Strongest Counterattack

Chapter 418 - The Curtain Has Been Lifted

Chapter 418 The Curtain Has Been Lifted

At the moment, at a house in Haikou, an elderly man, with grey hair and wrinkled face, were making a phone call. He listened to the other side, from which the names of Qin Changan and Qin Sheng were mentioned many times. He looked pale for he didn’t win after the years of fighting against the Qin Family.

He really didn’t?

Several years ago, he had allied with some big shots against the Qin Family. They almost beat the Qin Family to the graveyard and paid the price for this fierce fight. Qin Sheng’s mother, who was a beautiful young lady those days, died and his eldest uncle, who used to have promising future as a government official, chose to become a monk, his eldest aunt went to Canada, and his father, who was still young, almost gave himself up desperately, and even his grandfather, who had experienced quite a lot storms of life, was hit and left Beijing, taking Qin Sheng away.

But things were different now. Qin Family had overcome all those hardships and soared over the past ten years in the business area. And Zhu Family also developed rapidly in the political and military areas. Zhu Family and Qin Family were gigantic forces not to be trifled with in this country.

Their past enemies were in fear for what they had done and in fear of the possible price they would pay. Those people, however, would never still and wait. Their power couldn’t be underestimated.

Therefore, the curtain of the second war against Qin Family was lifted silently...

At No.1 Diao Yu Tai in Beijing, “Dad, do you mean that we’ll start with Qin Changan?” a middle-aged man said with a sense of excitement in his eyes. He had lost the competition against Qin Changan on business many times, but he never gave up.

The elderly man’s finger knocked at the table with a sense of insidiousness and combativeness in his eyes. “Those standing at the peak will ignore the risks around. It’s impossible for anyone to stay at the top forever. Once one does something against the central government’s will, he has to pay the price. You know, the central government’s will is changing all the time, so nobody’s safe all the time. We just wait for the chance, and seize it.”

The middle-aged man thought and said, “Dad, you’re right. The government’s supervision toward financial market tends to be stricter in recent times. Though Qin Changan has set out making change accordingly, it’ll take time to finish since he has so wide range of business. He has to cut off some after the Spring Festival holiday. Due to the new regulation to exchange control, a lot of his projects abroad have to be killed. He would absolutely suffer a lot then.”

The elderly man squinted, with his wrinkle deepening. “Don’t underestimate Qin Changan. He’s hard to deal with. You should have known that since you’ve suffered a lot from him. We should talk about it with those two families and make a long-term plan.”

“Fine. Dad, I’m looking forward to your good news. By the way, what about his son? Maybe we should do ‘something’ in case of any further trouble.” The middle-aged man sneered. It was really a harsh method.

The elderly man frowned. “Nonsense. It’s the last option on our list. If we just go and corner Qin Changan, he will fight against us and struggle desperately.”

“Dad, you’re right. I’ll ask for more information.” The middle-aged man smirked, thinking that experience was more powerful than strength. They would push Qin Changan into a series of troubles and give him a deadly strike in the end, kicking him into the graveyard. They were not the first force to act with this strategy. He still remembered the big scandal spreading all over the city.

Hanging up the phone, the elderly man was drowned in deep thinking. When they took action many years ago, Zhu Family didn’t help Qin Family, but what about now? There were conflicts between the two families. But he still had to be aware of the Zhu Family, or he and his comrades might suffer great loss.

But he should pay too much attention to this. He should focus on the information about Old Master Qin, who had gone for decades. Was he alive? And Qin Changan’s brother, who had become a monk. But what if he still had power and underlings?

Last time, the crisis ended up with the fact that Old Master Qin took Qin Sheng away. Now the new one started with Qin Sheng’s coming back. What would the Qin Family do?

And what would happen to Qin Sheng in this crisis? In fact, it was better that Qin Changan hadn’t contacted Qin Sheng and told him the truth. But Qin Sheng didn’t understand the pros and cons he was facing.

In a restaurant on Dongdaming Road, Shanghai, Qin Sheng had no idea of what was happening. So did Qin Changan. But he was half prepared for any possible crisis all the time. He had been faced with so many challenges that he was always in reserve for a “rainy day”. That was exactly why he could survive from all those crises before.

For Qin Sheng’s roasting, Xue Qingyan asked, “I have a question for you. The identity, and the kinship, which is more important for you?”

Qin Sheng answered without hesitation. “Of course, kinship. Without identity, I can still succeed with my own ability, but I’ll do something different. But without kinship, my life would be full of regrets.”

“Fine, then just stay true to yourself and forget other things.” Xue Qingyan knew that Qin Sheng must have many doubts about his new identity, after all, he was given too many incredible things, the position, the wealth, and so on. He really needed time to get used to these.

Xue Qingyan continued to say, “For another, don’t you want revenge? With this identity, it’ll be much easier for you to take revenge. You don’t have to wait for another ten or twenty years. Don’t think too much. As for those people who had bullied you, they’re not capable at all, they just take advantage of their families’ resources and power. The only thing they did better than you was to be born in a good family.”

“Sister, you’re right.” Qin Sheng didn’t deny.

Xue Qingyan analyzed for him. “And other things, you should have a long-term vision. Your ability will be limited by where you are. But with your present position, you can do much more than before and realize your potential.”

Xue Qingyan put these words with body language. Her words made Qin Sheng suddenly enlightened. At the same time, he thought about other things.

Qin Sheng said honestly. “Sister, thank you. I’ve learned a lot.”

“You don’t have to say those things to me. I’m happy for you. I hope you can lead a better life.” Xue Qingyan said.

Qin Sheng suggested, “Sister, I haven’t seen you for two months and it’s Spring Festival now, would you like to go somewhere else and have a drink? I still have a lot to say.”

Xue Qingyan was in a good mood and said yes. “I have enough free time today and some questions for you.”

Qin Sheng stood up. “Let’s go.”

Zhu Qingwen had paid the bill when she left. The restaurant owner sent Qin Sheng and Xue Qingyan to the door and stood there until she saw them get on the car.

“She’s unusual.” Qin Sheng said.

Xue Qingyan explained, “You’re right. She used to work in BJO, an office belonging to the State Council. She got into some trouble and quit, and then she runs this restaurant. That’s why a lot of high-level government officials come here. She’s very sophisticated.”

“Got it.” Qin Sheng nodded.

Xue Qingyan sighed and said, “Qin Sheng, you’ll know more truth after meeting more people. Those big shots are different from people’s impressions of them because they are all good at faking. They all look kind and friendly, but it’s all superficial, and actually means guarding and condescending. You should never judge people by how they treat you, but by how they treat their colleagues and underlings. Most common people think highly of low-profiled celebrities, so they just pretend that. People are likely to assess celebrities by their imagination, after all, they’ll never know the truth. I know a famous person, he never smokes, never drinks, never buys expensive things, and is particularly careful when speaking. Common people all think that he is a perfect and low-profiled person. If you meet him, he will exchange a business card with you. But the truth is that he has a lot of lovers and spends a great deal of money on them. His courtesy is a mask. His phone number and email address are managed by someone else. He will throw your business card away once you say goodbye. How could you know what kind of person he is?”

Qin Sheng learned a lot. It seemed that people would all treat him differently. He asked with interest, “So what about this woman, the restaurant owner?”

“She’s very careful, and polite. It’s different. After all, your small aunt’s husband is so powerful.” Xue Qingyan laughed. She felt good when talking with Qin Sheng. He’s such a smart man, and got her meaning in a second and would keep it in his heart.

Qin Sheng teased. “Sister, your elder brother’s also very powerful.”

Xue Qingyan was not surprised that Qin Sheng knew this. “Since you’ve known that... But you’re so wrong. It’s really difficult to make the final one step. Many people have only one step to the top, but never make it. But things are not that difficult in Shanghai. There are more chances of being transferred.”

Thanks to this new identity, Qin Sheng didn’t feel anxious and nervous when speaking to Xue Qingyan anymore and he could even make some jokes. He giggled and said, “I believe your brother will make it.”

Xue Qingyan suddenly questioned him. “Tell me the truth, have you known this long before? Is it the real cause that you make friends with me?”

Qin Sheng was honest. “You won’t believe me if I say no. But it was too far from me in the past. I thought I would never have a chance to relate to those big shots.”

Xue Qingyan giggled. “Fine. Where are we going? I know a good place.”

“Hengshan Road. But I’m not sure whether it’s open. If not, we can go another time.” Qin Sheng was going to YOUNG, the pub impressed him most.

Xue Qingyan didn’t ask more and nodded, saying yes.

A bodyguard accompanying them from Beijing to Shanghai had been waiting for them downstairs to be their driver. Their car went through two blocks and stopped at a crossroad due to the red light. A Porsche car beside rolled down the window and the man inside the car threw a cigarette butt out and spat toward outside.

Qin Sheng frowned and gave the impolite man a glance, wanting to know who he was.

In a second, Qin Sheng stared at the man with his eyes full of rage.

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