Struggling as a Villain

Chapter 148: Chapter 147- Sudden visit(1)

"I warned you, Your Majesty." The heavy voice of the man wearing a white robe echoed in the room even though he calmly stated.

In the hall, several people were wearing similar attire as the man.

Those words were directed at the Emperor of Eldoria and the one who spoke those words was the Supreme Pontiff. The speaker being the Pope of the church, which links the Empire with God.

Lucius has been invited to the central east of Eldoria under the warning that his life is in danger. The Supreme Pontiff being the one who warned him, as such, the man didn't think twice before leaving the Capital.

After arriving here with his wives and some of his loyal confidants, Lucius has been living in secrecy ever since.

The reason why the Pontiff seemed furious, even though his face remained unchanged, was because of his prior warning which Lucius ignored.

The apostle of God informed that a Demon would descend upon Eldoria if Lucius didn't take care of the woman who goes by the name Bellarine.

And because of his ignorance, what the Supreme Pontiff feared turned out to be true.

"I warned you Lucius, but you paid no heed to my warning and allowed the evil worshippers to take shelter within your jurisdiction." The Pope added; his voice both cold and domineering.

Bennet, who was standing behind his lord, frowned hearing that tone directed at the Supreme Command. However, under Lucius' orders, he didn't move from his spot.

"Indeed you were right about Bellarine being involved with the other side. However, we cannot deny the fact that she cleaned the mess she caused."

The Pope's face turned grim, "And took the lives of hundreds of innocent beings in the process."

The atmosphere in the room grew heavy. The other church members, who had lost their fellow worshippers during the attack, were now looking at Lucius with faint killing intent.


Bennet, without going against his Lord's words, unsheathed his sword and planted it silently on the ground. Revealing his aura for the others to witness, the knight made it clear what the church workers could expect if they dared try to harm the Emperor.

The force of thirty or so men's aura was suppressed by a single knight's determination toward his duty.

Lucius didn't stop Bennet, given his Knight would remain restless otherwise.

The Supreme Pontiff's gaze never flickered; he was still awaiting a response.

Heaving a sigh, the blond man said, "Listen, Orion, I trust Bellarine, even though I know she was involved with the dark side. After all, no one can deny the fact that she is a prominent asset for Eldoria. And unless her existence is bringing disaster to my people, I won't be going against her."

The reason why Lucius decided to send Bellarine away was because the Supreme Pontiff had been nagging Lucius about her for the past two months. Her involvement with the matters relating to central administration was bringing excessive attention. That's why, to cool down both sides, he asked Bellarine to take control of a faraway land for the time being.

However, now there was no point in trying to make something impossible happen. From what Lucius could see, the Supreme Pontiff doesn't seem to have any intention of letting go of this matter.

"Mark my words, Lucius," He voiced, "One day, your blind trust in people and your belief in humans rather than the Supreme Ones will cause you dearly."

"I hope that's not a threat, Orion, " Lucius suggested.

The person in question didn't say anything any further and got up.

Turning around he left his final words before walking out,

"Nothing can save her and that scion of hers now from the wrath of the Supreme Ones."


A few days went by and Richard brought everyone back home to Scarlette's territory.

Being back home, his mother was able to take a good sleep and ended up sleeping until lunchtime.

Currently, Richard was inside the indoor gymnasium, the same one he brought down to cinders the first time he tried manipulating his flames.

Compared to that time, he could undoubtedly see the improvement in his control over flames and the strength behind his spells.

His physical endurance and natural capabilities have elevated drastically in these few months spent in the Endless Hold and also after fighting that Demon General.

As of now, his stats look like this,

[Name: Scarlette Richard]

[Race: Human, Elemental Ascended]

[Age: 16]

[Rank: B]

[Str: 92]

[Spd: 83]

[End: 84]

[Int: 42]

[Mgc: 2987]

[Luk: 54]

[Available stats: 00]

[Special skills: Burning, Hammering, Blacksmithing]

[Skills: Self-regeneration -> D+

Telekinesis-> B- {3000 Kilograms}

Barrier-> E {Three layers}

Enhancement-> A

Detection-> C- (700 meters)

[Spells: Fireball- D

Amber Arrow- D+

Hell Blaze- S

Flame Maze- C

Molten Platform- D-.

Perception Burst- B

Flood of Flames- A

Meteor Rush- B-]

[Inventory: Bo-staff: ???

Eternal Trident: ???]


His stats have improved quite a lot, and the most astonishing part was his self-regenerative skill and endurance, which has increased more than what Richard possessed when he was on that pill.

Coming back to his four fundamentals, then apart from Enhancement, everything else was disappointing. Someone who has reached B-rank to have only a detection level of C-?

Indeed quite disappointing.

About the Eternal Trident, then Richard could feel its existence somewhere. However, he didn't know how to summon it. And when he asked the system if the trident had sentience, the answer was a 'Yes'.

Now he has two guardians to defeat to gain control over the two legendary weapons.

Richard had a very bad premonition after this incident. A Demon General had descended upon Clion.

The white feathered Goddess wouldn't just sit in the heavens and let Richard roam free after what he has committed. Truth be told, Richard was nowhere near that stage where he could take even a single blow from those beings.

He needs to be strong enough to call himself the Apostle of the Death God.

One thing he has ascertained through several incidents that occurred recently; Zulcriz isn't against peace or something like that. He is not what people believe him to be. It's just the churches around the world have brainwashed them that the Dark Star is a curse in existence and the Lord of Death, their biggest nemesis.

Richard didn't have any intention of convincing people otherwise, since he knew how foolish that would be.

However, going against people blatantly who say that Sovereign of Darkness should be brought down would be idiotic as well. And if Richard doesn't do anything, the people from the church will continue to send people to harm him and the people around him.

'What to do...what to do...'

"Brother?!" Hearing Bella's voice, Richard casually turned around and found her staring at him in shock.

Richard looked around himself and found the reason for her concern.

Around him was a serpent of flames, with its fiery body wrapped around Richard protectively.

Richard broke his ether connection and the serpent dissolved into fragments before approaching her.

"You woke up? Was the bed comfortable?"

Bella smiled fondly. That smile alone would have shocked the legion members back on earth.

The only person who was allowed to see her different sides was him.

"It fortable. But I wanted to sleep with you..." Reuniting with her brother after so long, she wanted to spend as much time as she could. She even insisted on following him to the bath, which was instantly shot down by their mother.

"We are grown up now, Bella. We should sleep in our own beds, no?" Ruffling her hair fondly, to which she closed her eyes and purred, Richard softly rebuked.

Although Bella looked much older than how he remembered her to be the last time, she still was his cute little sister who couldn't tie her shoelaces on her own.

Bella wanted to say something about this difference that her brother had between Bellarine and Bella when suddenly, a familiar maid arrived,

"Young Master, "Turning towards the person, Richard found it was Violet standing there with her usual unreadable expression.

She informed, "Your Highness Nora has come to meet you."

Richard was surprised to hear that. He wasn't expecting to meet her all of a sudden, and especially outside the academy.

He nodded to the maid before asking Bella, "Can you wait for me at the dining table?"

Bella frowned and while holding his hand in concern she asked, "Why is she here?"

Richard sighed, "I think I know but unless I don't talk to her I can't be sure." Cupping her cheek fondly he said, "Go now. I will be back in a few minutes."

Bella didn't argue after that.

Richard made his way towards the reception area where the elven princess waited for him.

For some reason her sudden visit concerned him. He had a feeling why she might have come here, but he dearly wanted his hunch to be proven wrong.


A/N:- Thanks for reading.

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