Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 61 - 51 Pinch

Chapter 61: Chapter 51 Pinch

Would they return to their black-and-white divine feathers?

Du Yunlong felt a pang of reluctance in his heart. Though he didn't fully understand the connection between the two adorable girls and Wang Zihan, he couldn't help but be captivated by their charm. His affection was instinctive, driven more by their enchanting presence than by their actual power or origins. He had only one thought: "If only I could pinch their faces one more time!"

Why such a thought? Du Yunlong found himself unable to comprehend the sudden impulse, but the lingering sensation of their softness seemed to persist.

How troublesome...

He could only exclaim in disbelief as the two little girls gently floated above Wang Zihan. Their eyes were filled with a sense of reluctance, and Du Yunlong realized he had been so focused on the girls that he'd forgotten to communicate with Wang Zihan.

Wang Zihan's eyes mirrored curiosity, joy, and sadness. She didn't understand the full story behind these girls, but as they ascended towards the sky, she felt a profound ache, as if losing two precious parts of herself. Watching them soar felt like watching grown children leaving home, a bittersweet parting.

Why was that?

The two little girls continued to circle above Wang Zihan, their expressions a mix of sweetness and sorrow. The black-haired girl, though smiling, had a trace of sadness in her eyes, and her once-present dimples had vanished. She extended a hand towards Wang Zihan and Du Yunlong, but struggled to convey her feelings.

Du Yunlong was equally at a loss for words, but in that moment, he instinctively reached out again, gently pinching the black-haired girl's cheek. A slight thrill of mischief coursed through him as the familiar soft sensation returned to his fingers.

The little dimples reappeared on the black-haired girl's face, and she seemed to regain her vitality, as if Du Yunlong's gentle pinch had renewed her energy.

As her smile reemerged, the black-haired girl released her sister's hand, holding something tightly in her own, as if it were a precious treasure. She then blew a delicate breath onto her palm, causing a fine silver rain to descend.

Du Yunlong, who had often enjoyed solitary walks in the rain, found this fine silver rain to be infinitely more soothing than any rain he'd experienced before. It was profoundly moving.

During his earlier battles with Ma Qianjun and Pang Tianshan, Du Yunlong had endured countless injuries—some external, some internal, and others lying dormant deep within his meridians. But under this silver rain, all his wounds, whether visible or hidden, healed at an astonishing rate.

He felt a cooling sensation throughout his body. Areas once raw and bruised were now healed, with skin that was not only smooth but also possessed an incredible beauty. It was truly magnificent!

This was the first time Du Yunlong used the word "beautiful" to describe himself. He felt more robust than ever, as if he could conquer anything—even an entire cow, regardless of its flavor.

The magical properties of this rain surpassed many legendary elixirs, having an effect akin to miraculous medicine. Such elixirs were typically obtainable only with spirit stones, often reserved for Foundation Establishment or even Golden Core cultivators.

As the rain revitalized him, Du Yunlong noticed that his damaged clothing had miraculously restored itself, or rather, had become even more comfortable than before.

He didn't know how the black-haired girl had managed this, but he had never worn such perfectly fitting clothes. Even through the fabric, he could feel the celestial aura from the rain, and he realized he had unknowingly advanced to the fourth level of Qi Refining.

Indeed, it was the fourth level of Qi Refining. Although he had accumulated enough experience to make this breakthrough, he never expected it to come so quickly and without any hindrance. He had a faint sense that with some focus, advancing to the fifth level of Qi Refining would be within reach.

Lost in his thoughts, he suddenly heard a cold snort. Looking up, he saw the silver-haired girl glaring at him with an intense, almost murderous expression. And yet, he found it irresistibly cute.

The silver-haired girl's eyes widened, her face serious and determined, as if ready to obliterate him.

What was with this little princess?

Du Yunlong quickly recalled his earlier indiscreet pinch and realized he might have offended her. He smiled awkwardly, apologizing, "Sorry, sorry... I did it without thinking, completely unintentional. I won't do it again!"

He spoke with utmost sincerity, "I really didn't mean it. I won't do it again, I promise!"

The silver-haired girl's hair, a mix of white with a hint of gold, was stunning. But now, her mood was anything but cheerful. She looked as though she wanted to chop him into a hundred pieces to relieve her anger. Her fists were clenched, her eyes wide and round. Finally, she spoke in a voice that was both cute and demanding, "I... want to pinch!"

Du Yunlong's head spun in shock. He could hardly believe his ears. What was the silver-haired girl saying?

At that moment, the silver-haired girl's big, watery eyes were clouded with tears. Her previously frosty expression had turned into one of utter frustration. She pleaded with Du Yunlong, "I want to pinch, I want to pinch. Daddy, I want to pinch..."

Seeing the tears welling up, with her head leaning towards him, Du Yunlong finally understood. With a smile, he reached out and gently pinched the silver-haired girl's cheek.

"Nianian... Daddy, nianian..." Still, the smooth and greasy feeling was transmitted from the fingertips. But it wasn't just Liu Suiyun who was still not satisfied. The silver-haired little loli, who had originally had a long face, now suddenly became beaming. She smiled even more sweetly than the black-haired little loli. She even brought her small face closer, hoping that Liu Suiyun could pinch for a while longer. "Daddy pinch... Daddy pinch, pinch some more..." Liu Suiyun pinched the silver-haired little loli's face several times and couldn't bear to stop. The silver-haired little loli didn't have the original cool feeling. Her tone became more and more cute, and her expression became more and more attached to Liu Suiyun. However, Liu Suiyun's action of pinching the silver-haired little loli soon aroused the dissatisfaction of the black-haired loli. The black-haired little loli looked at all this nobly and elegantly. Then she pointed at her own nose and said in a cute voice, "Daddy, I want it too..." What does she want? Naturally, it's pinching. Looking at the silent longing in her big watery eyes, Liu Suiyun smiled and stretched out his other hand and pinched the black-haired little loli's small face with baby fat several times. "Mmmmmm..." The black-haired loli made a cute sound, as if tasting delicious candy. Combined with her long hair that reached her waist, she was extremely lovely. Pinching left and right, pinching left and right. Liu Suiyun felt that he had never been so full of childlike innocence. Until a gentle but irresistible force finally pushed him away. At the moment he was pushed away by this force, the eyes of both little lolis were full of endless attachment, as if they had lost the most precious thing in life. In a cute tone, they shouted together, "Daddy... I still want you to pinch..." They uttered such voices in almost exactly the same tone. But Liu Suiyun had been pushed back by that powerful force and had to retreat. The silver-haired little loli was quick-eyed and quick-handed. Her slender hand reached out in Liu Suiyun's direction. There was already a cool and refreshing feeling at the bottom of Liu Suiyun's hand. It seemed to be a prismatic ice jade. Liu Suiyun didn't have time to consider what it was exactly. He could only wave his hands vigorously and release all the tenderness in his heart towards the two magical little lolis who called him daddy. The flying sword carrying them had disappeared. Their originally not tall figures slowly became shorter. There was still an endearing reluctance in their eyes. After a flash of silver light, they had disappeared on the spot. A warm white light reappeared on Gu Yinghua's body. In the air where the two little lolis had originally been suspended, a divine feather with black in front and white in back appeared there. It was so beautiful that Liu Suiyun couldn't help but smile. The divine feather slowly fell in the direction of Gu Yinghua. Slowly, it became smaller and smaller as it flew. From less than three feet, it shrank to only an inch or so. Then the divine feather flew towards Gu Yinghua's ribs and slowly disappeared bit by bit in the white light. When the divine feather finally disappeared in the warm white light, both Liu Suiyun and Gu Yinghua had smiles on their faces. The moonlight was like water, sprinkling little starlights into the sky. The warm white light floating on Gu Yinghua's body finally disappeared. At this moment, Gu Yinghua had regained her usual high spirits. She stretched out her slender hand towards Liu Suiyun: "What a beautiful night!" Yes, such a beautiful night! Liu Suiyun said with a smile, "I have something to say." Gu Yinghua also smiled: "I have something to say too."

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