Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 69,Part2: 2 - Relic

Chapter69,Part2: 2 - Relic

Chapter 69 Relic

Part 2

“I am not always so free that I can deal with every customer. This number of customers is perfect for me.”

“Well, to me, I am always grateful for Martis-san when I asks you for a job.”

“… Right now, I am busy. A big job just come in.”

Martis-san says in a low voice while facing away. He is not a man who will lie to refuse to work, so he is probably really busy.

I took off the Relic on my wrist and place it on the counter.

“We found this at 【Alain Column Ruins】. I want to request an appraisal.”

“… Alain… A Level 1 Shrine, eh. Why is a Level 8 like you…?”

While saying this, Martis-san wears a black leather gloves and carefully lift the Relics on his hands.

He takes out a loupe and observe the carved pattern on the surfaces.

To appraise Relics, you need experience and knowledge. For fifty years, he has been appraising Relics in this Imperial Capital. So, he possesses much more information than me who just became a Relics collector in the last few years.

After turning the bracelet upside down and checking all the patterns, Martis-san groan with a difficult look.

“… 【Alain Column Ruins】 is a Level 1 Shrine. In the first place, a Relics rarely appear there. It is probably, a 『Relic from the outside』.

The appearance of Relics is random but as long as there is an accumulation of Mana Material the principle of appearance is the same. Depending on the type of the Shrine, some Relics are more likely to appear than other.


If it a Shrine that imitates building from a highly advance physical technologic civilization, then the relics from highly advance physical technologic civilization are likely to appear. If you want a Magic Weapon type Relic from a highly advance magical technologic civilization, then the normal way is to search it in a Shrine that imitated the scenery of a highly advance magical technologic civilization. This also leads to a difference in popularity in a Shrine.

『Relics from the outside』 refers to a Relic appearing in a Shrine that doesn’t correspond to its features. It is rare but it is not something unheard of.

Moreover, if the Shrine we found it is the 【Alain Column Ruins】 then it is not a bad story.

Martis-san continues with an unusual passionate tone while I am a little excited.

“Because of the Phantom that appear in that Shrine, it is said to represent the crying soul of the people who were prevailing all over the world in the old time. Relics that naturally appear from that era are related to the control of magical creature… But, from its design, it is clearly from a different period. I think it probably came from the time of 『Highly Advance Magic Technologic Civilization』… as their era is quite long. Their number of Relics is enormous.”

It is said that the Highly Advance Magic Technologic Civilization prospered for thousands of years, it is a civilization that was particularly long lasting among many known civilizations.

In their era, the development of tools uses magic power as an energy to activate magic, they are called 『Magic Tools』. It was used in every aspects of their life.

When you have one of it, it is so convenient that it has been mass produced for their daily life, I can’t even imagine what their life could be. ?Even in our modern civilization, some Magic Tool has been inherited. Conversely, the one that is said to have never use any magic power are the 『Highly Advance Physical Technologic Civilization』.

And there are also many kinds of Relics that comes from those eras. There are innumerable items ranging from insignificant daily necessities to Relics useful for battle.

However, if I have never seen one, it means that it is a rare Relic. If it is a big hit, I might be able to pay off my debt in one go. But I won’t sell it though.

“What is its effect?”

Martis-san says with a serious expression to me while I made a loud *glup* as I swallow my saliva.

“… I have no idea.”

You have no idea?

“… Did you lose your skills?”

“You dimwit! If you can see the effect without activating it, I will give you my job!”

As I sigh, Martis-san frowns and yells at me.

It is most reasonable. This time we might have found a new kind of Relics.

However, if even Martis-san who have a deep knowledge of Relics doesn’t understand, then it is a fairly rare Relic… Next time let’s offer Tino an ice cream.

Martis takes out a box and carefully puts the bracelet in it.

“It will take time to appraise it. I have another job which just came in. And I will also properly get my appraisal fee. I won’t work if it is to put it on the tab.”

“Of course, I have money. I want you to hurry it up as much as possible.”

It is not mine’s though.

Tino, who is hidden behind me grabs the hem of my clothes as if she was protesting.

Although the fee for appraising a Relic depends on the quality of the Relics but if it is Martis-san you don’t need to worry about being scammed. Every time he says he won’t work but every time he is nice and does it.

And Martis-san is a lone appraiser who doesn’t swing his tail to anyone but… He has a big weakness.

I sigh and continue speaking.

“This Relic is the one Tino found.”

“What did you sayyy!!”

Martis-san’s expression changes. The eyes that seem to be strict previously become sharper and his voice is filled with passion.

Tino who was hiding until now gently peeks at his face. Catching this, the color of Martis-san’s eyes changes.

He speaks in a much softer voice than to me.

“What, Jo-chan, you were here… What happen, why are you hiding in such a place…?”

Martis-san is old. He runs the store alone, but he also has a family.

And it seems that he has a granddaughter as big as Tino. It seems that she resembles Tino as she also has black hair.

The weakness of this lone appraiser is a nice young girl.

Ever since I knew that I regularly bring Tino with me when I go to this store. It is not good if it is Liz or Sytry.

“I was hiding to not bother Master.”

“I see. You don’t want interfere with his work, Jo-chan is great.”

That girl, she is stronger than me though. She is the disciple of Genocide Monster.

Martis-san smiles with a smile that he never showed to me, when I see it from the side, he is miserable.

And I won’t hesitate to go for such a weakness. It is his fault for showing his blind spot.

Tino perceives my intention and asks nicely.

“When will the Relics appraisal be done?”

“… As soon as possible… I will do it as soon as possible! Because it is the Relics Ojou-chan worked hard to find. One week… No, wait for about five days.”

“It will take as much as five days…?”

“Kuh… No, but shorter than that… And my current work will…”

Martis-san looks at me as if asking for help.

Jii-san if it wasn’t Tino that asked you, you would have thrown the Relic and refused. I don’t want to be hated by both. You can’t see him holding his pride as an appraiser. He is afraid of being hated for his family, eh… So, he is that kind of guy.

It didn’t take long before he gives up. He says with a small voice.

“Guh… Cry, even you know about it too, right!? It is the annual 『Auction』. Just recently, I received a mountain of appraisal requests. There isn’t any extra time.”

“! Tino, it is fine now.”

Auction. It is a large-scale Relics auction held once a year in the Imperial Capital. I have been looking forward to it every year but I was a mess these days, so I completely forgot about it.

When she heard me Tino closes her mouth.

She is completely expressionless. Why is Martis-san weak to this, I have absolutely no idea, but I am a man who is willing to do a Dogeza if it is needed to reach my purpose.

With my mascot shield, I fairly and openly threatened Martis-san.

“Then, can you show me the Relic that came from the appraisal request in the back?”

TL notes:

Thx for reading

Waaah it was so hard to translate the part when they start talking about past civilization and the tools they create and why some relics appear more in some shrine. I hope Author-sama won’t put something like this again TT.TT

And just when Cry swear to not use his money to buy another relic again what showed up is a famous Relic auction held every year. He is going to make it rain XD

Tchao à plus!

Physical: Here physical mean law of physic. So it is a civilization with technology base on physics law, like our society.

Jo-chan: means little miss.

Ojou-chan: Same as Jo-chan it means little miss.

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