Strongest Counterattack

Chapter 440 - We Have No Choice But to Do So

Chapter 440 We Have No Choice But to Do So

The Lin Family had been rooted in Ningbo for hundreds of years. As generations and generations of the descendants of the Lin Family took root in this land, no matter how many collateral relatives of the Lin Family had left Ningbo gradually and gone to a more faraway and vaster world, the direct line of the Lin Family stayed here all the time. Consequently, the Lin Family knew various forces interconnecting in this land better than anybody else, including which family looked glorious yet fallible and which one was patient, understated, and yet powerful. After all, ever since the beginning of the Ming and Qing dynasties in Chinese history, the financial magnates in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces had been acting actively in various fields, including the economy, politics, culture, and so on, which happened because the literati and officialdom had migrated southward on a large scale several times in Chinese history.

Although as the Lin Family evolved to the current generation, compared with their previously glorious predecessors, they had been on the decline gradually. However, when it came to the influence of the family in Ningbo alone, as usual, the Lin Family was the great one that had a right to speak. To be honest, many collateral relatives of the Lin Family were no less accomplished than the Lin brothers. It was just that the Lin Family was not the kind of family whose family members held a leading position in the government anymore.

As a result, the brothers of the Lin Family knew who was powerful and influential in Ningbo and what Lin Songhao’s current social status in Ningbo was. Consequently, the piece of news that Lin Songhao had been uprooted overnight startled them so much that they needed to rethink the current situation from a more comprehensive perspective.

Lin Changhe thought, “Yeah. Who on earth is he?”

As Lin Changting started to question Qin Sheng’s identity, even Lin Changhe started to overturn his previous conclusion about Qin Sheng. That was because in his opinion, without strong enough family background and capability, Qin Sheng could not have got rid of Lin Songhao easily overnight. After all, Lin Songhao was a local tycoon in Ningbo. Moreover, Lin Songhao had not been able to fight back at all. In that case, Lin Changhe wondered how powerful Qin Sheng’s connections were.

If the members of the Lin Family asked themselves whether they were as capable as Qin Sheng, whatever it was Lin Changting or Lin Changhe, they would all shake their heads without hesitation. They would need to make all-out efforts if Lin Songhao turned his head around and targeted them now, let alone taking the initiative to deal with Lin Songhao. Even so, did the kind of pivot figure like Qin Sheng’s connections, who could deal with Lin Songhao, exist in Ningbo? To be honest, the answer was a no. That was because what Lin Songhao stood for was not just himself but the various forces behind him. Whoever intending to deal with Lin Songhao would be also greatly injured while playing against him. As a result, nobody in the current society was willing to do that.

In that case, the brothers of the Lin Family wondered how powerful the force dealing with Lin Songhao would be. If it were on the usual days, they might doubt the force came from the province. After all, it would be a piece of cake for the tycoons in the province to deal with Lin Songhao. However, if so, some rumors must have been leaked in advance. After all, some tycoons behind Lin Songhao also worked in the province.

However, what had happened today was pretty special. That was because it was Qin Sheng who had been on the opposite side of Lin Songhao. Since Qin Sheng had beaten Lin Songhao in the daylight, it was quite natural and logical for Lin Songhao to hire the roughnecks to get him killed. If Qin Sheng intended to get back at Lin Songhao and his connections worked in the province, at least, Qin Sheng would need to open up the connections first and map out a good strategy in advance.

However, Qin Sheng had directly got revenge on Lin Songhao last night, which indicated this his connections were beyond the range of the province. After all, the issue between him and Lin Songhao was not petty at all. Moreover, if Qin Sheng’s connections worked in the province, he would not have been bullied so miserably in Hangzhou.

Consequently, the answer was ready to come out.

By the time Lin Changting and Lin Changhe thought of this point, they had been so startled that cold sweat ran down their backs. It was unknown whether it was because of the cold weather in the early morning or the fear after the event that Lin Changting could not help shivering.

Lin Changting asked subconsciously, “Changhe, could it be that he comes from Beijing?” As Lin Changting asked this question, he was pretty discreet and cautious. That was because he was afraid that he would guess correctly. If so, the Lin Family had offended a great god.

Lin Changhe could not help lighting up a cigarette as he said, “Brother, we can’t rule out this probability. Although I doubted why Qin Sheng had been so confident that he had dared to make such a great scene in our family house in broad daylight yesterday, I don’t think so now. Since he got rid of Lin Songhao with ease, it will be a piece of cake for him to deal with our family.”

Lin Changting mumbled to himself, “Lin Songhao lost, in a comprehensive way. In that case, what should our family do? Changhe, you should figure out ways in a hurry. At this time, if our family does not act discreetly, we will come to a dead end.”

Lin Changhe gritted his teeth and replied, “Brother, we can’t be panic-stricken at this moment and never should we. We must remain calm.”All of a sudden, Lin Changting changed his topic and said, “How about we do this, as you suggested previously? We tell the Yan Family, the Qu Family, and Third Master Wu about Qin Sheng’s news. In that case, I doubt whether Qin Sheng will remain fearless if several parties cooperate to play against him.”

Lin Changhe replied sincerely, “Brother, don’t do that. Never should we do that at this time, which is equal to burning our bridges and making us become Qin Sheng’s hard-core enemies. In that case, there will be no further room for choices. We will have no choice but to deal with Qin Sheng subjectively. In my opinion, we are far away from doing that. After all, Susu is Qin Sheng’s girlfriend as well as the daughter of the Lin Family. To say the least, since Lin Songhao was taken down with ease, then what about the Third Master Wu and the Qu Family, who are still messing around in Zhejiang? Even if the Yan Family is counted in, does it mean that we will beat Qin Sheng? At critical times, will those people stand by the side of our family persistently? What is the bargaining chip for our family to cooperate with those people? Have you ever thought about these points?” In Lin Changhe’s opinion, at this time, neither should the Lin Family fall into disarray nor make a decision randomly. Otherwise, there would be hell to pay.

Lin Changting said somewhat agitatedly, “None of my ideas work. In your opinion, what on earth should we do?”

Lin Changhe frowned tightly as he said, “Brother, in my opinion, we should wait, see how the situation will develop, and cope with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle. If Qin Sheng does not go on playing against our family, we should pretend nothing happened yesterday. Nor should we interfere in the issue between Qin Sheng and Susu in the future. As time goes by, we probably can fix this layer of connection later, which may be beneficial to our family. If Qin Sheng does not intend to let go of us, we should think about other ways then.” At this moment, it seemed that they had no other way out but to do so. They would surely take the road to ruin and end up being the same as Lin Songhao if they took the initiative to challenge Qin Sheng.

Lin Changting let out a sigh and said, “We have no choice but to do so.”

However, the confusion about who on earth Qin Sheng was and who was behind him deep inside their hearts would not be solved at all unless they questioned Qin Sheng in person.

Qin Sheng did not get up until he naturally woke up this morning. The sleeping this time was so comfortable and relaxing that he felt somewhat degraded. After all, he had held a beauty in his arms. It was a feeling that he had been looking forward to for so long that he hated to get up. Ages had passed before Qin Sheng had a feeling like this. No wonder that the dream of the majority of men was to lie on the beauty’s knees drunkenly and take charge of the power all over the world soberly.

After Qin Sheng woke up, he was not anxious to get up. Instead, he teased Lin Su, who was sleeping soundly in his arms. His hands kept lingering on either Lin Su’s slim legs or her towering breasts from time to time, making Lin Su wake up and pat on his mischievous hands as she said, “Can you please stop messing around?”

Qin Sheng whispered in Lin Su’s ears in a low voice as he said, “The sun is up. Baby, you should get up quickly.”

Lin Su turned around and threw her arms around Qin Sheng’s neck as she said cutely, “No. I want to sleep longer.”

Qin Sheng smirked on purpose and said, “Oh. Then don’t blame me for what I am going to do.” After he finished his words, his hands went along Lin Su’s breasts down southward mischievously.

Lin Su, who sensed that Qin Sheng was going to do something mischievous to her, was so startled that she screamed, sat up directly, and ran into the shower room naked. Qin Sheng stayed on the bed, bursting into laughter.

After they were done with the washing up and got changed, they had breakfast in the restaurant outside. Nan Gong and Chang Baji walked in with Qu Fan. Back when Qin Sheng had called his sister a moment ago, he had known what had happened last night. At this moment, he was no less astounded than the brothers of the Lin Family. It did not occur to him that Lin Songhao, who had been so glorious in Ningbo, would become history overnight.

Qin Sheng frowned and mediated as he thought, “Is that how the power of the Qin Family working? What will the situation look like if the Qin Family comes across the Yan Family, the Qu Family, and Third Master Wu?”

Qu Fan greeted them smilingly and said, “I thought you were still sleeping.”

Qin Sheng drank orange juice and smiled as he said, “I just got up.”

Qu Fan went on nagging as he said, “I slept pretty early last night. It is not until I get up this morning that I know what happened last night. After that, I rush here in a hurry to check whether you are fine or not. It did not occur to me that so many things would take place last night. All the people across the whole Ningbo city are talking about this issue now, which might have startled the whole social circle in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces. At the same time, it did not occur to me that Lin Songhao would act so mercilessly that he brought about his destruction.” He was so excited that it was difficult for him to become sober right now. Ages had passed before such a big issue took place in Ningbo.

After Qu Fan got up, he was astounded by two issues consecutively. At first, the bodyguard told him that Lin Songhao had hired more than 50 roughnecks to hunt Qin Sheng down and two bodyguards of the Qu Family had been admitted into the hospital out of serious injuries. Before the bodyguard finished his words, Qu Fan asked directly whether anything had happened to Qin Sheng. Fortunately, according to his bodyguard, all were fine on Qin Sheng’s side except for Qin Sheng, who had been somewhat slightly injured. It was not until Qu Fan heard the bodyguard out that he was relieved.

Following that, his bodyguard told him that another big issue had happened last night. According to him, soon after Qin Sheng had been attacked, the policemen had confirmed that the hired roughnecks turned out to be Lin Songhao’s underlings. Following that, Lin Songhao had got arrested last night and all the properties of his in the gray industries had been closed down overnight. Qu Fan was left dumbfounded once again. Though he did know the Third Master Lin was not the Qin Family’s counterpart, it did not occur to him that Lin Songhao would end up so miserably. Neither did it occur to him that the stratagem of the Qin Family would be that destructive, who had not given Lin Songhao any chances to fight back.

Qin Sheng patted Qu Fan on his shoulders as he said, “Brother Qu, calm down. Nothing happened to me even though I was somewhat slightly injured. You don’t need to worry about me. As for Lin Songhao’s issue, it is just between you and me. Never should others know about it. And, you have far more important things to do now. Since Lin Songhao is down, don’t you want to have a finger in the pie?”

Qu Fan, who didn’t think of getting his share at all, asked, “Ah? Is it OK?” After all, Lin Songhao’s issue had involved many people. Although he had been taken down, people still needed to think it over before they intended to kick him when he was down. After all, the tycoons behind Lin Songhao were still there.

Qin Sheng said playfully, “Since I said so, of course, you can feel free to do it. Just take it as my payback.”

Qu Fan said smilingly, “Hahaha. Qin Sheng, you are too polite.” However, he was indulged in happiness in secret. It did not occur to him that he would be offered a free lunch.

However, instead of leaving in a hurry, Qu Fan asked, “Qin Sheng, since Lin Songhao was down, what will you do with the Lin Family? If you need my help, feel free to tell me.”

However, after Qu Fan finished his words, he was somewhat regretful. That was because Lin Changting’s daughter was sitting right by the side of Qin Sheng. Though he did not know how complicated the relationship between Lin Su and her family was, after all, Lin Su was Lin Changting’s biological daughter. It would not do him any good at all if Qin Sheng reconciled with the Lin Family in the future and this beauty resented him because of what he had said today.

Qin Sheng said casually, “Brother Qu, after the issue took place last night, you don’t need to worry about the Lin Family anymore. They are smarter than anyone else.”

Qu Fan smiled gently and said, “I see.” He let out a long sigh relievedly in secret.

After Qu Fan left, Qin Sheng went for walking outside with Lin Su, intending to stroll around the seaside. After all, Ningbo was close to the sea. They could enjoy the Mount Xiang seafood conveniently. Moreover, both Lin Su and he liked the sea.

After they went outside, the biggest change they perceived directly was that those trackers, who had been tracking behind them yesterday, were completely gone. As for the trackers hired by Lin Songhao, of course, they would not show up anymore. As for those on the Lin Family’s side, it was clear that the Lin Family, who might have been scared, was so smart that they had called them back.

Qin Sheng had been by the seaside of Mount Xiang the whole day, who was not anxious to rush back to the downtown area. However, the Lin Family did not have any move at all. Consequently, Qin Sheng, who was unwilling to keep waiting anymore, called his sister again to hold a discussion. After that, he started to carry on a round of brand new actions against the Lin Family.

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