Strongest Counterattack

Chapter 446 - Dull, Dull, Dull

Chapter 446 Dull, Dull, Dull

It was the most depressing moment the Lin Family had ever had in recent years. Other than Lin Changhe and his wife, most of the other people even tried to hide the sound of their breathing. Lin Changting was also tense, since he saw how arrogant and assertive Qin Sheng could be and had experienced so much in the span of only two days. He could barely imagine the powerful family and the mysterious background behind Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng’s first condition was to ask everyone who was present when he went to the Lins’ house for the first time to come here now. Lin Changting even ordered those who were not in Ningbo to take a flight and get back overnight.

The Lins had no idea of what happened in the beginning and thought they were asked back to discuss the solution to that incident in the daytime, until they arrived and were informed of the whole story.

No one had imagined that the backstage manipulator was the young man whom they had always looked down upon. Lin Changting explained the reason he had asked them back, which was that they had to apologize to Lin Su and Qin Sheng for their past underestimation and insulting words, and warned that they should never refuse, or they would have to pay a rough price.

Lin Changting had been an absolute authority in the Lin Family. Most of the family members were living by depending on the power and wealth of the family, so their life could be easily destroyed by the family as well.

So, no matter how unwilling they were, they had no choice but to accept the family’s decision to give in.

At the same time, Lin Changting declared his decision to have Lin Changhe take over the authority of the family, which surprised the rest of them, especially those from Yu Hong’s family. Lin Changhe never thought about them, so they were suffering some loss now.

But now, the most important thing was Lin Su’s boyfriend. They finally understood why Lin Su had rejected Yan Chaozong and fought against the whole Lin Family for this man, who was the gold son-in-law of the family. If Lin Su had let them know this earlier, nobody would have said no to their marriage. But she didn’t and it was weird to make huge trouble for everyone.

However, nobody dared to speak out their thoughts. Even Lin Changting, the first authority of the Lin Family, gave in, so the rest of them didn’t have a say in the matter and didn’t bother to challenge the powerful young man.

When Qin Sheng and Lin Su entered the living room, Lin Ze said with a flattering smile, “Dad, Mom, my sister and brother-in-law are here.”

Lin Ze called them as if they’d been getting along well and were close with each other, which disgusting those who knew the truth. They were laughing at Lin Ze in their minds, but didn’t realize that they were doing the same thing now.

Qin Sheng wore casual clothes, while Lin Su was dressed delicately. She held Qin Sheng’s arm and wandered forward slowly, with her face having a neutral expression.

The Lins all rose, offering different smiles, looking embarrassed and funny. As they then eyed Qin Sheng, some were terrified, some worried, some tense, some jealous, and some resentful.

This was quite a classic scene in romance.

A total of eight bodyguards from the Qu Family followed; two of them stood by the entrance of the living room, and the other six were separated around the living room for safety. Nan Gong and Chang Baji just followed behind Qin Sheng. Nobody had ever been so rude in front of the Lin Family, and Qin Sheng was definitely the first one, but they couldn’t do anything to protest and just had to be insulted as he wanted.

Qin Sheng walked over to everybody, squinted, and greeted them. “Long time no see, everyone. Do you remember me? If you don’t, please allow me to introduce myself again. I’m Qin Sheng, Susu’s boyfriend.”

Lin Changting and Lin Changhe couldn’t help forcing smiles in the embarrassing atmosphere.

The Lin Family felt depressed, whilst Qin Sheng was enjoying the fabulous feeling of superiority as if he were Alexander the Great. He finally soared to an unlimited height, looking down at everybody.

The Lins were hesitating to answer, for fear of speaking wrong words and irritating Qin Sheng. Even if Qin Sheng might not punish them immediately, Lin Changting would kill them later.

“Qin Sheng, take a seat, please.” Lin Changhe invited Qin Sheng to sit on the sofa in the middle, which was the major place in the room. Lin Su sat by Qin Sheng’s side, ignoring the others’ resentful stares, after all, she might never see them again. Since nobody had cared for her feelings, she didn’t have to care for them either.

Lin Changting and Lin Changhe sat on the other sofas, while the rest of the Lins stood behind them respectively, showing their positions in the family.

“Uncle Lin, sorry for making trouble for the Lin Family,” Qin Sheng sat and said to Lin Changting, staring at his face and expecting how this arrogant man would give in to him.

Qin Sheng implied: “I knew you were sick of me, but I was going to keep insulting you, so you had to apologize to me.” Qin Sheng had beaten the Lin Family, and could ask for anything he wanted, even out of all reason.

Lin Changting’s rage was howling in his mind, but he had decided that no matter what Qin Sheng did today, he had to respond calmly and easily, or what they’d done before would be ruined, and so would the Lin Family.

“We Lin Family deserved all that. It’s our own fault.” Lin Changting forced a bitter smile. This was all out of his imagination. Heaven seemed to be playing a joke on him.

Qin Sheng said, “Uncle Lin, nobody ever imagined this, not did I. You admired Yan Chaozong, but Susu chose me. Susu and I have experienced all the ups and downs, but we win, finally. You must feel disappointed, right?”

“Qin Sheng, on behalf of the Lin Family, I apologize to you for what we’ve done. Please, let go of the Lin Family, I’d like to take all the responsibilities and outcomes.” Lin Changting stared at Qin Sheng, lowering his head and begging for his mercy. His dignity was crashed and burned to ash.

Qin Sheng sighed. “Uncle Lin, Uncle Lin, I understand your Lin Family, but I’m the victim in this case, bearing and swallowing all the pain and hurt. So I think you should understand me today.”

“I do.” Lin Changting tried to conceal his anger. “We were so wrong. We’re really sorry to you.”

“I remember clearly that when I came here for the first time, how you treated Susu and I. Lin Family, you have your hundred years of history, but where’s your courtesy and morality? Even though you disagreed with our relationship, why did you insult us to our faces? I used to be a nobody and deserved your underestimation. But Susu, she is the daughter of the Lin Family. Didn’t you ever, ever care a little about her feelings?” Qin Sheng rose and continued, “I don’t care how you treat me, but Susu, you’ve been bad to her. The only mistake she ever made was being born into such a family, the Lin Family.”

Qin Sheng turned to Lin Changting then. “Uncle Lin, anyway, there are a few people in the family who are kind to Susu. But what about you? You’re her father. What did you do for her? You just consider her as a tool, her marriage is your piece on the chessboard to win what you want. That is exactly why I’m so angry here today. I’m capable and powerful enough to ruin your noble family. But Uncle Lin, don’t you ever feel guilty? Even a little guilty? You should thank Susu, I only stopped for her sake. If she were not a member of the Lin Family, then I wouldn’t have talked with you, and you would have ended up like Lin Songhao.”

Qin Sheng’s words made Lin Changting feel painful. He turned to Lin Su and said, “Susu, I’m sorry. You’ve suffered so much for the family. I’m begging for your forgiveness.”

Lin Su didn’t say anything and her face was calm, with a neutral expression in her eyes. She was not sure whether her father was speaking out of his own will, or just acting in front of Qin Sheng for the benefit of the Lins.

Qin Sheng then turned to Yu Hong. “And you, Susu’s Senior Mom. You have a noble and elegant look, but are so evil inside. I’ll never forget how you treated Susu and me. I’m afraid you’ve hurt Susu a lot. To be honest, I really want to slap you in the face now.”

Qin Sheng’s final sentence scared Yu Hong, who immediately hid behind Lin Su and held her arm. “Susu, I’m sorry, I beg for your pardon. Please, let go of me. I’ll never treat you that way again.”

“And you, Lin Ze,” Qin Sheng sneered, “do you think I’ll let go of you just for your flattery? I hate you, you coward bastard. If you insisted on going against me, maybe I’d look up to your courage, but you don’t have it. If you took over the leadership of the Lin Family, then your family would be close to death. I know clearly what you’ve done with Yan Chaozong. If you weren’t Lin Su’s brother, I’d rather kill you, I never let go of my enemy. By the way, you’re the very son of your mother. I know how you bullied Susu over the years. If she were my younger sister, I’d rather spoil her. How dare you!”

Qin Sheng’s threatening words scared Lin Ze to fall down to the floor, at a loss. Lin Ze thought that a good attitude might win him a position at Qin Sheng’s side, but he was so wrong.

Qin Sheng then turned to Yu Ying, Lin Ze’s Small Aunt, and hummed. “Oh, and you, Small Aunt, what about you?”

Yu Ying’s face became pale the moment Qin Sheng looked at her, and her legs were shaky and she didn’t dare to say a word.

“Small Aunt, Small Aunt, what’s wrong with you? I remembered that you used to be so assertive, so arrogant when you insulted Susu and me. What’s your feeling toward me now?” Qin Sheng smirked.

Yu Ying held the sofa, lest she fall down like Lin Ze. Her voice was as shaky as her legs. “Q-Qin Sheng, I-I was so wrong. I’m apo-apologizing to Susu and you. S-sorry, can, can you let go of me? I-I-I will do, do anything, please...”

“Slap your face then. I’ll tell you when to stop.” Qin Sheng sneered.

But Yu Ying was even grateful for this easy punishment. She was relieved and slapped her own face without hesitation, making real and loud sounds.

Qin Sheng continued. He wanted to insult every one of them. He’d never, ever forget what he had experienced when he came here last time. He said that he would make the Lins pay the price, and he made them pay now.

Over the following half an hour, Qin Sheng threatened and insulted every one of them, making some of them even kowtow to beg for his forgiveness, or Lin Su’s, and some asked Lin Su for help.

Qin Sheng finished his task and took a deep sigh at the end. “This is the so-called Lin Family, the noble one with hundreds of years of history. Look what you’re doing now. Dull, dull, dull.”

He spoke with heavy sarcasm that no one of the whole Lin Family dared to protest.

After that, Qin Sheng took Lin Su and left the living room for the wing building, where Lin Su’s grandmother lived. He had something to say to the old lady.

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