear.

The poisonous gas quickly enveloped the bear and the sixteen soldiers carrying it.




The sixteen soldiers fell to the ground, writhing in agony. The army paused briefly, watching in horror.

By now, the soldiers had all turned black-faced, having succumbed to the poison.

The surrounding soldiers watched in shock.

Inside the cage, the bear also weakened but did not die immediately. It looked on in terror at the black snake.

The snake opened its mouth and bit down on the top of the cage.


The iron cage was shattered by the snake's bite.

"Roar!" The bear let out a weak roar, expressing its fear.


The snake began to consume the bear slowly in front of the soldiers.

At this moment, no one dared to interrupt.

The four revered officers exited their palanquins and waited in silence.

The sound of the snake devouring the bear was so overwhelming it felt suffocating.

The massive bear was swallowed whole, and the snake's belly swelled enormously, making it appear uncomfortable.

The snake's eyes narrowed.

"Crunch, crunch, crunch!"

The sound of the snake's belly churning was evident. Moments later, the swollen belly deflated as the snake distributed the pressure throughout its body.


The soldiers around them swallowed nervously. It was clear that the snake's digestive power had crushed the massive bear in an instant.

Satisfied after consuming the bear, the snake turned its gaze towards the bald revered officer.

"Hiss!" The snake flicked its tongue, and the revered officer immediately understood.

"Continue on!" the bald revered officer commanded.

"Yes, sir!" The Grand General nodded, dripping with sweat.


A young soldier rushed forward and knelt on one knee.

"Grand General, the Yan army has formed a line just a mile ahead!" the soldier reported.

"A mile?" The Grand General's eyebrows raised.

"Yes, just beyond this forest, you'll see them!" the soldier said respectfully.

"Send out more scouts!" the Grand General said in a deep voice.

"Yes, sir!" The soldier quickly retreated.

"Move out!" The Grand General ordered immediately.

The soldiers readied themselves and resumed their march.

Before long, they passed through the forest and emerged into an expansive valley.

"Stop! Form up!" the Grand General shouted.

"Clank, clank, clank!"

The soldiers quickly assembled into formation.

The four revered officers and the Grand General took their places at the front of the black-armored army, staring at the enemy forces in the distance.

The silver-armored troops had formed their battle line, and the war drums began to beat.





The drumming stirred the soldiers' blood, their morale soaring.

Archers stood at the forefront, ready to unleash a volley of arrows the moment the black-armored army entered range.

Both armies maintained their positions, knowing that the first to advance would face a hail of arrows from the opposing side.

The Grand General's eyes narrowed.

"Bald Reverend, your divine snake is impervious to blades and arrows. Could it disrupt the enemy formation first? Then my troops can launch a full-scale attack," the Grand General proposed.

The bald revered officer looked at the Grand General with a peculiar expression. Then he smirked disdainfully. "My Divine Black Snake is impervious, but military strategy is your responsibility. If you're incapable, don't expect my snake to be your frontline fighter. If you want it done, you should speak with the snake yourself!"

The Grand General's expression stiffened.

Speak with the snake? What if it gets angry and devours me?

Reluctantly, the Grand General accepted the situation and turned back, sulking.

Just then, a silver-armored soldier approached from the enemy camp.

The soldier was unarmed and came empty-handed.

"Huh? An emissary?" The Grand General's curiosity was piqued.

He did not intercept the soldier, allowing him to approach.

"Grand General of the Zheng Nation, I am Yan Chuan, the Crown Prince of Yan. I request that you come to the center of our armies to negotiate a resolution to our conflict!" the silver-armored emissary said solemnly.

"To the center of the armies?" The Grand General was slightly surprised.

At that moment, several more silver-armored soldiers emerged, setting up a large table and several wide chairs in the middle of the standoff.

On the table were an incense burner and a teapot. The burner was lit, sending up a plume of smoke.

The table was set just beyond the range of the archers. Any sudden movements could be swiftly retracted.

"There!" the silver-armored emissary pointed.

After a brief examination, the Grand General raised an eyebrow and said, "Yan Chuan and Huo Guang will go. I will follow!"

"I will ensure your message is delivered!" The silver-armored emissary smiled and then quickly returned to his camp.

Soon, three figures emerged from the enemy camp.

A young man dressed in ornate royal robes, Yan Chuan.

A eunuch wielding a feather duster, Liu Jin.

And finally, the general Huo Guang.

The three of them slowly walked towards the center table and chairs, while the silver-armored soldiers who had set them up withdrew.

The Grand General watched with a strange expression, his brow furrowing slightly before his eyes turned cold.

"Your revered officers are extraordinarily powerful. Capturing those three should be a piece of cake, correct?" the Grand General flattered the revered officers.

"Of course!" one of the revered officers replied dismissively.

"I ask that you accompany me. While we negotiate, capture the three of them as quickly as possible. Take out the leader first, and the rest will follow. If we capture them, we win!" the Grand General implored.

"Reverend?" The Grand General looked at the bald revered officer.

"Me? I'm not going! I have to keep an eye on the Divine Black Snake!" The bald revered officer shook his head with a laugh.

Instinctively, the revered officer felt something was off, but seeing the open and transparent negotiation, he hesitated but chose not to participate.

"We'll go. One of us will take each!" the other three revered officers immediately agreed.

"Alright!" The bald revered officer nodded.

The Grand General, seeming confident of victory, led the three revered officers toward the center table.

The divine snake, having consumed the bear, seemed somewhat languid as it digested, and it gazed off into the distance alongside the revered officer.

At the center of the two armies.

"Grand General, what's the matter?" the generals asked, puzzled.

"Bring me the map!" the Grand General commanded.

"Yes, sir!"

Soon, a junior officer handed over the map. As the Grand General examined the crude map, a bitter smile spread across his face.

"Tricked, Huo Guang!" the Grand General roared.

"What's wrong, Grand General?" Huo Guang asked anxiously.

"Send scouts in this direction immediately. Move quickly!" The Grand General pointed to a spot on the map, indicating the location of Yan Chuan and his forces.

"Yes, sir!" the officers replied.

The Grand General's face darkened. After a moment of contemplation, he said, "Send a signal to the revered officers!"

"Yes, sir!"

With a flash, a signal rocket soared into the sky.

At the mountain peak.

Yan Chuan sat in a chair, with Huo Guang and Liu Jin standing respectfully behind him. While they didn't show much visible tension, they occasionally cast furtive glances at the incense burner on the table.

The incense burner emitted swirling smoke, symbolizing an impending victory. One "Drunken Yuan Fruit" could incapacitate elite fighters, and this was another such fruit. Dealing with a group of fully-powered warriors would be effortless.

Yan Chuan's gaze, however, was fixed on the massive serpent in the distance. A hint of satisfaction crossed his face as he observed the beast. It was indeed a formidable demon beast.

The serpent, sensing Yan Chuan's gaze, shot him a disdainful look. Yan Chuan remained unfazed and turned his attention to the approaching four men.

"General, it's an honor to meet you," Yan Chuan said with a smile. "Today, on behalf of the Yan Kingdom, I have come to discuss matters of state with you. Please."

Yan Chuan remained seated, addressing the general from his chair.

The general, initially intending to act immediately, paused upon hearing Yan Chuan's introduction. His interest was piqued.

"The One-word Commander is indeed a young hero," the general said with a forced smile, taking a seat. The three attendants followed suit, though with some hesitation.

Liu Jin promptly served tea. The general glanced at the tea but made no move to drink it.

"May I ask what matters of state you wish to discuss, One-word Commander?" the general inquired.

"This is the territory of the Great Yan," Yan Chuan said, sipping his tea. "How did you manage to lead your army here?"

"I'm here with the permission of the Yan Kingdom," the general replied dismissively.

"And what about my subordinates?" the general asked in a stern tone.

"What subordinates?" Yan Chuan asked, feigning ignorance.

The general's eyes narrowed, choosing to shift away from this line of questioning. "Let's get to the point. What matters of state do you wish to discuss?"

"I seek to borrow something from you," Yan Chuan said with a smile, raising his tea cup for another sip.

"Borrow what?" the general asked, his voice cold.

Yan Chuan set his cup down and looked at the four men calmly. "I wish to borrow your heads."

"What?" "Preposterous!"

The four men reacted simultaneously, leaping to their feet in shock, only to find themselves abruptly seated again. They stared at Yan Chuan in horror.

"What's happening? Why can't I move?" the general exclaimed, bewildered.

"Trouble!" the large attendant's face changed as he realized the situation.

"Die!" Huo Guang's eyes widened, and his spear swung.


The general's head was abruptly severed by the spear, and his head was tossed away. Even in death, the general's eyes remained wide, unable to accept the situation.

"No!" The surrounding black-armored soldiers cried out in terror.

"The incense burner? Poisoned incense? Fool!" The large attendant quickly saw through the ruse.

"Da Hei, save the other three attendants!" the large attendant ordered the serpent.

The serpent, now urged into action, slithered towards the scene.

"Crack!" With a roar, the serpent rushed towards Yan Chuan.

"Lord, retreat quickly!" Huo Guang blocked Yan Chuan with a change in expression.

"No, I've been waiting for this moment!" Yan Chuan pushed Huo Guang aside.

Facing the incoming serpent, Yan Chuan was filled not with fear but with excitement. He reached into his robe and pulled out a folded scroll.

Huo Guang, unable to stop Yan Chuan and awed by his mysterious methods, stood aside.

"With the enemy's leader dead, attack!" Huo Guang commanded the silver-armored troops.


The army surged towards the black-armored soldiers, seizing the opportunity while their enemies were leaderless.

"Crack, crack!" The serpent's tail lashed violently, approaching Yan Chuan.

Yan Chuan, undeterred by the beast's menacing presence, unrolled the scroll.

A blinding burst of golden light erupted from the scroll, dazzling the serpent and everyone around.

The serpent's head was enveloped in a radiant golden tower that seemed to materialize out of nowhere. The tower, immense and imposing, radiated an aura that suppressed all before it.

The golden tower loomed as if from the heavens, filling the battlefield with awe and fear.

"Crack, crack, crack!" The serpent struggled and roared under the tower's weight.


The serpent's head appeared to collapse under the pressure, blood oozing from its eyes and mouth.

"Da Hei!" The large attendant cried out in alarm.

Yan Chuan paid no further attention to the serpent and turned to the armies, his eyes cold. "Attack!"

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