Stolen Life of the Poor Girl, Top Luxury Family's Group Favor

Chapter 88: Make Storytelling More Presentable

Chapter 88

"Hmm, you can't pat my head. It'll stunt my growth if you do," Li Xiaoya said seriously with a straight face.

Liu Meng burst out laughing, "Right, right." The awkwardness of being rejected instantly dissipated.

What a pity, Qin Sui thought to himself.

Clearly, Li Xiaoya still had no intention of letting him pat her head.

But while it was a pity, Qin Sui also understood that if she had easily given in, she wouldn't be Li Xiaoya.

"I'm going now," Li Xiaoya waved at Qin Sui.

Qin Sui was surprised and looked at the big bag at his feet, "You're leaving all of this with me?"

"Yes, it's better to keep it all at your place for now," Li Xiaoya nodded solemnly.

After all, she was still a child, and this was the first time she had seen so much money. She was worried that she wouldn't be strong enough to protect it. This was also why she chose to sell the bag. The bag couldn't be returned to Qin Sui, but the money could be.

This way, she could attend her afternoon classes with peace of mind.

"Li Xiaoya, you trust me this much?" Qin Sui couldn't help but ask.

Li Xiaoya looked at him, puzzled. Was there any reason not to trust him? She couldn't think of any.

"I'm very happy that you chose to entrust these to me for safekeeping, rather than to Sheng Yuxiao," Qin Sui bent down and whispered in her ear.

"Well, that's because..."

Qin Sui rudely interrupted her, "Don't say it's because some of my money is in there too, so objectively speaking, it's best for me to keep it."

"That's not..."

Qin Sui was satisfied, "Good, as long as that's not the reason."

Mainly, money was wealth, but also responsibility. Li Xiaoya understood this principle from a very young age.

Whoever kept the money had to bear the responsibility.

Although she knew the money would certainly not be lost in Sheng Yuxiao's hands, what if it did? If it did, Sheng Yuxiao would surely blame himself and pay her back with his own money.

Li Xiaoya quickly calculated this in her head.

...So there was no better choice than Qin Sui.

But she decided not to tell Qin Sui any of this.

Qin Sui straightened up and said, "It's still early, you haven't had lunch yet, right? Thank you for bringing me such a large sum of money, let me treat you to a meal." His tone had become noticeably lighter.

Liu Meng's eyes also lit up, "Why don't I treat you instead? This little friend is also a classmate of our Xiaoshu."

Unfortunately, both their invitations were declined.

Li Xiaoya firmly said, "I need to go back to eat at the school cafeteria."

"Is it that good?"

"Mm, it's good."

Qin Sui: "..."

He understood that for Li Xiaoya, who had never eaten much good food growing up, it might indeed be very tasty.

But Qin Sui still tried to tempt her one more time, "The food outside is even better, don't you want to try it?"

Li Xiaoya firmly shook her head and said, "The tuition fees include the cafeteria meals, it would be wasteful not to use them."

Qin Sui wanted to say that now her family was very wealthy.

But the words got stuck in his throat, and he swallowed them back.

That was probably the kind of carelessness that only belonged to the rich... There was no need to apply it to Li Xiaoya.

Qin Sui said, "Go on then."

Liu Meng, however, was quite disappointed.

But this also made her more curious about Li Xiaoya.

Whose daughter was she? What kind of background did she have?

She knew Qin Sui, but didn't seem to know him that well. Yet she seemed closer to Qin Sui than others.

She seemed to be very rich, not even batting an eye at six million yuan, and then immediately giving Qin Sui another four million. Although everyone knew that pleasing Young Master Qin with four million was nothing, she was still just a child!

Yet she also seemed not that rich, unwilling to waste even a bit of the cafeteria fees included in her tuition.

Liu Meng perked up, "Then at least let my car take you back."

Li Xiaoya politely said, "Thank you." She waved at Qin Sui once more before leaving.

"Young Master Qin, she..."

"Splitting money, never seen it before?" Qin Sui said casually.

Indeed, they had never seen such a young child come to split money.

"So whose child is she?" someone in the classroom asked again.

Qin Sui originally didn't want to respond, but he changed his mind and said, "Why don't you go ask Sheng Yuxiao, he'll tell you."

Coming from Qin Sui's mouth, these words were shocking.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

"You really should ask him," Qin Sui added coolly.

But it sounded so sarcastic that others didn't dare to take it seriously.

Meanwhile, Li Xiaoya returned to school. Liu Meng watched her figure disappear into the distance and asked while still in the car, "Do you know whose daughter she is?"

"I don't know, nobody knows. Only An Ying has met her."

"Why does it sound so mysterious? You should try to be good friends with her in the future."

"An Ying says she's really good at fighting."

"Then forget it..." Liu Meng said sheepishly.

After having lunch with her daughter, Liu Meng returned home, but she couldn't sit still and couldn't resist going out with her new bag to meet other rich ladies.

She couldn't help but tell them, "Young Master Qin said that from now on, whenever there are any limited edition new products, he'll have someone contact me."

"Young Master Qin? Which Young Master Qin?"

"Which Young Master Qin could it be?"

The others exchanged glances, utterly shocked, and then began to congratulate her profusely.

It wasn't until much later that Liu Meng returned home.

For her, it had been an extremely fulfilling and wonderful day.

However, her husband came home very early that day, entering with a sour face and saying, "Today, General Liu said you know Young Master Qin, and sarcastically asked me why I didn't mention it earlier. He said the game license that had been stuck could have been easily approved with the Qin family's help."

This Zhou General asked coldly, "When did you get to know Young Master Qin? How come I don't know about this? Were you bragging in front of Mrs. Liu? She was implying that you were talking nonsense!"

Liu Meng was stunned, "How was I bragging? I told the truth... Mrs. Liu praised me to my face, but what did she say behind my back?"

Liu Meng quickly explained the process of Li Xiaoya selling the bag.

To her surprise, her husband became even angrier and scolded, "A child sold you the bag? And introduced you to Young Master Qin? Can't you make up a more believable story? Aren't you just afraid I'll scold you for spending so much money on a bag that will be out of fashion next year?"

Liu Meng was so angered by her husband that she nearly fell over backwards, desperately wishing her daughter would come home from school soon to vindicate her.

Meanwhile, Li Xiaoya had just finished her last class.

It was the ice skating class.

After school, as everyone was walking out together, An Ying came up and asked, "Did you really sell the bag to Zhou Xiaoshu's mom?"

Li Xiaoya nodded.

"Wasn't Qin Sui angry?"

"I split the money with him."

An Ying was dumbfounded. Was that even possible?

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