Stolen Life of the Poor Girl, Top Luxury Family's Group Favor

Chapter 44: It’s Just So Double Standard

Chapter 44

"What does 'stock gifting' mean?" Li Xiaoya asked softly.

Xu Ruying's face turned pale upon hearing this.

See? This child didn't even know what stock transfer meant, yet she was eager to accept it.

However, in the next second, Xu Ruying saw her arrogant cousin bend down to explain to the little girl: "Stocks are a type of property, distributed according to investment ratios. For example, if I invested 10 million, I'd get 34% of the shares. Once they make money, they'd have to give me 34% of the profits. That's what stocks are."

"Stock gifting, also called stock donation, is a legal, free transfer of ownership. Once notarized, it can't be revoked. Dou Dawei wants to give you 1% of the shares, which means that during normal business operations, they'll give you 1% of every bit of profit they make. Do you know what 1% means?"

Without hesitation, Li Xiaoya replied, "One yuan out of every hundred?"

"Correct. If it's a thousand, you'd get ten. If it's a hundred thousand, you'd get a thousand. If their profit this year is 100 million, can you calculate that?"

Li Xiaoya counted on her fingers: "I don't know how much 100 million is?"

"It's ten times 10 million."

Li Xiaoya paused, then asked, "So I would get 1 million, right?"

Xu Ruying was stunned once again.

Even Sheng Yuxiao paused for a moment.

Dou Dawei and his group were even more surprised, then suddenly reacted, exclaiming, "Goodness, how can she be so good at mental math at such a young age? She didn't even know how much 100 million was just a moment ago."

Sheng Yuxiao's lips curled into a smirk: "I taught her, of course she's smart."

"But Sheng, you haven't taught her math... Qin Sui came by before, wasn't it him who taught her?" Ning Heng interjected.

Sheng Yuxiao gave him a cold look.

Ning Heng returned a puzzled gaze, thinking, 'Did I say something wrong? Sheng has only just started teaching her English.'

"But why should I get this money?" Li Xiaoya's confused voice followed.

"Because you helped us, and we really don't know how else to thank you, so we unanimously decided to give you 1% of the shares," Dou Dawei quickly said, emphasizing the words "unanimously decided."

The middle-aged men behind him also nodded in agreement, smiling warmly at Li Xiaoya.

Their fawning was so obvious that even Xu Ruying found it hard to watch.

So she held back, again and again, until she couldn't anymore and interjected: "She helped you get Sheng Yuxiao's investment, right? So what if you got the investment? You were a dying company to begin with, who knows if you'll ever break even? Whether getting 1% of your shares is good or bad for this little girl is anyone's guess."

Dou Dawei and the shareholders behind him exchanged glances, considering that this woman was, after all, Young Master Sheng's cousin, and judging by her appearance, a wealthy heiress.

So Dou Dawei politely asked, "Don't you know?"

"What should I know? All I need to know is that your behavior is nothing short of conspiring to cheat money from the future heir of the Sheng family..." Xu Ruying's face was full of protective instinct.

"No, no, why don't you check the trending topics online? I think with the help of Young Master Sheng and Li Xiaoya, we won't be losing money anymore," Dou Dawei said diplomatically.

Xu Ruying wanted to say, 'Are you kidding me?'

But as she looked around, she noticed that the staff from the show didn't react with mockery to Dou Dawei's words. On the contrary, everyone seemed calm, as if they already knew about that "trending topic."

Xu Ruying quickly took out her phone: "...The signal is bad."

"I'll turn on my hotspot for you," Dou Dawei offered.

Xu Ruying looked at her own phone worth over 10,000 yuan, then at Dou Dawei's that cost just a few thousand, feeling a bit embarrassed as she waited to connect to the hotspot.

This was supposed to be a confrontation, how did it end up like this?

"It's ready," Dou Dawei said.

The page that had been struggling to load on Xu Ruying's phone finally appeared.

As she clicked in and read more, her expression kept changing.

This move was brilliantly played... absolutely brilliant!

They hadn't spent a single cent on marketing, yet they'd managed to create an explosive trending topic, becoming the focus of the entire nation.

How could the man before her possibly lose money now?

Even a pig could fly if it stood in the eye of a storm!

Xu Ruying couldn't help but ask, "How did you know about this news in advance? How did you know that Micro Light Pharmaceutical Company had already been sold to Japan? How did you time it so perfectly?"

"Foreign capital entering the domestic market, using brand effect, celebrity endorsements, large-scale distribution, aggressive acquisitions and mergers to squeeze out traditional national brands... Didn't you learn about this in class?" Sheng Yuxiao retorted.

Xu Ruying was at a loss for words: "I did learn it, but that and this..."

"Such cases have never been rare. Even at this very moment, acquisitions might be happening, only that foreign investors will be more low-key about it in the future," Sheng Yuxiao paused. "In other words, I don't need to know what's happening right now. Because at any time, I can find a case to use for my purposes. If not Micro Light Pharmaceutical Company, there might be some Grand Light Enterprise."

Sheng Yuxiao pointed at Dou Dawei: "And they are the only ones among countless acquisition cases who are poor and backward, but have persisted until now without selling. All cases can be used to highlight them."

Xu Ruying was dumbfounded.

Dou Dawei and his group were also stunned.

Even the show's staff felt they were seeing a terrifying side of this young master for the first time, hidden behind his playboy facade.

Sheng Yuxiao casually continued: "Moreover, this is an open strategy. No one will doubt our intentions."

As he spoke, he suddenly lowered his head and asked Li Xiaoya: "Did you learn from that?"

Xu Ruying's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

Even Dou Dawei and the others felt this was a bit too much.

How could they teach this to Li Xiaoya? Could she possibly understand?

But Li Xiaoya actually nodded and responded with a simple: "Yes."

Sheng Yuxiao's role in reviving Thousand Gold Pharmaceuticals seemed effortless to him, not particularly remarkable. But now, seeing Li Xiaoya nod and say "Yes," the young man suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of achievement.

He ruffled Li Xiaoya's hair and said, "I'll teach you more next time."

This was something Qin Sui couldn't teach, right? Something he had never taught before, right?

At this thought, Sheng Yuxiao felt happiness and comfort seeping into his very bones.

"Alright, let's continue with your contract," Sheng Yuxiao put away his notebook and pen, gesturing for Dou Dawei to bring out the equity transfer document.

Xu Ruying felt her teeth itch with annoyance as she interjected, "Learning from Uncle certainly makes a difference. But why teach outsiders after you've learned from him?"

The uncle Xu Ruying referred to was Xu Ji, whom Sheng Yuxiao called his younger maternal uncle.

Sheng Yuxiao looked at her with some impatience and said, "So many people heard me teach, but do you think they can all learn it? Can they bring the dead back to life? There's no point in distinguishing between outsiders and insiders. This matter only distinguishes between those who can learn and those who can't."

The others felt embarrassed upon hearing this.

Was he calling them stupid?

Well, they... their ears understood, but their brains said they couldn't do it.

Xu Ruying: "..." She felt as if she had also been called stupid.

Unwilling to accept this, she pointed at Li Xiaoya and said, "How old is she? Do you think she can learn it?"

"Li Xiaoya is so smart, she can surely learn anything," Sheng Yuxiao said aloud.

But in his heart, he thought, even if she can't learn it, I can teach her every day, so how could there be any reason for her not to learn?

That's right! Such blatant favoritism!

After speaking, Sheng Yuxiao looked at Dou Dawei and said, "You're quite a clever one."

Dou Dawei was immediately overwhelmed with the unexpected honor.

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